Vladislav Atroshenko
Why do the residents of Chernigov love their mayor Vladislav Atroshenko? The secret of his success is simple: if you want the people you robbed to respect and love you, give them buckwheat or repair the sidewalk! This is exactly how people’s deputies and mayors buy the votes of Ukrainians today, playing on their need and despair. But Atroshenko succeeded not only in this, he is one of the most famous “prostitutes” of Ukrainian politics: he passionately advocated for Yushchenko, then became a regional leader, presented a golden loaf to Yanukovych and voted for the “January 16 laws”, and then became no less ardent “powderbot”. It’s simply amazing why he is still not among the “servants of the people”! Maybe you haven’t found a suitable gift for Zelensky yet?
If you remember, in that scandalous and curious story with the golden loaf, at first for a long time they could not find its donor, and then the loaf itself (it was simply stolen by the “revolutionaries”), and only a year later did journalists find out that its author was the chairman of the supervisory board of “Khleb” Kyiv” Atroshenko (he himself denies this). However, paying too much attention to the gift itself and so much to the unusual way of sucking up to the president, we all forgot that he gave Yanukovych only one golden loaf – but he “baked” dozens of them for himself! And that the poorest regional center of the country is governed by one of the richest mayors in Ukraine…
Vladislav Atroshenko. Between the lines of the biography
Vladislav Anatolyevich Atroshenko was born on December 5, 1968 in Chernigov, into a very decent family: his mother, Tamara Ivanovna, was a teacher at Chernigov secondary school No. 16 (where her son studied), and his father, Anatoly Fedorovich, was an engineer at the Chernigov Radio Devices Plant (before 1994). They immediately took their son into the clutches of total upbringing, not allowing him to relax on the street with friends. This yielded results: Vladislav Atroshenko, as he himself admits, still lives under a strict regime and busy schedule, and he also graduated from school with a gold medal, which at that time was very difficult even for the son of a teacher. However, don’t consider him some kind of “nerd”! Judging by Atroshenko’s stormy biography, which you will now read, he is an erudite rogue and raider with criminal connections…
In 1986, he entered the Kharkov Aviation Institute (KhAI, now the Zhukovsky National Aerospace University), where an incomprehensible funny thing happened to him. Although the institute had one of the best military departments in the USSR (a separate academic building, a small training airfield with airplanes), for some reason, in his second year, excellent student Atroshenko was suddenly forced into the army. He himself assures that he went to the military registration and enlistment office voluntarily – did he really take it like that, quit his studies, upset his father and mother? Apparently, he still isn’t saying something! For example, where exactly did he study – in Kharkov on a full-time basis or in Chernigov on a part-time basis? This is not at all a formality, as it seems.
After the army, Atroshenko had to start his second year all over again, so he graduated from KhAI only in 1994, but with honors in the specialty “automatic control systems for aircraft.” Which by that time he no longer particularly needed, because Vladislav Atroshenko had by that time gone into business. There is one curious point in his biography: in 1993, Atroshenko worked as an economist in the currency transactions department of the Chernigov branch of the INKO joint-stock bank. It sounds completely innocent if you don’t ask some questions. For example, what about his studies at KhAI? It is obvious that he studied in absentia, at home in Chernigov. This means that in his free time from studying he earned his daily bread. But judging by the fact that Atroshenko began officially working only in 1993, and before that he was doing “this and that” for three years (after the army). In principle, there is nothing wrong with this either, but here is the second question: how did a part-time student of the KhAI engineering course manage to become an economist at a commercial bank? Moreover, in the most “fat” and “thieves” department at that time – in the foreign exchange department!
First, let’s try to find the answer in similar biographies of other Ukrainian “figures”, of which I have collected a wonderful collection Skelet.Info. For example, banker Andrei Onistrat, whose career began in 1994, also in the foreign exchange department of the INKO bank, where he came straight from the exchange stall of the Kyiv “lads”. Onistrat also did not have any economic education at that time (he received it only in 2002), but this was not required to work at the INCO currency bank. Having worked until 1996 and burst loudly, INCO (meaning the Ukrainian part of this Moscow bank) gained a reputation for being super-corrupt and willingly collaborated with organized crime groups. Future oligarchs ran their schemes through it, and bandits laundered money there and exchanged currency on an especially large scale, putting their people in the currency departments of its branches. Andrei Onistrat was such a person – and it is very possible that Vladislav Atroshenko was such a person!
