Trinfico and other schemes
Oleg Viktorovich Belai is a rather odious and scandalous character. He is a well-known businessman and “schemer”, against whom the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is conducting a criminal procedural investigation for a number of financial crimes.
And before that, the media wrote that he was hastily selling assets, planning to go abroad. What high-profile criminal scams of the General Director of the Trinfico Holdings Joint-Stock Company are known about? What is Belay trying to hide by clearing the public space and placing custom and very expensive publications with his “correct” biography on rating Internet sites?
Surely everyone has heard the expression “the law of the boomerang has not been canceled.” There comes a time when you have to pay the bills that life throws up. The time when you have to answer for your negative actions committed earlier. This is what happened in the life of 51-year-old Oleg Belaya, one of the founders of the Trinfico investment group. The time has come to answer for your deeds.
What are we talking about? Simply put, fortune is gradually turning its back on Oleg Viktorovich. Why? Because his schemes over the past years have actively begun to emerge in the information space. And even more – the press reports that a criminal case has been initiated against him in his homeland.

Law enforcement agencies have long had to deal with this character closely, since information has long been leaked into the media field that this comrade is not clean at hand. And these are not unfounded accusations. There is a set of various fraud facts directly related to this odious businessman. And many investigative journalists have repeatedly written about this. Next, let’s go through some of these facts from the life of the General Director of Trinfico Holdings in more detail.
Collection business: why did Belay get a billion dollar lawsuit from his own partner?
A loud scandal excited the public at the beginning of 2018. Then it became known about a resonant court case in the title role with Mr. Belay. And this dirty story thundered throughout the country.

