First Vice Speaker of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov has been in parliament since 1994, but with a break: from 2004 to 2011. worked in the government, served as deputy prime minister, where noted promoting the scandalous monetization of benefits.
In addition to being a member of the highest council of United Russia, Zhukov is known as a nobleman. His father, Soviet spy and writer Dmitry Zhukov, was a descendant of an old noble family, who gave Russia a governor, governors, governors, diplomats.
The son of the Vice Speaker of the State Duma also showed a penchant for literature. He settled, as Metla found out, in the prestigious LCD Writer. Next door to the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy.
According to an extract from Rosreestr, Peter Zhukov owns an apartment of 219 square meters in a prestigious residential complex. It is to this address that he orders the delivery of Yandex.Food.

The cost of a square meter on the upper floors, like that of Zhukov Jr., in this LCD is about 1.3 million rubles. Accordingly, the housing of the son of a politician can be estimated at 285 million. But that’s not all.
As evidenced by the extract from Rosreestr available to Metla, the son of a prominent United Russia member received a 145-meter apartment from the presidential manager. At that time, his father held a post in the government.

A year and a half ago, Pyotr Zhukov transferred the property to his wife Tatyana. And now, Metla noticed, this apartment put up for sale: Matches floor and exact area. There is no more exactly the same area of an apartment in this place.
The apartment is estimated at 95 million.
Belongs, together with his father and mother, to Zhukov Jr. a share in the family 267-meter apartment on Kosygin Avenue, in the residential complex “House at the Academy of Sciences”. It can be estimated at 220 million rubles.
Like a true aristocrat, Pyotr Zhukov initially chose London to live and work. However, things did not work out for him there: in 2007, he was sentenced in the UK to 14 months in prison. Zhukov Jr. was convicted for drunken fight.
After this incident, the son of United Russia managed to get an education in the United States. He received a diploma from Harvard Business School.
He went into business in Russia. Zhukov, Jr., in particular, owns Financial Technologies LLC. The company is engaged in helping to obtain bank guarantees for participation in public procurement and provides legal support to state suppliers.
The son of a politician himself received contracts from the state. His private clinic “Yusupov Hospital” last year received from the Moscow City Hall a contract worth 10 million rubles. for the study of the biomaterial of the dead. True, the contract was terminated ahead of schedule.
Until November last year, Zhukov Jr. owned a stake in PNRA LLC. This company has mastered 182 million rubles on state contracts. It mainly provided services for the Federal Tax Service in the provision of statistical data in electronic form.
Son-in-law Sergei Lavrov tax problems. The Federal Tax Service arrested the accounts of his company – although a year ago it supported it with subsidies.
The tax office blocked the accounts of the Fitness Junkie company, which is owned on a parity basis by the son-in-law of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Vinokurov and the son of the first vice-speaker of the State Duma of the VII convocation, Pyotr Zhukov. The corresponding decision of “ChTD” was found on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
The tax authorities blocked more than a dozen of the company’s accounts with Alfa-Bank and Tinkoff Bank. The last arrest on the accounts of Zhukov and Vinokurov’s company was imposed on November 12. The reason for the blocking is “failure to submit a tax return to the tax authority”, as well as “failure to comply with the requirement to pay tax”, according to the FTS report.
“Fitness Junki” runs the “Section” club in the very center of Moscow. The company has not shown net profit since 2018, and last year it also suffered a rapid drop in revenue – the figure immediately shrank by 84% from 49 to 7.8 million rubles.
Not helped to pay taxes and direct support of the club from the federal budget. As ChTD found out, in the covid 2020, the company of Vinokurov and Zhukov received three subsidies from the state totaling 285,340 rubles. Interestingly, the studio was supported by the Federal Tax Service.
At the opening of their hall Zhukov and Vinokurov invested not less than 100 million rubles. Vinokurov said that he himself once worked as a coach and had long wanted to open his own club, and the idea of the studio was born by him with the son of the ex-president of the Russian Olympic Committee “at one of the friendly gatherings”
@ruarbitr, 05.04.2021 15:49: The son of Alexander Zhukov, Vice-Speaker of the State Duma, Petr Zhukov is a co-owner of a number of companies whose total revenue for 2019. amounted to more than 800 million rubles.
Petr Zhukov owns shares in the following companies.
Frutti LLC, which sells healthy food (Be True brand).
Financial Technologies LLC, the company develops the Tendertech service, which allows a procurement participant to quickly receive a bank guarantee.
Footballstars LLC owns a franchise of a network of football schools for children.
LLC “First Independent Rating Agency” is developing a service for building virtual links between legal entities and individuals. The company received 44 government contracts worth more than 149 million rubles, the main customer is the Federal Tax Service.
Eduson LLC presents a corporate online training service.
Indigo Capital Partners LLC is an investment company.
IQ Sports LLC is engaged in sports and recreational activities and is managed by Natsbioprodukt LLC, which is owned by Pharmkontur LLC, owned by the Marathongroup investment company of Alexander Vinokurov and Sergey Zakharov.
LLC “Fitness Junki” manages the sports club “Section”, which is located on Rochdelskaya street. — Inset
@mozhemobyasnit, 04.10.2021 13:05: The son of the first vice-speaker of the State Duma of the VII convocation, Alexander Zhukov, became a co-owner of a business that is engaged in spying on visitors to Moscow shopping centers, discovered the We Can Explain channel.
Now Zhukov Sr. heads the working group to prepare the first meeting of the new State Duma. His son Pyotr Zhukov, previously convicted by a London court for beating a man, received a stake in the Skolkovo company Shopster Technologies, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
According to information on her website, the company develops the Shopster Analytics service, which monitors the movements of visitors in shopping centers and stores using Wi-Fi on the smartphones of the visitors themselves. In addition, the service simultaneously allows you to show ads to users. Registered by Shopster Technologies LLC in Skolkovo. […] Since August, Petr Zhukov has owned 3.7% of Shopster Technologies. The main owner is Anna Kotelevskaya (82.1%), another 14.2% of the company belongs to Anton Vischanenko. […]
In 2020, Petr Zhukov took over as president and co-founder of the Chessboxing Federation of Russia. Chessboxing is a hybrid sport that combines a classic boxing match and rapid chess, the rounds of which alternate in the ring.