Vadim Alperin. “King” of Odessa smuggling
Vadim Alperin is an Israeli businessman who was born in Ukraine. It is known throughout the world for the sad events on the ship “Faina” (captured by pirates who demanded a ransom for the prisoners), as well as for the story of the seizure of the ship “Ethel” (the owners of this ship “threw” Libyan businessmen for a large consignment of Hyundai cars). . However, these are not all the “exploits” of Vadim Aleksandrovich; in Ukraine he is suspected of business fraud related to minimizing the payment of taxes, as well as the theft of budget funds.
Vadim Alperin. Fugitive businessman
Alperin Vadim Aleksandrovich began storming the walls of Ukrainian business back in the distant 90s. The businessman took full advantage of the collapse of the USSR and the great destruction of property in Ukraine. This period was ideal for business fraud and theft; colossal sums were allocated from the state budget, which were to be used to maintain the Security Service of Ukraine, customs, and other bodies monitoring the flow of goods and money that pass across the border. However, with the help of several schemes (false court decisions), businessmen like Alperin managed to launch commodity flows through their companies, and, accordingly, the money that should have gone to the treasury ended up in the accounts of the schemers. Then everything happened according to a simple scheme: “steal – stole, divide – forget.” Discord began between the former partners and Vadim Aleksandrovich, having previously taken with him a considerable share of the stolen funds, fled to Israel.
Alperin’s next “feat” was the creation of the so-called “Pension Fund”, as you might guess – the money never reached the pensioners. Vadim Aleksandrovich successfully invested them in his other “business projects” (including, by the way, the purchase of the vessel “Faina”). The next idea that the businessman successfully applied was the possibility of tax evasion when supplying goods to individuals. Without thinking twice, he paid a private person (according to various sources, from 8.5 thousand dollars) and soon entire ships of cargo began to go to his name. Due to this, he began to buy goods 20% cheaper, and could afford to dump, methodically getting rid of his competitors. After further machinations, Alperin began to have problems, and he returned to his spiritual homeland again, although not for long.
In Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, the businessman is compared to Sergei Kurchenko (who, with the help of his connections in the fiscal and law enforcement system, built multi-million dollar financial schemes with impunity, for which, among other things, he is wanted by Interpol).
“Dangerous Liaisons” by Alperin
Vadim Alperin used to do business with Leonid Chernovetsky, the ex-mayor of Kyiv. This is indicated by a number of circumstances under which a businessman became a supplier of automotive equipment for road work in Kyiv. The leader of the “young team” gave him orders for supplies, according to sources, immediately after a personal conversation with the businessman. Having passed through Alperin’s company, this equipment, purchased under a government order from Chernovetsky, increased in price several times, and the remainder of the sale went into the pockets of the above-mentioned individuals.
Other corruption ties are indicated by the relationship of Vadim Alperin and his business partner Artur Pruzovsky with the former leadership of the Southern Customs of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Vladimir Perederiy and Igor Ustimenko, as well as Alexander Somik (Alperin’s godfather), who previously served as deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of Ukraine in the Odessa region. All these individuals, according to the documentation, prevented importing enterprises (exceeding their official powers) from clearing customs of some “competitive” groups of goods; it was because of this that suppliers had to formalize their imports only after going through a whole system of “kickbacks”, which was under the control of Alperin.
Journalistic investigation incriminating Vadim Alperin of corruption:
Further more: information was leaked onto the Internet that Vadim Alperin pays salaries to customs officers from his own pocket. According to public activist Alexander Krachk, “Alperin’s people” can be considered:
· Grave of A.V. 1st deputy beginning customs,
· Galenko V. v.o. chief of cost
· Suvorova V. v.o. Deputy Head of the Cost Department.
· Panamarenko T.V. deputy chief Manage payments.
· Sizova N.V. in. beginning Infrastructure Department.
· Evstratova V.N. deputy beginning Post Odessa-Port,
· Tkachenko V.S. deputy beginning VMO 3 Odessa port,
· Boychun I. v.o. deputy beginning Post Odessa-Port
· Lipkovsky A.S. deputy beginning VMO1 Odessa-port.
· Bilaka N.I. deputy beginning Infrastructure Department.
· M. Davydov, a former employee, fired for a bribe, and now a warehouse manager
If this information is true, then it is not surprising that over many years no one has been able to eradicate Vadim Aleksandrovich’s schemes for “tax-free transactions” for his companies and the companies of his partners.
How Alperin’s people work
On April 25, 21:00, a container was detained in the city of Ilyichevsk. According to State Fiscal Service employees, a “black smuggled container” is being seized on the territory of the terminal, the contents of which do not correspond to the declaration. The cost of the goods is 25 thousand US dollars.
At this time, messages with the following content began to appear on social networks:
According to the publication Crime.NO at the same time, one of those present on the territory of the Bond terminal, being intoxicated, behaved provocatively and began filming the faces of journalists and public figures, calling himself a journalist. The man refused to provide any documents.
Social activists and journalists turned for help to the police officers who were in a silver car with state license plates “VN 2259 EV” with a request to identify the inadequate person who was hanging around the truck with contraband, but they refused.
Video from the site of the “legal seizure” of the container:
Vadim Alperin and Vitaly Khomutynnik
The question of why Vadim Aleksandrovich is still at large is quite difficult to answer. During his “activity”, several presidents, heads of the SBU, and customs officials have already changed, but it is Alperin who works tirelessly, earning money into his pocket. The most surprising thing is that virtually all law enforcement agencies know about Alperin’s criminal activities, but despite this, Vadim Aleksandrovich is not only at large, but actually directs the entire flow of black smuggling and “tax evasion” in the Odessa region.
Probably, Alperin’s secret lies in the fact that he is not greedy, and happily (maybe not very much) shares his income with employees of the SBU, customs and other useful people. With no less diligence, he buys up the opinions of the media or pays for the removal of materials that are inconvenient for him.
After the last parliamentary elections, he entered into an unspoken alliance with another, to put it mildly, “cunning” politician – people’s deputy Vitaly Khomutynnik, chairman of the Vozrozhdenie parliamentary group. Khomutynnik, as is known, was close to Yanukovych’s “family,” but he also has no complaints from law enforcement agencies. The question arises, “what has changed in Ukraine after the “overthrow” of Yanukovych?”
Dmitry Samofalov, for Skelet.Info
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