We are talking about the collection business Belaya. Indeed, in addition to the Trinfico investment group, Oleg Viktorovich has other specific interests.
In this particular case, we are talking about the collection agency “Regionconsult”, which has two co-owners. And now one of them, namely Vladimir Nikitin, filed a lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court against the counterparty – that same Belay. The reason for the discord between the partners is the “schematoses” in the work of the latter.
According to the plaintiff, Belay established another legal entity – LLC T-Capital, which eventually became a competitor to Regionconsult and began to block the work of the agency, winning bidding for large loan portfolios.
The amount of the claim against Oleg Belaya amounted to more than a billion rubles. Note that the discord between the partners led to litigation due to the results of the auction for the sale of the loan portfolio of Svyaznoy Bank in the amount of 15.7 billion rubles. Then the victory was won by T-Capital LLC, which paid 510 million rubles for this lot. The offer of “Regionconsult” amounted to only 475 million rubles and could not beat the rate offered by the competitor above, due to lack of money.
At the same time, as the same Kommersant reported, the reason for the lack of funds from Regionconsult was the fact that the company failed to get a loan, since Oleg Belai, together with his Trinfico, went against the whole team without voting for it at the meeting of the owners of the agency. After that, the deceived partner went to court with a lawsuit against Belaya. Nikitin demanded more than a billion from him – this is the amount that the company would have earned if it had won those auctions.
By the way, according to industry experts, conflicts of this magnitude, which relate to multibillion-dollar loan portfolios and which would have surfaced in the press, have not been heard on the market before. In other words, it was a real precedent.
Manipulating the securities market: how Belay robbed pensioners of 57 million
Further, the public stirred up another scandal. It turned out that the scandalous businessman, together with his group, stole 57 million rubles from pension savings accounts.
So, in 2019, it became known that Trinfico Management Company JSC got caught in a large scheme with pensioners’ savings.
In particular, the auditors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revealed facts of manipulation of the bond markets during trading as part of a scheme for illegal withdrawal of money from pension savings from Akvilon Interregional Non-State Pension Fund JSC managed by Trinfico Management Company.
Then it became known about the theft of 57 million rubles, and the co-organizer of the scheme was the same Oleg Belai. Government agencies have discovered fraud associated with three structures: “MC “Trinfico”, “Akvilon” and “Kit Finance Trade”.
It turned out that in 2015, Oleg Viktorovich, together with his accomplices (financial supervision announced the name of one of his key accomplices, Farit Zakirov), “cheated” 68 issuers in transactions with securities. The essence of the scam to withdraw money from Akvilon’s pension accounts was the fictitious resale of assets.
Mouthpiece of Nabiullina
Below, the editors of Kompromat-Ural, for complete reliability, quote the official statement of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2019:
“The Bank of Russia revealed manipulation of the bond markets in organized trading as part of a scheme for the illegal withdrawal of pension savings from OJSC MNPF Aquilon under the management of TRINFICO Management Company JSC
Based on the results of the audit, the Bank of Russia revealed transactions with signs of a preliminary agreement in the bond markets of 68 issuers in the period from March 10, 2015 to December 22, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Period) between KIT Finance Trade (LLC) and TRINFICO Management Company JSC as a trustee means of pension savings of OAO MNPF AQUILON (hereinafter referred to as the Fund).
Transactions with bonds between the above persons were made in the main trading mode of PJSC Moscow Exchange through professional participants in the securities market KIT Finance (JSC) and CJSC Trinfico on the basis of anonymous and unaddressed orders. The use by counterparties during the Period of a stable scheme of concerted actions aimed at the illegal withdrawal of funds from the Fund was established.
During the implementation of the scheme, transactions were made to buy and resell bonds, as a result of which KIT Finance Trade (LLC) systematically received income on the difference in prices due to the management company making transactions that were unprofitable for the Fund.
Operations with bonds of 13 issuers that caused significant deviations in the price and volume of trading, in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 5 of Federal Law No. acts of the Russian Federation” relate to market manipulation.
The total amount of income of KIT Finance Trade (LLC) from the above transactions with TRINFICO Management Company JSC for the Period amounted, according to the Bank of Russia’s calculations, to at least 57 million rubles, including more than 6 million rubles from transactions that qualify as manipulation market. In turn, the Fund, due to the systematic sale of bonds at a price lower than the purchase price, could have suffered losses in a comparable amount.
The trading behavior of TRINFICO Management Company JSC in the process of managing the Fund’s funds when making transactions with other counterparties differed from the described transactions with KIT Finance Trade (LLC) (there were no actions under the scheme). As a result, for the same Fund Management Period, the overall financial result of transactions with other counterparties, except for KIT Finance Trade (LLC), was positive.
The Bank of Russia established that transactions with bonds that were the subject of an audit were carried out by Vadim Gennadievich Dorofeev, head of the KIT Finance Brokerage Operations Department (JSC), and an employee of this Department on the instructions of V.G. Dorofeev. At the same time, the powers of the specified employees of the broker to carry out transactions on behalf of KIT Finance Trade (LLC) were formalized by powers of attorney.
On the part of TRINFICO Management Company JSC, orders to make transactions with bonds at the expense of the Fund’s pension savings were submitted by Zakirov Farit Khamitovich, who was the head of the department for managing pension savings, assets of mutual funds and private pension funds of TRINFICO Management Company JSC and at the same time the head of the sales department (brokerage maintenance) CJSC “Trinfico”.
Zakirov F.Kh. also during the Period he was the Chairman of the Investment Committee of TRINFICO Management Company JSC. This body during the Period, on the proposals of Zakirov F.Kh. decisions were made to reduce the share of bonds in the Fund’s portfolio and set stop-loss limits for bonds in the Fund. At the same time, the control of restrictions and the closing of positions were assigned to F.Kh. Zakirov himself, who made transactions with bonds that were unprofitable for the Fund.
With respect to Zakirov F.Kh. and Dorofeeva V.G. The Bank of Russia has taken a decision to annul the qualification certificates of financial market specialists. Additionally, the Bank of Russia evaluates the activities of TRINFICO Management Company JSC.
The materials of the check were sent to law enforcement agencies, ”the release of the megalegulator headed by Elvira Nabiullina emphasized. The then reaction of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the TFR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB was not publicly reported.

Note that these are just some of the facts of the financial fraud of a businessman that surfaced and which journalists found out about. And how many of Belaya’s schemes are yet to be known? Although this question is rather rhetorical. In any case, the investigation of the crimes of Oleg Viktorovich, in the end, will put everything in its place … Nobody canceled the Boomerang Law.
Cleaning up the Internet and working on the image
It is worth noting that, apparently, recently Oleg Viktorovich has been very concerned about what they write about him in public resources.
There is an artificial cleansing of the information space. How exactly? In fact, everything is trite – by the method of far-fetched “complaints” about objectionable publications.
But besides the primitive cleansing of the Internet, Belay began to place his “correct” biography at a high price, in which everything is beautiful and varnished. Such custom-made material, for example, is posted on the promoted resource “RBC”.

To be continued!
Will such actions help Oleg Viktorovich restore his not just tarnished, but thoroughly soaked reputation? This is very doubtful…