Pavel Pavlyshin
General Director of the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant and deputy of the Rivne Regional Council Pavel Pavlyshin once again became involved in a scandalous situation, obscenely swearing at activists at a meeting of the Rivne Regional Council. This incident occurred on June 12.
According to the portal and current general director of the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant Pavel Pavlyshyn behaved too “emotionally” during the discussion of candidates for the post of director of the Rivne International Airport.
This is not the first case of boorish behavior by an official. Our editorial office received a letter from one of the employees of the Rivne NPP, which is headed by Pavel Yaremovich Pavlyshin. Since in Kuznetsovsk, where the nuclear power plant is located, there is practically no other work and this worker values work at the nuclear power plant, for obvious reasons, he asked to remain anonymous.
Here is what an employee of Rivne NPP writes:
“Pavel Yaremovich Pavlyshin is a very impudent, narcissistic and unceremonious person who is alien to decent upbringing and human values. He always communicates with his subordinates, and the staff of the Rivne NPP numbers about 8 thousand people, using obscene and obscene expressions, and does not consider the workers themselves to be people at all.”
Labor path
Pavel Pavlyshin began his career at the Rivne NPP as a simple engineer at reactor shop No. 2. In a short time, he took the position of Head of the Training Center (Training Center). Later he became deputy chief engineer for the operation of block No. 3.4 and, it would seem, the next position is either chief engineer or general director. However, the emergency situation that occurred at power unit No. 3 in 2009 slightly stopped his career growth and he was demoted again to the head of the Training Center (Training Center of the Rivne NPP).
But having joined the Party of Regions in time and enlisting the support of Yanukovych’s protege, Governor of Rivne region Vasily Bertash, he managed to resume his career advancement. And on June 12, 2012, Yuri Nedashkovsky introduced Pavel Pavlyshyn as the General Director of the Rivne NPP.
After his appointment to a leadership position, like all leaders of the Yanukovych era, he immediately entered the Rivne Regional Council on the lists of the Party of Regions.
An apple from an apple tree…

Evgeny Pavlyshin
Pavlyshyn tried to “pull” his son Evgeniy (popularly Zhenya Pavlyshin) into the parliament. But Pavel Yaremovich did not succeed, since voters in the city of Kuznetsovsk perceive the son of the general director as a local “king.” He owns a chain of shops in the city that sell cigarettes and, rumor has it, soft drugs. Also, recently, he has owned a chain of stores that sell low-alcohol drinks, sandwiches, coffee and tea. Pavlyshin Jr. drives a BMW sports convertible, and his father “solves complex issues” for him. It was Pavlyshin’s son who installed the only store on the territory of the recreation center ROC “White Lake”, which is on the balance sheet of the Rivne NPP. And thanks to his dad, the local tax office is delving into his entrepreneurial activity “not strongly enough.” The story of Zhenya Pavlyshin’s participation in the money laundering of Sergei Mavrodi’s MMM in 2011-2012 in Kuznetsovsk is also well known, when many defrauded investors were angry with Pavlyshin’s son and he didn’t even show up in the city for some time until his dad “hushed up” all his son’s affairs.
Everything acquired by “backbreaking labor”
It is known that after being appointed general director of the Rivne NPP, Mr. Pavlyshyn immediately replaced his old car with a JEEP SUV, and also built a three-story cottage. It is with the construction of this estate that several high-profile incidents are associated, which neither the nuclear power plant workers nor Pavlyshin himself really want to remember. According to the source, it was to this cottage that heating and water supply were carried out – at the expense of the Rivne NPP and by the workers of the nuclear plant. In the middle of the week during working hours, having crashed into the heating network of one of the workshops (Transport workshop) of the Rivne NPP, all the necessary communications were carried out to Pavlyshin’s house.
“A person who has 100-150 thousand US dollars available can afford to build such a cottage in Kuznetsovsk. Where did Pavel Yaremovich get so much money in 1 year? He is an employee of a state-owned enterprise, and the salary at the Rivne NPP is white. All taxes are paid from it and interest is deducted to the budget of Ukraine. Thus, the official salary of the general director is no more than 20 thousand UAH per month, and Pavel Yaremovich built a cottage and bought a car within just one year,” says an employee of the Rivne NPP.
Organizer of “titushki”
It is also reliably known that during the Euromaidan period, it was Pavel Pavlyshin who sent a whole bus, the so-called “titushki”, to Kyiv to participate in the Anti-Maidan. The number of people of athletic appearance included nuclear power plant workers who, while they were in Kyiv, were registered at work and received a salary. During these events, a bus from the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant burned down. After the victory of Euromaidan, many workers at the nuclear power plant hoped that all of Pavlyshin’s actions would not go unnoticed by the new government. However, he managed to “hush up” the case of the “burned bus of titushki”, which was on the balance sheet of the Rivne NPP. He also managed to avoid getting into a garbage container in the city of Rivne before a meeting of the regional council during the period of “garbage lustration.” Pavlyshyn was not thrown off balance by the fact that his name was on a kind of “alley of shame” in the city of Rivne, which was built by activists after the Euromaidan.
“Live in a new way”?
“To this day, although we have been “living in a new way” for more than a year, Pavel Yaremovich Pavlyshyn heads the Rivne NPP. In his speech, he uses obscene language towards any nuclear power plant employee. To be rude, scold or humiliate a person is not difficult for him and he does it without a twinge of conscience. In addition, it seems that he has perfectly integrated into the team of the pro-presidential BPP party (whether he joined Poroshenko’s party or not is unknown, but in the last elections he supported BPP member Vasyl Yanitsky, who was elected to the Verkhovna Rada in constituency No. 155 of the Rivne region),” – says the source.

Pavel Pavlyshin and Vladimir Tkachuk (center)
At the moment, Pavlyshin is bringing into his team former regionals who lost their positions after the change of power. Pavel Yaremovich employed former colleagues from the Party of Regions at the Rivne NPP: the ex-head of the Vladimiretsk district state administration Vladimir Tkachuk was employed as the director of the White Lake ROC; the director of SPTU No. 12 in the city of Kuznetsovsk (which is part of the Rivne NPP) since May 2015 is Tkachuk’s subordinate Yaroslav Berezyuk. Also, another deputy head of the Vladimiretsk district state administration of the Rivne region, Petr Vakulich, who works at the training center of VP RNPP, was not left without work. In turn, it is very difficult for young specialists who graduated from specialized universities to get a job at the Rivne NPP.
As the workers of the Rivne NPP note, “most likely, like all local ex-regionals, Pavlyshyn will not be lustrated and, therefore, there will be no order and legality at the Rivne NPP in the near future either.”