Viktor Dubovik (Viktor Borisovich Dubovik)
Readers said that it turns out to be some kind of Anti-Raiding Office under the Ministry of Justice, headed by someone Viktor Viktorovich Dubovik. As it turned out, the son of our longtime character, Viktor Borisovich Dubovik, writes the ORD.
Dubovik Jr., as it turned out, has the same dumb biography as his dad, a police lieutenant general and a great friend of Alexander Yakimenko, who is now appointed head of the Kherson Department of the FSB. The same Yakymenko, who was once the head of the SBU and became famous not only for his impenetrable stupidity, but also for the fact that he rebuilt his office into a natural brothel.
How tenacious all these Donetsk corrupt officials are. And they breed.
A little about the younger Dubovik.
“Everyone knows that since September 18, 2020, the head of the Anti-Raiding Office of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has been Viktor Viktorovich Dubovik. In a former lawyer, if you believe the articles on the Internet by a specialist in countering raiding, but these articles are just an artificially created information environment for a simple layman – all the more so for your own advertising you can never feel sorry for funds and friends you can ask.
But none of these informational articles mention Viktor's membership in the governing bodies of the Union of Youth of the Regions of Ukraine – this is the youth wing of the Party of Regions. He essentially acquired such membership while studying at the Donetsk National University. In principle, it's okay, but this is the Party of Regions – that is, Viktor is a young regional. The participation of this youth wing of the Party of Regions in Anti-Maidan and separatist actions is known to all. Therefore, doubts about Victor's affiliation and political views can be rejected… all the more so, this norm itself was then for the Donbass, but this wing, as it turned out, collaborated with the FSB.
Victor Dubovik (Viktor Viktorovich Dubovik)
“Yuri Vishnevsky is an ordinary corrupt official from the Ministry of Justice – Deputy Head of the Department of Executive Service – collects bribes from heads of regional divisions, illegally sells the property of state enterprises, removes arrests in order to sell the seized property, and much more. In short, routine work!!!
And in March 2021 of this year, his acquaintances raiders turned to Vishnevsky with a question to remove the arrests from the arrested plots with a total area of 7 hectares in the village of Kozin along Starokievsoky Street, owned since 2015 by citizen Samusev Nikita Sergeevich. It is clear that Vishnevsky helped the raiders steal these plots from Samusev for unlawful profit – Vladislav Kushnirenko, an employee of the Buchansk Executive, on his command, through the head of the Buchansk Executive Mazur A.V., whose husband works in the Department of Internal Affairs under the wing of Vishnevsky, lifted the arrests, which made it possible to re-register the plots and break them down into many smaller ones.
In general, the standard scheme implemented by the raiders, along with state executors. But what happened next can have a serious development and serve as a kind of “butterfly wing” for very respectable and high officials of the Ministry!
Yes, trouble happened to comrade Nikita Samusev, you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy – more than one million dollars were raided. But it doesn’t matter, there is an “anti-raider commission” in the Ministry of Justice, which, according to the Minister of Justice Denis Malyuska and his deputy Olga Onishchuk, immediately protects the rights of citizens violated by the raiders. It’s true, there is a problem with “instantly” – you need to “go in” through the “correct office” so that the complaint is not kicked out at all or not shelved.
There are several such “offices”. For example, the law firm Vokhv. It is noteworthy that her former partner, Viktor Dubovik, is now working as the Head of the Office for Counteracting Raiding of the Ministry of Justice. He did not stop his business – communication with the director of “Volkhv” – Alexander Navalnev. A good “office”, but there are better ones.
Meet: Alla Tsymanovskaya – lawyer at Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm – she was the main one who decided the Deputy Minister of Justice Olga Onischuk on issues of “anti-raider commissions.
“On the advice of friends”, Samusev, robbed by raiders, in order to return his property through the Commission of the Ministry of Justice, came to Alla Tsymanovskaya. Alla very quickly agreed with Olga Onischuk on the price of the issue – not a lot, not a little – 160 thousand dollars!!! Samusev did not expect such a turn of events, when he had to pay such a price for his property, which was essentially stolen by raiders!!! If you don't pay, then the lady deputy minister will leave your land to the raiders. That's it!
