Uralchimplast ignored the requirements of the RPN to reduce the harmful impact on the environment
Inspectors of the Ural Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor during an unscheduled on-site inspection of PJSC Uralchimplast in Nizhny Tagil identified more than a dozen violations of environmental legislation.
Specialists studied environmental documentation and inspected emission sources located at the industrial site of the enterprise. Together with specialists from the Federal State Budgetary Institution “TsLATI for the Ural Federal District,” samples of emissions into the atmospheric air and wastewater were taken.
Based on the results of the inspection, a significant excess of the maximum permissible emissions standards for phenol, formaldehyde (hazard class 2), suspended substances, phenol and petroleum products (hazard class 3) was established. Moreover, under unfavorable weather conditions, Uralchimplast does not adjust the emissions of harmful substances into the air, and also allows the discharge of wastewater exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances into a reservoir in violation of the terms of the permit for the provision of a water body.
In addition, the enterprise has carried out an unreliable inventory of sources of pollutant emissions, emissions are carried out in violation of the terms of a special permit, and reports on industrial environmental control are not provided within the prescribed period.
It was not possible to immediately obtain a comment from the company. Let us recall that similar gross violations of environmental legislation were identified at Uralchimplast in November last year. Prior to this, in March, Rosprirodnadzor also made claims regarding emissions and gas purification at the enterprise. It should be noted that Uralchimplast produces a wide range of synthetic resins; over 96% of the company’s shares are owned by UCP Chemicals AG (Austria).
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