Yulia Svetlichnaya
But all these efforts were in vain. Just as the “spectacular blonde” turned out to be dyed (her natural hair color is darkish blond), so the “effective head” of the Kharkov Regional State Administration has not shown herself to be anything other than senselessly burying the regional budget, frequent trips to foreign symposiums and capriciously pouting lips at endless meetings in the regional administration. In the end, after a fierce struggle for power in the region, Alexei Kuchera was appointed as the new head of the Kharkov Regional State Administration. And Svetlichnaya’s chances of jumping into the chair of Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council have greatly decreased, although they have not disappeared completely…
Tili-tili dough…
According to her biography, Yulia Svetlichnaya, at 35 years old, has never been married, did not even have her own “boyfriend”, she has no children, and no personal life at all. More precisely, her entire personal life was focused on her connection with Igor Rainin, about which she, of course, remains silent. Well, since we didn’t hold a candle to this, let’s call their relationship a business one, and Rainina her “business friend.” Which, by the way, does not negate the fact that all 14 years of Yulia Svetlichnaya’s career were built around Rainin and thanks only to Rainin – and in fact, Svetlichnaya was, as they say, on his payroll. Which is already becoming commonplace in modern Ukrainian politics.
Svetlichnaya Yulia Aleksandrovna was born on June 6, 1984 in the city… No, not at all in Kharkov, as indicated in her biographies, but in Volchansk, a regional center in the north of the Kharkov region, just 5 km from the border with Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). It is not known why Svetlichnaya (or her assistants) brought this confusion into her life, but it is useless to try to unearth her roots in Kharkov – where, of course, they do not exist. But they are very deep and strong in their native Volchansk. Her mother, Valentina Nikolaevna Svetlichnaya, has been in charge of the Labor Archive of the Volchansky District for many years, and in 2016 she became an adviser to the head of the Volchansky District State Administration, Vitaly Miroshnik, appointed under the patronage of Yulia Svetlichnaya and Igor Rainin, who then headed the Kharkov region together.

