Victor Nusenkis: a false Greek oligarch at the head of an Orthodox thieves’ corporation. Part 1
Christ’s apostles would be very surprised at how the current Ukrainian oligarchs manage not only to crawl into the Kingdom of Heaven through the eye of a needle, but also to open their offices and offshore companies there. For a quarter of a century, Victor Nusenkis has been managing to be baptized into icons and donate to churches with one hand, and with the other to rob the state and squeeze the last juice out of his workers. However, he did not even build churches and chapels to atone for his many sins…
Lying “righteous man” Victor Nusenkis
One of the Ten Commandments, equally sacred for both Christians and Jews, says: do not bear false witness! Dante reserved for liars in his “Hell” the eighth circle, the most terrible, worse than only the fate of Judas Iscariot. And it is unlikely that such an educated and deeply religious person as Viktor Leonidovich Nusenkis does not know about this. However, he deliberately and publicly lies every time he calls himself “Greek Orthodox.” No, there is no doubt about his fanatical commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). However, Nusenkis is not Greek.
He was born on March 3, 1954 in the city of Stalino (now Donetsk), in the family of Leonid Isaakovich Nusenkis and his wife Bella Markovna. At first, the parents wanted to name their son Aaron, but the persecution of the “Zionists” (late 40s) was still fresh in their memory, so they decided to play it safe. The son was named with the “neutral” name Victor, which, in combination with the old Northern Russian surname Nusenkis (of Novgorod-Scandinavian origin), was supposed to completely hide his “unreliable” origin. And yet you can’t hide your appearance behind your surname, and therefore, even at school, little Vitya Nusenkis began to call himself an Azov Greek – however, not at all resembling him.
But, according to data Skelet.Infohis classmates “pecked” him not for his origin (who was there in the school of international Donetsk), but for his character. Eternally attached to his parents, who overprotect their only son, the weak-willed boy waved his fists only after a fight, and only mentally. And then the boy grew into a young man who still had a lot of complexes that have not gone away to this day, already at the age of a “silver” beard. Acquaintances characterize Victor Nusenkis as follows: an odious person with a very lively mind, is overly carried away by his ideas (and explodes if contradicted), considers himself always right and loves to teach others, treats his employees with disdain (on the verge of misanthropy), fears attacks and everywhere appears only when surrounded by numerous guards.
The second time Viktor Nusenkis lied about his origin was at the age of 23, when he graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute and got a job as a surveyor at the Batov mine (Makeevka). When filling out the questionnaire, he again called himself a Greek – purely mechanically, out of habit. Without attaching any importance to this, he harnessed himself to work and a few years later rose to the rank of head of the tunneling section, receiving a red flag and a certificate of honor at a socialist competition. And here his surname, which no one perceived as Russian, appeared before the eyes of the First Deputy Minister of Coal Industry of the Ukrainian SSR Nikolai Surgai, an ethnic Greek. After reading the leader’s profile, Surgai was delighted and decided to meet with a fellow leader.

Nikolay Surgai
Nusenkis did not disappoint the deputy minister and admit that he was called a Greek only for “conspiracy.” On the contrary, having realized the possible prospects, he told Surgai three stories about his supposed Greek origin. And noticing that the deputy minister respects Orthodox culture, he also called himself a baptized believer. And he was not mistaken in his calculations: soon after a sincere conversation with the minister, Nusenkis was appointed chief engineer and they began to treat him as a favorite of the big bosses. And in 1985, Viktor Nusenkis became the youngest mine director in the USSR – heading Zhdanovskaya (in the city of Zhdanovka). The appointment turned out to be very timely: a year later the “perestroika” personnel shake-up began in the USSR, young specialists were appointed to leadership positions, and Nusenkis harmoniously fit into this wave – although, we repeat, he received his position before “perestroika”.
However, there is another version of his career takeoff: as the leader of the independent miners’ trade union, Mikhail Volynets, claimed, Nusenkis married either his own daughter or the niece of the then first secretary of the Donetsk city committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Vasily Mironov (died in 1988). However, their family ties were never advertised, and after that they were completely forgotten. It is possible that the second version is not a “miner’s tale”, and therefore young Victor Nusenkis had support from both his father-in-law and the deputy minister.

Memorial plaque to Vasily Mironov
The new director of Zhdanovskaya looked more than “democratic” at that time: instead of a formal suit, Nusenkis preferred jeans and sneakers. The media later wrote that the workers wanted to donate to the “poor” director for a “three”, as if they did not understand that his “outfit” was the highest fashion and cost as much as three suits. The miners had high hopes for the young boss, and at first he seemed to justify them, although no one noticed that by giving a ruble to his workers, Nusenkis was putting ten in his pocket.
The new director’s thoughts were not occupied with re-equipping the mine or increasing production, but with commercial projects. Using the support of Nikolai Surgai, who held the position in 1985-87. position of Minister of Coal Industry, Nusenkis immediately achieved three important permissions: the withdrawal of the mine from the subordination of the Artemugol management, permission to independently sell coal, and the appointment of himself to the parallel position of chairman of the executive committee of Zhdanovka. It is worth noting that after his resignation in 1987, Surgai was demoted to general director of Donetskgosuleprom, that is, he actually became Nusenkis’s immediate superior and continued to provide him with his patronage – and, according to rumors, to participate in his commercial projects.
These projects started working just in 1987. Firstly, Zhdanovskaya began selling coal abroad (to the “brotherly” countries of the socialist camp), and imported it back through barter

Gennady Vasiliev
scarce goods, including export-made VAZ cars. Some of these cars were sold to miners – who were in seventh heaven and could carry their director in their arms if he allowed himself to be touched. The other part, through barter schemes, ended up with the “right people,” including the regional authorities and the prosecutor’s office. It was then that Nusenkis made his first close acquaintance with his future business partner Gennady Vasiliev.
Secondly, in the same year, Nusenkis and some unnamed partners created the joint venture “Gornyak”, which, according to media information, was engaged in harvesting Siberian timber for the mines of the Donetsk region – bringing in 100 thousand rubles in profit per month! However, joint (Soviet-foreign) enterprises were then created for export-import operations, that is, the main activity of Gornyak was not the transportation of fasteners from Tyumen to Zhdanovka. It is possible that the export of coal and the import of consumer goods was carried out through this joint venture.
However, Nusenkis, together with Efim Zvyagilsky and a number of directors of Donetsk mines, under the cover of Nikolai Surgai, carried out another scam on an all-Union scale. First, they achieved an increase in state subsidies for mined Donetsk coal (for the same purpose they organized miners’ strikes in 1989), and then, through the system of cooperatives and joint ventures, they began to purchase and import cheap coal from Kuzbass – which was then registered as mined in Donetsk mines, and received at him money from the budget. It was reported that the director of “Zasyadko” Zvyagilsky was especially keen on this – this is how he provided his mine with record “production” and huge government subsidies. This scheme worked until the mid-90s, bringing enormous profits to the “coal mafia,” and then was revived in the 21st century – with the direct participation of Victor Nusenkis.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Victor Nusenkis: false Greek oligarch at the head of an Orthodox thieves’ corporation. Part 2
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