The State Duma is preparing a bill on compulsory labor for “serial informers”

The State Duma is preparing a bill on compulsory labor for “serial informers”

The author of the initiative, Vice Speaker Vladislav Davankov, proposes to call it “Mizulina’s law.” He said that Mizulina should be sentenced to 100 hours of correctional labor

The reason to speed up work on the bill was the arrival and departure of Dani Milokhin, who was wanted to be sent to serve in the RF Armed Forces during the autumn conscription. An appeal to the Defense Ministry calling for the blogger to be drafted into the army was published by Ekaterina Mizulina. Davankov is convinced that by fighting Milokhin, the head of the Safe Internet League scared away thousands of Russians from returning, including IT specialists, scientists and entrepreneurs:

“I am confident that 100 hours of compulsory work will bring much greater benefit to the country than attempts to impose homemade justice on the Internet.”

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