Despite an impressive resume, Excellent medalist, PhD in Economics, experience in private banks and regional governments — Vinogradov was initially unable to achieve success as Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment of Buryatia, and now as Deputy Prime Minister of Komi for Investment.
It was Vinogradov who was tasked by the head of Komi with increasing the region's investment portfolio to 300 billion rubles in 2023. Over the course of a year, he managed to find only 15 projects, the total cost of which is 243.4 billion rubles. But the overwhelming majority of this amount falls on one project – the Pizhemskoye titanium deposit, which is in its infancy. Situation identical the one that had previously occurred in Buryatia and had in fact led to Vinogradov’s shameful escape from the republic.
Nevertheless, the head of Komi, Uyba, decided to promote Vinogradov to second first vice-premier (there is already one such in Komi), which caused bewilderment and opposition from local elites. Here, it is worth giving credit to Komi politicians, because in Buryatia the elites are much more obedient. Deputies of the Komi parliament, including members of the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) faction (three abstained, four were absent from the session), refused to approve Vinogradov in the new position, which most likely already indicates a split in the regional elites and problems in Uyba's team.
Vinogradov's story is a shining example of how connections and patronage from the federal government can advance an official's career without any real achievements. Seriously, a gold school medal and a college degree can't be considered as such. His sudden appearance in the governments of Buryatia and Komi, rapid promotions, loud promises of investment miracles, and work in a senior position at the global auditing firm KPMG raise many questions.
Vinogradov's patrons are clearly very influential. But even taking this into account, the official cannot stay in one place for long; he is disposed of one way or another, and without any unnecessary problems. Or maybe this whole story is one big hoax by the storyteller Vinogradov? And there was no KPMG in reality, and the “patron” lives only in the heads of timid officials? Then all that remains for Vinogradov to do is applaud: to fool regional authorities like that, you really need to have talent. Such an actor has been lost.

But in any case, the residents of Komi can hardly expect an improvement in the economic situation with the arrival of the “outsider”. The experience of Buryatia shows that he is prone to ill-considered decisions and unfulfilled promises. And given the upcoming elections for the head of Komi, Uyba's personnel experiments may cost him the support of the elites and voters.