Denis Zubov failed the “roof” for Vasily Ermakov
The Kirovsky District Court put an end to the consideration of the criminal case of the son of the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*aggressor country) Denis Zubov. He, along with two accomplices, were found guilty of giving a bribe and intermediary in the transfer of money.
According to investigators, 18 million rubles were intended for the head of the regional department of the FSB Andrey Akulinin. A local businessman planned to bribe him Vasily Ermakov. Also in this chain of intermediaries, in addition to Denis Zubov, included the Samara athlete and businessman Igor Karpov.

According to the prosecution, the initiator of the entire scheme was Vasily Ermakov. It was he who turned to the son of a high-ranking official with a request to establish contact with one of the representatives of the Samara department of the FSB. – Zubov learned that an acquaintance of his by the name of Kuznetsov had access to the head of the regional department, Andrei Akulinin. Attempts to establish contact took place from August to November 2021 through telephone calls and personal meetings in hotels in Moscow and Sochi. As a result, Kuznetsov conveyed Denis Zubov’s request to Akulinin’s brother,” the state prosecutor said during the first meeting.
Another participant in the scheme was an employee of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Samara Region named Naydenov. At that time, the man was the deputy head of the department for counterintelligence and ensuring industrial security facilities. And, according to the investigation, he had a conversation with the leader, after which he acted within the framework of an operational experiment.
Participants in the scheme met several times at the Viva Land shopping center. At first, according to state prosecutors, the parties discussed a schedule for transferring money. And only then did the accused give a “New Year’s gift” to their high-ranking patron: expensive pens, collector’s editions of books about the special services, diaries and cognac. The next time, at the beginning of February 2022, Ermakov, Zubov and Karpov transferred the first tranche in the amount of 18 million rubles. After that they were detained.
The preliminary investigation of the criminal case lasted about a year. Almost immediately, the materials were transferred from Samara investigators to their colleagues in the Central Office of the RF Investigative Committee, in Nizhny Novgorod. And the accused were taken from Samara to Moscow, where their terms of detention were extended. But after that, they, along with all the documents (and there were about 10 volumes of them), were returned to the capital of 63 regions.
— The defendants were found guilty. Ermakov was sentenced to 8 years of strict regime and a fine of 36 million rubles, Denis Zubov – 7 years of strict regime and a fine of 18 million rubles, Karpov – 7 years of strict regime imprisonment without a fine. The time they spent in custody will be counted towards the time they serve their sentence,” our correspondent said in the courtroom.
Denis Zubov: “I can… make it a rule to transmit the numbers from 28 to 1, and then “cut.” “I wanted to bribe an FSB general”: details of a high-profile case involving the son of a deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country), who will be sentenced in Samara
The high-profile trial of the son of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*aggressor country) Igor Zubov comes to the end. In whose interests, according to the prosecution, did the son of a high-ranking official act? And how did the security officers find him? About this in our material.
Who is who
Igor Zubov was born in 1956 in Moscow. From 1999 to 2001 – Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country). From 2007 to 2011 – deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region, since 2012 – deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, supervising the work of the contractual legal department. Denis Zubov is the son of Igor Zubov. He is 43 years old. There is almost no information about him in the public domain. It is known that he held the post of deputy director at Brent Trading House LLC. This is a Moscow company, according to the Kontur.Focus system, registered in 2020, engaged in cargo transportation and wholesale trade.
Igor Karpov is known in the Samara region as the president of the liquidated mini-football club Dynamo-Samara and a businessman. In 2016, he was found guilty of illegal entrepreneurship for selling 750 tons of oil to MO TNP LLC. “Black gold,” as follows from the text of the court verdict, the businessman drained from an oil pipeline in the Kinelsky district. For this, Igor Karpov was fined 350 thousand rubles.
Vasily Ermakov was the founder and executive director of MO TNP LLC in 2011–2012. The office was engaged in wholesale trade, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products.
The businessman and this company appeared in the public sphere during a high-profile trial of high-ranking employees of the Samara regional department of the FSB: Sergei Gudovanny and Pavel Chermashentsev. They were convicted of fraud and protection of the oil business. Vasily Ermakov testified in court in this case.