Accordingly, the desperate Samusev did not find anything else but to write an application against Alla Tsymanovskaya to the State Bureau of Investigation. But Alla turned out to be talkative, and told (probably to fill her own worth) all the layouts and the “table of division of the Ministry of Justice”: how much goes to the Minister, how much Onishchuk, how much to Dubovik and lower fry. And also, having completely “lost fear and scent”, the lawyer revealed to law enforcement officers how the whole secret mechanism for obtaining money by the Anti-Raider Commission works. The dealers had everything perfected – taking a bribe, synchronous actions of the victim with filing a complaint, registering it and setting a date, and even writing a speech at a meeting.
It is noteworthy that this mechanism was so carefully developed by the director of the anti-raider office – V. Dubovik, which, by the way, he was very proud of while drinking in a narrow circle of “companions from the Ministry”. By the way, Dubovik is a former policeman, moreover, hereditary – his father is a Donetsk policeman – Vikor Dubovik was the deputy of the fugitive Zakharchenko during the “Revolution of Dignity”. For the purpose of “counter-surveillance” from law enforcement agencies, as well as control over subordinates, Dubovik equipped everything with operational equipment. He regularly turned on notes to Olga Onishchuk in order to merge one of his colleagues, which worked out for the Deputy Minister “paranoia that we are being watched”, which made her subordinates very amused.
But we digress… On April 22, 2021, in her white Mercedes, Alla Tsymanovskaya was detained by employees of the DBR “red-handed” while receiving a bribe in the amount of the same 160 thousand dollars. for leaders of the Ministry of Justice. Bingo!!! Money was confiscated from her, telephones with correspondence, draft notes, and much more.
So, the valiant employees of the State Bureau of Investigation documented everyone – including the highest officials of the Ministry. And these records will soon “crawl”, and we very much hope that they will be used as evidence in criminal proceedings against an organized criminal group from among the leaders of the Ministry of Justice, and not as a pretext for another scandal of officials. In the interests of the investigation, we cannot disclose the details of the case, since the collection of evidence is still in the active phase.
Ukrainian Observer
By the way, I wonder if the elder Dubovik is still in Kyiv? Or is he already waiting for a “position” in the occupied territory? Or in a rashka? Although, this is unlikely. “Feeding” is easier in Ukraine. Moreover, having around him a ring of like-minded people, like the famous swindler Bytsai.
Recall Dubovik Sr.
“The “Donetsk” ones have not yet died out on Ukrainian soil. They crawl out of earth cracks, crawl to Kyiv in an endless chain of cockroaches. Where they crawl, where they gather in shoals and fly over impassable Ukrainian roads, frozen Hyundais, buzz, fly… so the sky turns black and the day turns into night. Future ministers and deputy ministers buzz in a bass voice, a little thinner – a smaller bastard, and very thinly – former cleaners and prostitutes from mining villages, expecting great and rich favors from Kyiv.
It would seem that there are no “fat” places in Kyiv, wherever you spit, you will end up in Donetsk. The President is from Donetsk, and his sons are from Donetsk. The speaker is from Donetsk, the prime minister, although fossilized, is still from Donetsk. The head of the SBU is from Donetsk, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is from Donetsk, the prosecutor general and his funny first deputy are also from Donetsk, the former head of the tax department, and now the head of the Ministry of Health, is just super what a Donetsk, just like the second prime minister with the strange nickname Buzya. Yes, what is there to list, bureaucratic people from young to old suddenly turned from ordinary rednecks into Donetsk rednecks.
Forecasters say that this is due to the global disgust of the earth, zoologists say that this is a rare phenomenon – the dying migration of upright seed-eating primates and it occurs only once every thousand years, right after the End of the World according to the Mayan calendar. This is me to the fact that today Viktor Yanukovych appointed Viktor Dubovik, former head of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs in the Donetsk region, as First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.
Not much is known about the new upright seed-eating. According to the official, and not the fact that the truthful version, “Viktor Dubovik was born on December 26, 1962 in Torez, Donetsk region. The new head of the head office has a higher legal education – in 1997 he graduated from the Ukrainian Law Academy named after M. Yaroslav the Wise. In the period from 1980 to 1990, he served in the Armed Forces: from a cadet of the Kyiv Higher Command School to the commander of a reconnaissance company of a military unit. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1990 as an operative of the CID of the Torez city department of internal affairs. From 1995 to 1998, he held the positions of the head of the OBNON of the Torez city department, the head of the Zhovtnevoy RO of the Mariupol State University, and the head of the Yasinovatsky city department. Subsequently, he held the positions of the head of the OBNON of the Torez city department, the head of the Zhovtnevy RO of the Mariupol State University, and the head of the Yasinovatsky city department. For the last five years, he was in charge of the Donetsk city police department. Participated in the suppression of the protests of Donetsk disabled people, during which the miner Gennady Konoplev was killed.
