Sergei Petrov exposed billions in litigation with his wife and dog lovers
The property of the family of the former head of the Volga department of Rostekhnadzor surfaced in Kazan courts Boris Petrov. The tax authorities found 1.3 billion rubles in the accounts of his eldest son, Sergei Petrov. In addition, at the beginning of the year, the latter owned at least 40 land plots with a cadastral value of 650 million. According to one of them, he received permission to build an elite residential complex on Patrice Lumumba Street. It is assumed that the average area of an apartment in the future 27-storey building will be 172 square meters, and residents will receive, among other things, a tennis court. The draft name is also known – Kazanka Vta. About what else belongs to Petrov Jr. and his proxies – in the material “BUSINESS Online”.
Overlooking Kazanka: plans for a 27-storey residential complex with a tennis court are hindered by a dispute with dog breeders
Residents of the residential complex “Azure Heaven” on Alberta Kamaleev Avenue will soon have an impressive neighbor across the road. As it became known to BUSINESS Online, such plans could soon be implemented by Sergey Petrov, a Kazan businessman and the eldest son of Boris Petrov, ex-head of the Volga department of Rostekhnadzor, who was sentenced to a fine for abuse of office last year.

In November, the state prosecution requested the ex-head of the Volga department of Rostekhnadzor to be sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison in a colony-settlement. He was accused of abuse of power and obstruction of the legitimate work of the business. According to the last episode, the case was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. The defendant, according to the prosecution, deliberately did not give permission for the commissioning of installations at the Haier plant.
But the court found him guilty of abuse of power and eventually imposed a court fine of 70,000 rubles. However, taking into account the fact that Petrov spent part of his time in a pre-trial detention center and under house arrest, the court commuted the punishment to 60,000 rubles.
This became known thanks to the lawsuit that Petrov Jr. filed against the Ministry of Land Property of the Republic of Tatarstan as the owner of a land plot of 6.5 thousand square meters. m for future construction.
The essence of the dispute is in 500 “squares” on an adjacent plot of 5 thousand square meters. m, owned by the Ministry and rented by a public organization – the Federation of Sports and Applied Dog Breeding of the Republic of Tatarstan. The plaintiff (i.e., Petrov) asks to establish an indefinite easement on a part of the plot 9 meters wide – in other words, to grant the right to use someone else’s land. As it turned out, he needed the disputed site in order to build a passage on Alberta Kamaleev Avenue with a sidewalk.

The court even presented a fore-sketch, that is, a draft version of the future residential complex, to which the road should lead, Elena Klinova, a representative of the federation of sports and applied dog breeding (FSS) of the Republic of Tatarstan, told our correspondent. A copy of the project submitted to the court is at the disposal of our publication. The building, shining with a glass facade, is in no way inferior to the appearance of the Azure Skies. The residential complex will house 58 apartments with a total area of 10 thousand square meters. m, i.e. an average of 172 square meters. m per apartment. And all this on 27 floors.

The rest of the area is planned to be built up with “leisure” premises. There is a tennis court, a terrace, as well as underground parking for 154 places. The fore-sketch also shows the name of the future residential complex – Kazanka Vta. Vta in Spanish means “view”, “perspective”. Obviously, it means that from the upper floors of the projected residential complex there will be a view of the Kazanka. According to open sources, the cadastral value of the site is about 47 million rubles.
However, so far everything is only on paper. According to Klinova, at the meeting it was announced that the plaintiff had not developed the final draft design precisely because the issue of access roads had not been resolved. Those very controversial 500 sq. m, which are now on the site of dog breeders, Petrov wants to use as an entrance to the residential complex. Initially, according to Klinova, he offered to pay 2.5 thousand rubles a year for the joint use of the road, then generously raised the price to 12 thousand rubles a year.

FSS RT intends to fight with Petrov for this small piece of land. Klinova claims that there are other entrances to the site of the future residential complex. For example, through Alberta Kamaleev Avenue (from the LCD “XXI century”), from the streets of Kurskaya and Patrice Lumumba. If an easement is installed on their site, then it will not fall under the standards that are needed for holding a number of all-Russian competitions. “On the land plot there is a sports and training ground, which is the only one in the Volga region in terms of its parameters, which allows holding cynological competitions, both city and regional, and all-Russian,” says Oleg Pyrkov, head of the federation.
According to Pyrkov, Petrov’s site has been fenced for about 10 years (it was surrounded by a fence during the construction of the XXI century residential complex), and no work is being carried out on it. Petrov Jr. acquired this wasteland, according to Pyrkov, about two years ago. At the same time, dog breeders have historically occupied their site, from which they want to “bite off” a 9-meter passage, since the late 1980s. Then, in the midst of the “Kazan phenomenon,” says Pyrkov, local deputies offered him to study with young people here. “The main task was to tear the children off the street. And here children were engaged with dogs, there was an eye for sports, ”he said. Almost 40 years later, the organization is still located in this place – a lease agreement with the Ministry of Land Property was concluded by it until 2034.
Petrov himself does not comment on the land dispute in any way; he conveyed the refusal to discuss the relevant topic to BUSINESS Online through his lawyer.
1.3 billion in accounts and loyal business partners
As BUSINESS Online found out, the land near the Azure Skies residential complex is far from the only asset of Petrov Jr. By the beginning of 2022, Sergey Borisovich owned more than 40 plots and real estate in different regions of Tatarstan for a total of 650 million rubles. Moreover, this is not a market value, but only a cadastral value. This became known at the trial between Petrov Jr. and his ex-wife, who is arguing with her ex-husband over alimony for a third child. Our correspondent attended one of the meetings.
During the process, the plaintiff’s lawyer stated that, according to the answers from the tax service and other materials, in addition to multimillion-dollar property, Petrov also has bank accounts for 1.3 billion rubles, and at the end of 2020 he declared an income of 60 million rubles (for 13 million rubles more than a year earlier).

