The European Football Championship is behind us, and the start of the next Russian championship is ahead. Of course, fans are interested in whether the level of domestic competitions will rise or, at best, will stagnate?
– Spain is the European champion. Tell me honestly, after watching the matches of the best teams of the continent, are we far, maybe even hopelessly behind?

– Well, the Spaniards allowed themselves such technical tricks that not only we, but also representatives of other countries are far from their level. Not all, of course, but most of the opponents. The point, of course, is not so much in the tricks, but in the level of high-speed technique, which brought them real benefit during all the Euro matches with their participation.
We still have a lot of play backwards, that's why the tempo is average, there is a lack of sharpness. The same Spaniards, if they pass backwards, then only with the aim of finding gaps in the opponents' formations, and instantly realizing their technical and speed superiority. This is the “salt” of beautiful, truly effective football.
– All football fans were delighted by the young, 17-year-old forward Lamin Yamal again from the Spanish national team. Will it ever be possible for us to produce masters of such a level?
– It is possible, but a state philosophy is needed in such things. It is not visible yet. Basically, the coaches working with children are focused exclusively on the result, the training of bright individuals is not included in their plans. So, figuratively speaking, Yamal, Tyukavin are needed, and not a place in the table of this or that youth team, you understand? The psychology here is flawed.
There is an acute shortage of truly creative coaches; in fact, there is no one to work with children and young people. That is why there are no “stars”, or they appear, like the same Tyukavin, extremely rarely.
– In a recent interview with our channel Alexander Tarkhanov suggested handing over entire regions to famous coaches of the level of Romantsev, Gazzaev, Semin, and others, so that they could train youth football coaches there. After all, their knowledge remains unclaimed to this day, and these specialists could be of great use…
– What, the idea is great! Well, such organizational things should be done in the Russian Football Union, in our Premier League. And money should be allocated for this. The return seems quite tangible, real. Now, I repeat, many things in terms of training young personnel look miserable. Yes, in a number of regions the football infrastructure itself is not bad, but again there are no qualified coaches.
Take an example from the world of theater, cinema. Here is an outstanding actor, director Alexander Shirvindt recruited future actors to his studio, polished the edges of their skills there, and Shirvindt was not the only one who did this. The most talented people later emerged from under their tutelage.
And the same can be done in football. Get the same Romantsev a group of young people, train them, and maybe the aforementioned Tyukavins will appear. Of course, the work of mentors should be paid decently. And not like in traditional youth sports schools where they pay pennies. Coaches sometimes go to private schools, where the income from work is higher, you can understand them…
Now, for example, the wonderful masters Alenichev and Titov are out of work. Well, give them a group of young people aged 17-19, let them start training. I think the young men themselves will be happy with such guardians. And in general, the benefit for Russian football is tangible.
– Okay, but why is Zenit noticeably ahead in terms of selection, and in general in the organization of football? After all, competitors are lagging behind, sometimes hopelessly…
– Look who is working in the Zenit academy now – Arshavin, Radimov, Zyryanov, players with a name. Of course, their own, homegrown talent will appear there faster than in other Russian clubs. Plus, the selection is solid at the adult level, they don’t invite just anyone to St. Petersburg.
– From the outside, it seems that Zenit has set itself the goal of “robbing its competitors blind”. That is, the “super task” is to weaken others, and “let the grass not grow”. Is this normal?
– Here you have to look: if a player came to Zenit for big money and is ready to sit on the bench for this, that's one thing. But Glushenkov, who came from Lokomotiv, is clearly going to play and grow in skill. He already showed himself brightly in the recent match for the Super Cup against Krasnodar, scoring a double. You see, it's different for everyone, you can't put everyone under the same brush…
– The dominance of foreign coaches in Russian football is obvious. Is it justified? For example, they invited the Serbian Stankovic to Spartak. Why not invite Alexander Mostovoy, who has long been eager to work at his native club, at least as an assistant to the “chief”?
– Why invite Mostovoy? Just because he once played for the club?! I think it's absurd. No experience of such work, nothing at all. Spartak, no matter how you feel about it, is not an ordinary team. Let Mostovoy work first, say, in Ural, in another, not the most significant club. He will achieve something. Then it would be logical to invite Alexander to his favorite team. Here, Sergei Yuran, in my opinion, has quite clearly shown himself to be the “main” in various teams, and yet they have not yet risked inviting him to Spartak, where he was a notable figure as a player. And Mostovoy, as a coach, has never worked anywhere…
I think Beskov was great, he worked in the modest, by the standards of big football, capital FShM, and nothing, he trained more than one generation of great players. This, before working in big clubs – “Dynamo”, “Spartak”, the national team of the USSR. Semin showed himself brilliantly in Dushanbe “Pamir”, only later he headed the capital “Lokomotiv”, with which he achieved impressive success. So, excuse me, I will close the topic of “Mostovoy as a coach” for now.
– Crime in Russian football has not gone away. The referees are acting up so much that you can't help but think: they were bribed before the start of this or that match, they are doing a disgraceful job…
– Unlikely. Judges are now under merciless “prosecutor's supervision” in the form of watching episodes on Var. Well, they will see this bias, if anything. You take “left” money in some match, and then – you will be thrown out for such tricks, and that's it. The career will end quickly, who wants to be left out? Besides, such verdicts have already happened, some cunning referees were disqualified for life.
– The scourge of football are agents. Among other things, they are seen playing on the “black” totalizator to please, by the way, the “bugs” around football, who dictate their rules to everyone and everything. According to people in the know, the dealers from the popular game withdraw up to half a million euros for matches played in one or another round of the Russian championship. So the agents work on their players on the eve of specific matches, so that they play a “giveaway” for the interests of the mafiosi…
– I can't say anything about the “black” totalizator, I don't have any specifics. But agents, to put it mildly, are not very clean, they can “palm off” very worthless players to clubs, that's true. Alas, team coaches cannot always figure out the quality of the “flow” of such masters. Naturally, teams that fall for the bait of rogue agents then lose in football. Such are the realities…