“Here there are more pipes per square meter” The case materials against Denis Zubov from Samara were transferred to the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country), in Nizhny Novgorod. The trials for choosing a preventive measure (Denis Zubov, after being detained in Samara, spent more than a year in the capital’s pre-trial detention center) were held in Moscow. But the trial is essentially taking place in the Kirov District Court in Samara. And only at the first meeting were journalists able to find out the details of the events that, according to the investigation, brought the son of the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the dock.
According to investigators, Denis Zubov contacted Naydenov in November 2021. He immediately introduced himself to the security officer and said that he planned to come to Samara. The men agreed to meet at the Viva Land shopping center in a few days. And during the first conversation they immediately began to use code words:
— The asset is not bad. The Samara region is famous for this. It would seem that this is not some kind of Khanty-Mansiysk. There are more pipes per square meter here. I want to create,” said Denis Zubov.
— Do you call oil production creation? — Naydenov answered.
At the same time, as follows from the case materials, the parties agreed on a schedule for the transfer of money. But then there were small deviations from the plan:
— The coming month is pre-holiday. I can make a preemptive maneuver around the 15th, in time for the holidays. And then make it a rule to transmit numbers from 28 to 1, and then “saw.” Well, so that there would be no problems, some “Serpent Gorynych” could fly by,” state prosecutor Denis Zubov read out the words.
– How did you live without us before? — Naydenov was surprised in response.
— I didn’t go to the previous manager, I didn’t go, I didn’t try. He was a complex person, although it’s not good to talk in absentia. But there was a person to whom these things were connected.
We came to the shopping center with a suitcase of money
In December 2021, the investigation believes that Igor Karpov was already involved in the negotiations. During a conversation with the participation of the ex-football player, Naydenov allegedly remembered the recent trial of his former colleagues Gudovny and Chermashentsev. According to the security officer, in the story with the colonels, “the bills were rewritten.” He was afraid that he might be exposed, but continued to play his role. At the same time, according to the state prosecution, a possible corruption scheme was finally formed. Allegedly, Denis Zubov and Igor Karpov were supposed to receive 5 million rubles monthly from Vasily Ermakov. The intermediaries needed to transfer the money to Naydenov, who, according to the prosecution, was supposed to share it with Akulinin. And as a first gesture of goodwill, the security officers were given New Year’s gifts:
– These were expensive pens (the price of one, “Petrarch” – 21 thousand rubles, the second – 30 thousand), books “Special Services of Russia (*aggressor country)” and “Special Services of the World” (announced cost – 14 thousand rubles), diaries for 14 and 8 thousand rubles, as well as two bottles of cognac with a total cost of 49 thousand rubles. The total cost of the “gift” is about 160 thousand rubles,” said the state prosecutor.
The second tranche, according to investigators, already in the form of money, was handed over to the undercover security officer on February 11, 2022. The meeting took place in a place already familiar to the interlocutors, in a cafe on the third floor of Viva Landa.
The portfolio contained 18 million rubles. The investigation believes that 15 of them were money for December 2021, January and February 2022. And the oil workers added 3 million rubles “for changed circumstances.”
After this, Denis Zubov, Igor Karpov and Vasily Ermakov were sent to a pre-trial detention center. But the FSB officer remained at large. He was a participant in an operational experiment, that is, he worked together with law enforcement officers. All negotiations were recorded. The transcript was also presented to the court. Judging by them, in exchange for a bribe, the security officer had to provide protection to Vasily Ermakov and his company.
Support group in luxury foreign cars
On the day of the first hearing, a “support group” of defendants arrived at the Kirovsky District Court in elite foreign cars. These were relatives and friends of Denis Zubov, Igor Karpov and Vasily Ermakov. In the court corridor, when the convoy led the defendants into the courtroom, their support group stood as a dense wall in front of the journalists so that media representatives could not photograph the trio.
Zubov, Ermakov and Karpov are defended by 5 lawyers. Denis Zubov’s defense lawyer asked the judge to make the trial closed to the media. She insisted that her client had a special status, state protection. But judge Maria Elfimova refused. And the state prosecution read out the plot of the case.
Denis Zubov’s lawyer, after a break, again made a motion to close the process from the media, clarifying that she was asking the court to send a corresponding request to the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) to clarify the status of Denis Zubov. The court granted this request.
Defenders asked to postpone the hearing until they receive a response to the request. Suddenly Igor Karpov spoke out against this:
– I’m against! “I don’t have state protection, and I’m tired of hearings being postponed,” said the defendant.
As a result, judge Maria Elfimova closed the trial to the press.