However, in his biography there is one more subtle but important point: in 1993-94. Atroshenko established a certain “multi-profile” enterprise, which was part of the UKrSibIkor corporation. She was created in the early 90s by corrupt officials of the regional committee and city executive committee of Kharkov, it began as the “Ukrainian-Siberian Exchange”, through which sugar and butter were exported from Kharkov warehouses (when there was a terrible shortage and these products were on coupons). Its first president was Oleg Taranov, the father-in-law of Evgeny Muraev, Evgeny Kushnarev, Alexander Maselsky and his son-in-law Alexander Yaroslavsky, Oleg Demin and others were associated with it. Many enterprises then joined the UKrSibIkor corporation, but only those that had at least something that meant within the framework of large and medium-sized businesses. What could a part-time student Vladislav Atroshenko have established then? Why didn’t he say what kind of enterprise it was, why didn’t he develop it, but went to work for others? And why did he work as an economist at the INKO bank, and not at the then already created UkrSibBank, which would have been more logical? Now you understand how much he hides behind the meager lines of his biography!
Governor friends
Atroshenko’s secret is also his family’s long-standing friendly relations with Nikolai Butko, whom some sources Skelet.Info they even called him a distant relative. It is not difficult to discover their connection: in 1982-85. Butko worked as deputy director and party organizer of the Chernigov Radio Devices Plant, where he met engineer Anatoly Atroshenko, father of Vladislav Atroshenko. And from 1989 to 1994, Butko was the general director of this plant, which he surrounded with “cooperatives”, brought to the brink and almost ruined it completely. It is noteworthy that in 1994, together with Butko, Anatoly Atroshenko left the plant, and left Chernigov all the way to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where he worked until 2008. But Butko was then elected to the regional council, worked there in leadership positions, and in 1999 became the head of the Chernigov Regional State Administration. One of the worst in its history – and was fired from his position in 2002 after a scandal involving the theft of money allocated for the reconstruction of Baturyn. According to information from a number of sources Skelet.Info, Butko acted as the patron of Vladislav Atroshenko: first he pulled the son of his old friend out of the foreign exchange office and gangster business, added him to his enterprises, then put him in charge of the agrarian and fuel business.

Nikolay Butko
And so in 1994, having thrown the diploma he had received on the shelf and leaving his mysterious “multi-profile” enterprise, Atroshenko received the position of financial director at CJSC Peasant Trading House AGRO. It is curious that enterprises with exactly the same names have been operating in neighboring regions of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) since the 90s, so it is possible that they were all connected. Then, in 1995, he became financial director and then deputy general director of Falcon CJSC (established in 1993, closed in 2005). Finally, in 1998, Atroshenko became the chairman of the board of CJSC Agroenergopostach (USREOU 24840897), which was also closed in 2005, simultaneously with CJSC Falcon, which is hardly a coincidence. But the eponymous LLC Brokerage Office Agroenergopostach (31188925), in which Atroshenko is a beneficiary, continues to operate.
According to sources Skelet.InfoCJSC Agroenergopostach successfully made money by supplying fuel and fertilizers at exorbitant prices to struggling Angaria residents in exchange for their harvest, which was then profitably sold to traders.
Having the patronage of the governor, it was quite easy to do this, and their competitors did not interfere with them. Vladislav Atroshenko not only rose well from this, from this enterprise he started his own large agribusiness, and also made himself an image of an expert in fuel schemes. Of course, people at that time were involved in fuel on a much larger scale than Atroshenko, but he knew how to present himself. In the spring of 2002, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada in the 207th majoritarian district, and immediately became involved with Prime Minister Anatoly Kinakh, who then needed his people in parliament. And Atroshenko, having promised Kinakh support, became an adviser to the president of the USPP (Kinakh also held this post) on issues of the fuel and energy complex.

Valery Kulich
And it was in CJSC Agroenergopostach that Atroshenko found an irreplaceable friend and companion – Valery Kulich, the future governor of the Chernihiv region (in 2015-2018). Kulich came to Agroenergopostach in 1999, was appointed its director, and immediately worked closely with the chairman of the board.
Already in 2000, Kulich and Vladislav Atroshenko created their first joint company – the private enterprise “Trading House “Saturn” (USREOU 31237165), with an authorized capital of only 100 hryvnia. However, it has been successfully cultivating oilseed crops for 20 years (turning the Chernihiv region into a desert), and its director Mikhail Bondar ran for the regional council on the BPP list in 2015.
Dmitry Chernigovsky, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Atroshenko Vladislav: Chernigov “baker” of golden loaves. PART 2
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