It seems that someone has cursed the chair of the director of the Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Ulan-Ude. Another director of the enterprise was detained again. This time – Dmitry Skakalin. He is suspected of abuse of power and commercial bribery. The court decided to imprison the suspect for two months in a pre-trial detention center.
At the same time, the Vodokanal team stood up for their leader. MUP employees recorded a video in which they addressed the head of Buryatia Alexey Tsydenov and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Alexander Bastrykin With request “to prevent arbitrariness.” Employees described Skakalin as a sensitive and caring leader who has significantly improved working conditions since the time of the disgraced Zhargal Tsybikov and closed the company’s debts. They also believe that he was not involved in anything criminal.

Few people paid attention, but in the first video the viewer does not see ordinary Vodokanal workers. A lot of women and intelligent-looking men came to the defense of their leader. Most likely, the video was recorded purely by employees of the enterprise administration, accounting department, and so on. Later, ordinary workers and foremen were involved in video activities. The delay is explained by the fact that workers could be forced to leave for fear of dismissal or deprivation of bonuses before the New Year.
Let us recall that in November 2023, the court in Ulan-Ude recognized guilty the former head of Vodokanal and ex-deputy of the City Council Zhargal Tsybikov for abuse of power, fraud and misappropriation of enterprise funds on a large scale. He was sentenced to six years in a general regime correctional colony and a fine of 310 thousand rubles. In addition, he was banned for three years from holding positions in state bodies and local governments related to the exercise of functions of a government representative.

Skakalin was appointed to the post of director of Vodokanal in 2022. Before his appointment, he worked as the chief engineer of Vodokanal under the leadership of Tsybikov. That is, he was the second person in the enterprise, who could not help but know about the affairs of his boss.
The Stepnoy Dozor telegram channel reported that the security forces became interested in Skakalin because he decided to carry out repairs at Vodokanal as quickly as possible and hired “his” contractor, bypassing the long auction procedure. The scheme looked like this: in December, the head of the municipal unitary enterprise renovated a certain warehouse, and held competitive bidding for two million rubles after the fact. The idea was that the company that was already renovating the facility would win the competition. Apparently this has been done more than once.

But unexpectedly another company won. As a result, Skakalin paid 100 thousand rubles to the director of the winning company so that he would fictitiously take on the entrepreneur who had already done the repairs as a subcontractor. The official could not help but know that such a thing would be severely punished. This is not even an abuse of power, but a specific fraudulent scheme. Could a person really take such a risk because of purely altruistic goals? Moreover, the former head of Vodokanal was recently imprisoned.