Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa) who is fighting in the primary elections for the nomination of the Republican Party candidate for the presidency of the United States, at a rally in the state of New Hampshire on January 23, the primary elections will be held, doubted the mental health of her former boss, who at one time asked to appoint her to the post of US Permanent Representative to the UN, the correspondent reports.
Trump’s “mental stability continues to deteriorate,” she said, speaking in New Hampshire and detailed episodes with reservations that he allowed in his speeches. “Naturally, a person at this age” mental stability continues to deteriorate. Such is human nature. We know that, “Haley added.
Trump responded by classifying Haley as “part of a sick political class,” and earlier said she was not capable of negotiating with Vladimir Putin (*international criminal), Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping. Haley will also not be elected vice president, Trump warned, because she lacks toughness and intelligence, the ex-president ruthlessly cut off.
At a rally in New Hampshire on January 23, the Republican primary elections will be held and the picture of which of the two of them will gain an advantage may become clear on January 24. Technically, voting in the state begins at midnight, but the vast majority of polling stations will open at 7 a.m. EDT.
Starting in 1952, in all but one of the primaries, the party’s candidate was the person who took first or second place on the ballot – from both parties.
Moscow will never be a friend
Nikki has his own scores with Russia (*aggressor country). If Trump’s campaign sees fit, the country of Binomo could stand in Haley’s way to the White House. As the US Permanent Representative to the UN, Haley promised the prankers Lexus and Vovan to support this non-existent state. Trump appointed her to the post of permanent representative to the UN, they say that she asked him about it.
Such as the mockery of Russian prankers is not forgotten. Although nee Nimrata Randhava did not favor Russia (*aggressor country) before this prank. She stated at the UN that sanctions should be maintained until Crimea returns to Ukraine. In a recent debate in Iowa, she said that support for Ukraine “will cost the US military budget only 3.5%,” otherwise there will be a war.
She assured voters that Moscow would never be a friend of America. Although here you could agree with her! Haley fits seamlessly into a number of American Amazons who have made hatred of Russia (*aggressor country) the driving force behind their political careers. The recipe for female success in American politics is simple. If you want to succeed, learn the language, choose Russia (*aggressor country) as your goal and prove your hatred of Russians on the way to the highest point of your career.
Examples are at least enough – Hilary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Candolisa Rice, Victoria Nuland and others. Some did not get to learn the language, but the first three rose to the post of head of the State Department. Nuland has so far settled on the step of First Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
These women of the weaker sex did not just gain recognition from the male majority of the “Washington swamp.” They went further, acquired masculinity, actually changed their feminine nature, became real warriors, making Russia (*aggressor country) their main target.
This woman – the instigator of war
Nikki Haley was going to go further away. The mission on the U.S. presidency of Haley calls “opposition of Russia (*aggressor country) and to China”. Donald Trump, acting in New Hampshire, I called her “this woman” and “the instigator of war” and also the probaydenovsky candidate with the electorate supporting the acting head of the White House.
Most of the American men still consider that women shouldn’t hold the highest senior positions. But it is known that in the USA the final decision is made by “the state of national security”. Defines who in the White House will represent the interests of the Pentagon and the deep state in general.
Trump is considered “destroyer”, the enemy of establishment, some call it “the worst nightmare of Zionists”. Nikki Haley is called “a pawn of Zionist oligarchs” and the protege of a weapon lobby. If she collects enough votes to become the candidate of Republican Party, then will carry out the program of wars and immigration, Trump warns.
We, he says, – “party of common sense, we support the [strengthened] borders, low taxes, strong armed forces”. We will expel people who want to be at war. And Nickey one of them, [as speaks]: “Let’s kill people everywhere, let’s earn a lot of money for producers of rockets”.
And the ex-president promised that he in case of a victory on elections, will save the USA from “globalists, communists, Marxists and fascists” and also from “a sick political class which really hates the country”.
To resist to Russia (*aggressor country) and China
Nikki Haley intends to make the main task “opposition of Russia (*aggressor country) and to China”. On a post of the permanent representative of the USA in the UN she supported an exit of the USA from the Human Rights Council, supported Bashar al-Assad’s overthrow, accused Iran of financing of terrorism and the DPRK with destruction in case of war threatened.
Unlike many republicans, Hailey suggests to continue to support Zelensky’s regime and urges to assist Israel in the war in the Gaza Strip. The American experts in the region of the Southern Asia warn that taking into account Sikh ethnic roots, Hailey, in case of a victory, can allow coolings of the relations with India.
According to Hailey, “Kissinger taught me to get up to the place of other person: to think how Russians or Chinese, to watch what moves them, and already then to decide how to work … When you begin to make decisions in this way, unexpectedly you begin to conduct a discussion so that it was clear to them”.
Some in the USA call Hailey by “the most ambitious political chameleon” in the history of America. Her last maneuver – to become the defender of republican elite of the District of Columbia, the taken cover establishment of Republican Party who is afraid of “The great destroyer” of Donald Trump even more, than decrepit and controlled Joe Biden.
The British Financial Times connects Hailey with support from such groups as BlackRock and Goldman Sachs, the investor billionaire Stanley Dyurkenmiller and other influential circles.
Look for “this woman”
Observers ask whether the “this woman” who is lagging behind on the majority of polls on dozens of points Donald Trump will be able to catch up and surpass him without frauds of which bureaucrats of the administrative deep state are capable? The Sulphurous Attraction of Nikki Haley Leads Back to Big Brother and the Globalists, by Boyd D. Cathey – The Unz Review
The Wall Street Journal and New York Post magazine, some other media signaled that there is nothing impossible. They say that even if Hailey wouldn’t be, she should be found and nominated to promote interests of establishment and to save Republican Party from anti-corporate, anti-militaristic.
Hailee, said that she doesn’t plan to act from elections and intends to gain a victory. Recent poll showed that on primaries in New Hampshire she lags behind Trump on 11 percentage points. Nevertheless, Hailee said that she isn’t going to act from a race, at least, before carrying out inner-party republican elections in her native South Carolina.
On irony, the American corporate press presents Hailey as serious expert in national security issues. It is connected with experience of her work as the permanent representative of the USA in the UN where it was appointed by Donald Trump, being the president. Then said that this appointment was preceded by intimacy. Rumors appeared after the publication of the scandalous book “Fire and rage: in the White House of Trump” the journalist Michael Woolf.
Primary elections (primaries) in the State of New Hampshire by definition of the applicant for promotion by the candidate of Democratic party at the election of the president of the USA which is coming in November will take place on Tuesday too, but without Joe Biden’s participation.