CONTINUATION. START: Oleg Valendyuk. Dusty skeletons from the closet of a silent SBU officer. PART 1
Let us note that when the financial history of Larisa Valendyuk surfaced for everyone to see and it was suggested that she was laundering the income of her sons, her husband even tried to justify himself by writing a letter to journalists, where he tried to explain that he also invested in the above-mentioned apartments, and he himself has been working as an entrepreneur for 25 years .
True, no one believed him. Today, Valendyuk Sr. is a co-owner of a number of companies and controls the Mogilev-Podolsk Machine-Building Plant.
Prize from Pshonka. At the height of the confrontation on Maidan, Valendyuk received an award from the then Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka. The day before the execution of the Heavenly Hundred, he was awarded a cash prize “for active participation in resolving pressing issues of prosecutorial activity in the difficult situation that arose in Ukraine in connection with mass protests.” Valendyuk himself later stated that Pshonka had given him the prize – he allegedly didn’t know, and even if he had known, he would have taken it anyway; money doesn’t smell and probably doesn’t stick, even though it was earned in blood.
Lustration. On October 15, 2014, the day the lustration law came into force, Valendyuk sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to find out whether he was eligible for dismissal. The very next day the GPU reported – yes. . On October 17, Valendyuk filed a lawsuit with the District Administrative Court of Kyiv with a request to prohibit his dismissal. And the very next working day, October 20, a court decision appeared – to prohibit the Prosecutor General’s Office from releasing prosecutor Valendyuk from his position.
It is worth noting that Judge Danylyshyn saved the prosecutor. Interestingly, he himself is subject to lustration.
It is known that Valendyuk belongs to the so-called “shadow” wing of the GPU, which is supervised by the people’s deputy from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, Alexander Granovsky. It was the parliamentarian who in the spring of last year ensured that Valendyuk became the acting prosecutor of the capital. In return, the Kiev prosecutor’s office showed loyalty to the interests of Alexander Granovsky, especially in his showdowns around the Sku Mall shopping center.
As blogger Sergei Ivanov wrote, Valendyuk in Kyiv received the military work of the former deputy Prosecutor General Alexey Baganets. Having reached the prosecutor’s chair in the capital, our hero began to protect especially important people. In the conflict between the founders of the Sky Mall shopping and entertainment complex, the prosecutor took the position of businessman Andrei Adamovsky, who refused to sell his share to another founder, Hillar Teder, for $51 million, allegedly under the terms of a call option, which was specified in the terms of the agreement between the founders. In this case, Oleg Valendyuk was involved in helping a businessman cheat his partner through the local courts.
It is known that the odious Crimean corrupt tax official Kondrashov and Igor put in their word for the appointment of Valendyuk as the Crimean prosecutor.
Oleg Valendyuk is also accused of falsifying cases against the media. So, our hero poked his nose into the case against the editor-in-chief of the Strana portal, Igor Guzhva.
“The fact is that Valendyuk, a native of the Vinnytsia region, has long had a reputation in narrow circles as a guarantor for Bankova’s particularly scrupulous orders. In particular, as sources say Skelet.Info in judicial circles, he often entered into extra-procedural contact with the servants of Themis, setting tasks for making decisions beneficial to the Presidential Administration. In particular, according to Strana, it was Valendyuk who put pressure on judges in Kyiv in criminal cases, who were fabricated against the editor-in-chief of our publication Igor Guzhva”– note the publication’s journalists.
It is also worth mentioning that in the recent past, under Yanukovych, prosecutor Valendyuk helped Viktor Pshonka “squeeze” Krivorozhstal from Rinat Akhmetov and the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant from Viktor Pinchuk.
In 2014, Valendyuk played a huge role in obtaining a plot of land in Obolon for the construction of a new store by ex-regional governor Alexander Gerega and his wife, ex-secretary of the Kiev City Council Galina Gerega, owners of the Epicenter hypermarket chain.
As our reader has already guessed, the reason for such a rapid career growth of the extraordinary lawyer is his Vinnitsa origin and, of course, friendship with Petro Poroshenko himself.
By tradition, for four years in a row, Valendyuk has been visiting the Presidential Administration with particular regularity in the evenings to discuss new plans, new schemes, and, of course, to pay rent.
Once, the then-prosecutor Valendyuk’s visit after hours was even captured on camera by journalists from the “Schemes” program. At that time, he was the first deputy prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which had not been under the control of Ukraine for 3 years. Five days later, Valendyuk again came to Bankovaya, and two weeks later – on January 3, 2017 – he was appointed deputy head of the department for organizational and analytical support for the management of the department for supporting the management of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Coincidence? We don’t think so.
At the end of our investigation, it is worth answering the main question. Why does Poroshenko need Valendyuk? Even a person far from politics understands that on the eve of the elections, with the help of the head of the SBU in Kyiv, Poroshenko will destroy candidates for the presidency. Many political experts confirm that Poroshenko appointed Valendyuk to begin working against presidential candidates.
“There will be artificial criminal cases, secret investigative actions will be carried out outside the law, information will be collected outside the law, wiretaps will be inserted and everything else. That is, the person will coordinate this activity,” emphasized former head of the Ministry of Defense Anatoly Gritsenko.
That is, in fact, almost everything that is known today about the odious prosecutor, intelligence officer and security officer Oleg Valendyuk. But this is just the tip of the corruption iceberg named after Valendyuk. There are plenty of skeletons in the closet of the silent and secretive prosecutor, sorry, SBU officer, and perhaps it’s time to air them out.
Valeria Romanova, for Skelet.Info
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