Long work in OBNON is also hardly a good recommendation.
Friends the current head of the SBU, Yakymenko, with whom he worked together in Donetsk. Yakimenko has a better car, though.
Head of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region Oleksandr Yakimenko travels in a Toyota Land Cruiser, the cost of which starts from $86,990.
The car of the head of the regional department of the SBU has “cool numbers” – AN 0777 NS.
Donbass News Photo
Viktor Dubovik, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, drives a Volkswagen car similar to the Touareg (cost from $69,020) or Tiguan (cost from $30,400).
They left the meeting in such cars today collegium of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, at which the chairman of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Andriy Shishatsky set the task for the security forces to close all gaming salons in the Donetsk region before the New Year.
Evil tongues, however, claim that this is the cheapest car from the Dubovik park .
Judging by the interview in the press, Dubovik lies easily and naturally. For example, about the 100% resolution of murders.
“Viktor Dubovik:“ Forget that Donetsk is a gangster city”
The head of the Donetsk police spoke about English lessons, “video eyes » in the city and bank robbers
—Is it justified that Donetsk is still called the city of crime?
– It has long been necessary to forget the myth that “Donetsk is a gangster city.” Not a single unsolved murder remained in 2009! And there were 60 of them. This is the first such figure in the last 20 years. Compare: in 2008, 89 murders were committed, only seven were not solved, and in 2007 – 83 and 10, respectively… Seriously, in comparison with previous years, the indicators of the detection of robberies have also increased.
—What about organized criminal groups? Are there any in the city?
– Over the past two years, we have neutralized two organized crime groups, which account for more than a hundred crimes (robbery, robbery, theft). We had serial thefts of expensive cars. A group from Kyiv operated in Donetsk. We worked on their development for a long time, and as a result, all members of these groups were detained. Now we are hard at work on a group that trades in bank robberies, and I am sure that we will liquidate it soon. And we no longer have serial crimes.
—What are the plans of the Donetsk police?
– First of all, preparation for the European Football Championship in 2012. To do this, we have already traveled to some EU countries – there we saw the technique of mounted police actions during mass riots. Now our cavalry patrol platoon consists of 14 horses. We have also developed a guide for police officers on learning English. There are many questions that will help us understand a foreigner: “What did you miss?”, “When did this happen?” and so on.
— Any other know-how by 2012?
— We are going to expand the Safe City video surveillance system. Now it operates near the Donbass Arena, and since April 15 – in the park named after. Shcherbakov. Police officers, being at special video surveillance posts, will be able to control these areas and, if necessary, promptly send squads to the crime scene. We also want to create a single order management center. After all, now we have scattered duty units of the traffic police, GSO and patrol service.
Name: Viktor Dubovik
Born:12/26/1962 in the city of Torez, Donetsk region
In 1997 he graduated from the Ukrainian Law Academy named after Y. the Wise. Since 2000 – head of the criminal police of the Leninsky regional department of the Donetsk city administration. Since October 2005, he has been in charge of the Donetsk city police department, deputy. head of the GUMVS of Ukraine in the Donetsk region.»
In this interview, Dubovik forgot to add that his main “achievement”, for which, in fact, he was promoted to Kyiv, was the beating in Donetsk by the police of opponents of the construction of a VIP high-rise, the Mako company owned by the son of Viktor Yanukovych, nicknamed “Stomatologist”.
Dubovik has a very difficult relationship with the former “master of the Donetsk police” Nikolai Kupyansky and Alexander Prosolov. We don't know the details. On the ORD forum, someone once wrote: » Dubovik, while still working in the Leninsky Regional District of Donetsk, ratted money from colleagues, telling a sad story of how he was robbed by unknown people, breaking the doors of his office, then the safe on the day of the police. Rubbish, in short.» And this: “They say that Dubovik is not particularly distant, just like Vasya grazing behind his own, asks what the personnel say about him.” Not a fact, maybe they are slandering. In his position, Dubovik after Chernykh will, of course, look comical. But… now on Bogomolets and everything is like in a circus. You can't make it worse, even better.»
It's sad to re-read all this. All these ghouls for a long time stole as best they could, corrupted, robbed everything, including the army. Some later became outright traitors, like the glamorous half-fag Zakharchenko or the bastard Yakimenko. And the rest here… What are they doing? Hardly have changed much. Do they keep in touch with traitors? An interesting question.
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