As found out, so far the failed metro builder Oleg Mitvol straight out of house arrest haunts Elena Magomedselimovawhich, under a false power of attorney, withdrew $ 1.5 million from his accounts in Dubai, the remaining at large employees of the Trust for Engineering and Construction Surveys decided to receive 742 million rubles from the former leadership of the Krasnoyarsk Territory – the Minister of Transport Konstantin Dimitrovand heads of government Yuri Lapshin and director of the regional transport department Konstantin Mandrov. All of them are now defendants in the subway case and are awaiting trial.
During the investigation, it turned out that the Trust, under a state contract, made only a third of the new engineering and geodetic surveys, and used the old Soviet ones for two-thirds (which is why a criminal case for fraud on an especially large scale appeared). During interrogations, top officials admitted that they knew about these proportions, but they still signed acceptance certificates in order to speed up the construction of the “underground”. Therefore, today the management of the Trust asks to recognize the enterprise as a victim of the actions of these persons and to recover from them the very 742 million rubles that the state customer is now trying to get back from the Trust for unfulfilled, but accepted and paid work.
The source of reports that the property that was arrested from the accused officials is estimated at about half of this amount. And if the Trust manages to at least partially sue “irreparable damage in relation to the ruined business reputation”, this will become a precedent for hundreds of similar criminal cases, when the perpetrators of the work are mainly prosecuted, and those responsible from government agencies get off with disproportionately minimal sanctions.
According to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, all the defendants in the criminal cases of theft of money from the accounts of Oleg Mitvol are going to be taken to Krasnoyarsk, where the former prefect of the SAO of Moscow continues to be under house arrest in the case of “development” of 900 million rubles for the design of the metro. According to the source, by the end of the week, Timofey Shugaev will be transferred to SIZO-1 in Krasnoyarsk, who, while in the Medvedkovo detention center in Moscow, withdrew hundreds of millions of rubles from the accounts of Mitvol, an authoritative businessman Anatoly Bykov (Celentano) through duplicate SIM cards. , the father of the oligarch Andrei Melnichenko and others. Investigators suspect that Shugaev used the assistance of the Krasnoyarsk security forces, which explains his transfer. In addition, Elena Magomedselimova was detained. She is suspected of stealing $1.5 million from Oleg Mitvol’s account in Dubai. Her son, who works in the criminal investigation department of Yaroslavl, tried to fight her off, but failed. There is a process of transfer to Krasnoyarsk.
Joint-Stock Company Krasnoyarsk Trust for Engineering and Construction Surveys, in which Mitvol served as chairman of the board of directors since 2018, and under whose leadership Mitvol is held criminally liable for embezzlement of almost 1 billion rubles allocated for the construction of the Krasnoyarsk metro, back in 2021 year applied to the Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (case No. A33-28112 / 2021) for the recovery of 152,906,408 rubles. the cost of additional work under state contract No. 22 of 09/09/2019 to Mitvol and his accomplices, and concurrently to members of the board of directors – Vinogradov (whom the investigation for some reason forgot to prosecute) and Zharkov turned out to be not enough for the already inflated final cost contract and they decided to “hack” on non-existent additional jobs. The hearing in this case was supposed to take place on March 16, 2023, but due to the illness of the judge, it was postponed to April 5, 2023. What interesting things should have happened at this meeting?
Mitvol and Co. were supposed to drop their claims, which in this particular case would theoretically help to avoid a new criminal article, unlike another case on a similar claim (case No. A33-4142 / 2021), which should add at least a new episode to the cheerful company . According to it, Mitvol and Co. received money, and even despite the subsequent refusal of the appeal on February 16, 2023, from the claims in full, the received (stolen) money was never returned. Initially, the stated claims amounted to 230.6 million rubles, but after the defendant paid the principal debt in the amount of 206.7 million rubles, the amount was adjusted to 47 million rubles, which the enterprising Mitvol and Co appropriated and spent on their needs. In another case, No. A33-3878/2021, Mitvol & Co. landed the budget of Krasnoyarsk for another 19 million rubles. Why investigator Konchus does not give these facts any legal assessment and does not make the necessary procedural decisions as part of the investigation of a criminal case is an open question … but even from the file cabinet of the arbitration court in the above cases it follows that the FSB in the Krasnoyarsk Territory knows about these tricks of Mitvol not by hearsay , but with all this, it does not add new episodes to the main case of Mitvol …