Siloviki understand the family conflict in Krasnogorsk between the son of the deceased Islam Karimov and his common-law wife, hospitalized with multiple injuries. The woman claims that this is not the first time.
It is known about Yulia Smetankina that she comes from Voronezh and does not officially work anywhere. Among her hobbies is playing the flute. As a musician she hosted participation in the Russian-Japanese festival “Seasons” in 2013. According to some reports, she was previously married to a Japanese citizen.
Despite the availability of income, Pyotr Karimov is a debtor in enforcement proceedings. Right now, he has four unpaid fines hanging on him.

A short essay about Pyotr Karimov was once written by his classmate, now a freelance journalist Alisher Taksanov. The most interesting moment is how Karimov Sr. sent his son to the army.
– When the Andropov purge began, at that time the first secretary of the Kashkadarya regional committee of the CPSU, Islam Karimov, came to his ex-wife and demanded that their son leave to serve in the army. “Otherwise, they will start saying that I’m helping Peter slop down.” The exhortations of the ex-wife that the son cannot serve for health reasons, and that he lives separately, did not help, writes Taksanov.
After serving in the army, Pyotr Karimov studied a lot. He graduated from the Tashkent Institute of National Economy, postgraduate studies at the Department of International Economic Relations, then received a diploma from Moscow Plekhanovka. In the nineties, Petr Karimov, who did not have the necessary work experience, was appointed deputy general representative of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Uzbekistan (now Asia-Invest Bank). In the 2000s, he also received the position of a top manager at the National Airline of Uzbekistan.
At the moment, it is not known how Pyotr Karimov earns a living. He left the national airline with a scandal and sued his former employer. Judging by the SPARK database, Pyotr Karimov is also no longer on the board of Asia-Invest Bank.
Karimov Jr. may have some savings. So, last year, he allegedly suffered from a fraudster who promised him 6 million rubles to help him return a deposit stuck in a bank deprived of a license. The swindler did not keep his word, and Peter wrote a statement against him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Not so long ago, Petr Karimov was allegedly robbed during a flight to Tashkent – he lost his cash and cards., 10/25/2018, “The Tverskoy court dismissed the case of Islam Karimov’s son against Uzbekistan Airways”: The case of Pyotr Karimov, son of the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, against Uzbekistan Airways has been terminated. About it testify data from the official portal of the courts of general jurisdiction of the city of Moscow.
According to the data, the case was dismissed due to the conclusion between the plaintiff and the defendant of an agreement on early settlement of the issue.
Previously reportedthat the son of the former President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov from his first marriage, Peter, applied to the Tverskoy Court of Moscow with a request to recover from the employer the money due to him.
Petr Karimov held a top position in the national company Uzbekistan Airways for several years, but some time after the death of his father, he lost his place. The “parachute” put in such situations was not paid to him. — Inset
@vchkogpu, 03.05.2022 10:50: As it became known to the Cheka-OGPU, the son of the first president of Uzbekistan, Pyotr Karimov, received an official response from the Central Bank of Uzbekistan that there was no return of funds to his accounts. But the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stopped responding to appeals. Karimov was stolen in the region of 1 million dollars and it is possible that with the participation of bank employees.
The embezzlement was carried out according to the following scheme: from Karimov’s account in Tashkent, the money was supposed to go to Karimov’s Russian account, but in reality it ended up on the accounts of unknown companies in Russia. Karimov raised a scandal and for a while he managed to stop the scam. However, the money was not returned to Tashkent, nor to Karimov’s account in Russia. They ended up in the accounts of other companies. According to people from Karimov’s entourage, the process of cashing out these funds has now begun.
“Moreover, Petr Islamovich began to receive requests to slow down, withdraw applications from the State Security Service, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Reconcile with the fact that a transfer was made from Karimov’s accounts to the details of firms controlled by Korolkov, ”the source said. It was Konstantin Korolkova (director of the Inferno firm), pretending to act on behalf of Karimov, who in some mysterious way redirected the money in such a way that they ended up on the accounts of unknown companies. It is known that a relative of Korolkov works in one of the branches of the Central Bank. — Inset