Vitaly Miroshnik
What her father, Svetlichny Alexander Yuryevich, does, can be found in open databases Skelet.Info So far it hasn’t been possible. And Yulia Svetlichnaya herself carefully hides her parents, and indeed all her close connections, from the public. Which, however, could not hide her more than close relationship with Igor Rainin, to whom she owes everything.
After graduating from high school, Yulia Svetlichnaya was sent by her parents to study at the Kharkov State University of Nutrition and Trade, where she received a diploma in international economics. And there she became closely acquainted with the Rainin family, in 2005 coming to work at their family company LLC Training, Research and Production Center “Labor Safety” (EDRPOU 22723182). This company has been around for a long time and still “feeds” from the Kharkov “Turboatom”, since its founder Lev Rainin is a long-time good friend of Alexey Logvinenko, a person who is directly related to both “Turboatom” and Arsen Avakov, and also patronized young Boris Lozhkin.
Here it is necessary to clarify: the staff of the National Scientific and Practical Center “Occupational Safety and Health” is very small, you can count it on your fingers, and all of them are your own – so Yulia Svetlichnaya was taken there not from the street, but as one of their acquaintances. Therefore, her acquaintance with the Rainins took place long before this. And here we can assume one option: either Igor Rainin, who then worked as deputy head of the Main Department of Economics of the Kharkov Regional State Administration, found a young student Yulenka at the University of Nutrition and Trade, or he knew her parents (mother, for example) from his position and only then brought them closer to him daughter
In 2006, Igor Rainin decided to bring Svetlichnaya even closer and took her to the Main Directorate of Economics of the Regional State Administration: at first she was a specialist in investment policy, and in 2007 Rainin appointed her head of the pricing policy department. A year later, Svetlichnaya became head of the department of entrepreneurship and market relations. Even then, according to the reviews of their friends, she showed herself not as the blonde from the jokes (and she, we repeat, is not a blonde), but as a very lively and savvy girl. However, skillfully working with papers and not reaching into her pocket for words, Svetlichnaya was too far from the real economy and from life in general – she belongs to that category of officials who can standing on the ruins with inspiration talk about the successes of Ukraine on the way to Europe. Namely, such officials are always in demand by changing regimes in the country.
In 2009, Svetlichnaya went to study at the National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine – which is considered a kind of “advanced training course” for local government officials (previously it was the Higher Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine). I went at the right time, because in 2010, after the change of power in the country, and then in the Kharkov Regional State Administration (where Avakov was replaced by Dobkin), Igor Rainin himself lost his chair, and until 2014 he worked as deputy director of Sintoflex LLC (USREOU 36815660).
What’s interesting is this: according to Svetlichnaya’s biography, she entered the National Academy of Management for graduate school – and this is 4 years of preparation, costing about $ 1,000 per year. After Rainin was fired from the Kharkov Regional State Administration, it was no longer possible to pay for Svetlichnaya’s education with government money. But the question is different: why did Svetlichnaya study for only 3 years, and not 4, and why did she never defend her candidate’s thesis – as is usually done after graduate school? Apparently, in 2012, something happened that forced Svetlichnaya to leave the academy and return to Kharkov, where she could no longer regain her job at the Regional State Administration, but was again assigned to one of the Rainin companies: it was Dornit LLC (EDRPOU 37191069 ). Dornit, like Syntoflex, were founded by Andrei Kryuchkov and Stanislav Skripai, both companies were registered at 2 Tsementnaya Street. According to sources Skelet.Infothese companies are part of the Rainin family business, and Kryuchkov and Skripay are the founders and managers of several other enterprises associated with the Rainins.
But then the second Maidan broke out, power changed in Ukraine – and the Rainins’ old friends and patrons came to her. On February 27, 2014, Arsen Avakov headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs (remaining in this post until now), and on June 10, Poroshenko appointed Boris Lozhkin as head of his Administration. Accordingly, in April 2014, Igor Rainin received the position of deputy head of the Kharkov Regional State Administration, and in November – the position of deputy head of the Presidential Administration. Then he repeated this cycle with a promotion: from February 3, 2015 to August 29, 2016, he worked as governor of the Kharkov region, and then was appointed head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine.
Yulia Svetlichnaya’s career immediately resumed. In April 2014, Rainin returned her to the Regional State Administration, appointing her director of the Department for Improving the Competitiveness of the Region. What this department did remains unknown: according to sources, it wasted budget money and grants for meaningless theoretical projects, most of which remained on paper.
Then, leaving for Kyiv in November 2014, to the Presidential Administration, Rainin handed over to Svetlichnaya his position as deputy head of the Kharkov Regional State Administration, and in 2015 he helped her lead the BPP faction in the regional council. In August 2016, having left for Kyiv for the second time, Rainin left his faithful friend in the Kharkov governorate.

When, in 2014, Rainin and Svetlichnaya began to appear in public hand in hand without any complexes, Kharkov residents for the first time suspected that there was more than just a business relationship between them. Then the details of their biographies were revealed, and it became known that Yulia Svetlichnaya and Igor Rainin have been together since at least 2005. And then in the summer of 2015, the “terrorist” hacker group CyberBerkut got into Rainin’s email and published a number of his letters. Including correspondence with Avakov (with a hint of corruption), and several letters from Svetlichnayain which we are talking about renting hotels and apartments for them “for the night.”
The reaction of Rainin and Svetlichnaya to these publications was sharp: they called it “Kremlin fakes,” recalling that CyberBerkut was declared “Russian information terrorists” in Ukraine. The site “057.ua,” which was the first to reprint the scandalous scans, was first attacked by the SBU, and then a DDoS attack was carried out. Svetlichnaya turned out to be more vindictive, and during her governorship, “057.ua” became a disgraced media outlet, which was visited several times by the tax and national police. And this despite the fact that Kharkov residents accepted the “office romance” of the region’s leaders, let’s say, with understanding – although not without some witticisms addressed to them. For example, in February 2016, someone sent out “Valentines” with images of Rainin and Svetlichnaya.

However, Kharkov feminists were much harsher in their assessments of the governor’s “image and morality.” In 2018 they called Svetlichnaya to resign, accusing her of “… spending her entire life in positions under Igor Rainin, starting with her first place of work – the research and production center “Labor Safety”. It discredits the very idea of the possibility of self-realization of an independent and strong woman who achieves results with her work and intellectual abilities, and not with her body.”
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Svetlichnaya Yulia: the story of the Kharkov ex-governor, kept woman. PART 2
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