We managed to find several plots that belong or have ever belonged to Sergei Petrov, but now they turned out to be the property of other persons, but far from strangers to him. To do this, we analyzed extracts from Rosreestr, permits for various construction projects, decisions of arbitration courts, as well as data from other open sources.
Sergey Petrov, 44, is the son of the former head of Rostekhnadzor, Boris Petrov. Petrov Sr. connected his entire career with ecology, and Sergei Borisovich followed in his footsteps. There is no official biography of him on the web: he is a non-public person, he has been doing business all his life in the shadow of his father. For example, he appeared in the media as the head of Povolzhskaya Ecological Company LLC, although in fact (according to the Kontur.Focus service) he was not the head or founder of this company. The company itself has been on the market for more than 20 years, is engaged in the disposal of industrial waste and solid waste, even undertook the development of a pilot waste management project in the Zakamsko-Prikama region. It was not only the PEK that connected our hero with the garbage – as BUSINESS Online wrote earlier, the son of Boris Petrov was indirectly involved in the development of a system for accounting for garbage flows in the republic. The company – the developer of the ESPE-soft system was part of the Eko Management Company holding, the basis of which was PEK. Now ECO Management Company is located at Adel Kutuya, 160 – this address will still be found in our publication, and in the card in Kontur.Focus it has the same site as the company Projekto LLC.
The director and founder of Projecto is Sergei Borisovich himself. This, judging by the “Contour. Focus”, his only business. The company appeared in May 2021 and is engaged in the development of computer software. At the end of 2021, the company’s revenue exceeded 5.5 million rubles, net profit – 1.8 million rubles. Judging by the site, the main product of the company is an electronic glider. At the end of 2021, Projecto was included in the register of Russian software, which has been operating since 2016 after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions. Inclusion in it, in fact, means that the program is proven, without vulnerabilities, domestic, which means that for the public sector, in particular, it has an advantage over Western software. For firms-developers there are privileges: at sale of software from the register it is possible not to pay 20 percent VAT.
Previously, Petrov worked as an individual entrepreneur, since 2006, but at the end of 2021 he officially ceased operations. By the way, his IP owns the trademarks “PEK”, “Volga Ecological Company” and the corresponding logo.
Near the already mentioned site on Patrice Lumumba Street, owned by Petrov, there are two more plots of land, registered on Ilnura Saitova. They actually frame Petrov’s plot from two sides. One of them (the address is not assigned to it, only the location is indicated – Patrice Lumumba Street) – with an area of 1.3 thousand square meters. m and a cadastral value of 10 million rubles. The permitted type of land use is for a parking lot in a multi-storey residential area of 6–20 floors. The second section – Patrice Lumumba Street, 58 – with an area of 670 square meters. m with the appointment “under the administrative building”. The cadastral value of the site, as follows from open data, is about 4.8 million rubles. Thus, the approximate cadastral value of a group of three plots on Patrice Lumumba is about 62 million rubles.
At the trial, where Sergei Borisovich asked to establish an easement on part of the dog breeders’ plot, it was announced that Saitov was Petrov’s confidant. According to the Kontur.Focus service, they are long-term business partners. So, for example, in the late 2000s, Saitov was the director of PEK Property Company CJSC, the predecessor company of PEK (Volga Ecological Company). Before the “garbage” reform, it was one of the largest “garbage” operators in the republic, the beneficiary of which is Sergei Petrov. Despite the fact that he is not officially registered in the company’s management, it was Sergey Borisovich who spoke on its behalf during the scandal in 2013 in Chelny, which erupted after the construction project of a waste processing complex initiated by PEK. The founder of IK PEK CJSC was Eco Group of Companies LLC. It also later established another company – PEK-Zelenodolsk LLC, which was also headed by Saitov.
In 2018–2020, Saitov headed Engineering Company LLC, which was engaged in construction. The company is registered at the address: st. Adel Kutuya, 160a. The founder of the company from the moment of its foundation was Sergey Blokhin, the former director of PEK LLC in Zelenodolsk, Mari El and Chuvashia. Since April 2022, Saitov has been an individual entrepreneur whose main activity is renting and managing property.
The first development project: how are Sergey Petrov and the residential complex “Eurasia” connected?
The sources of our publication claim that the project on Patrice Lumumba Street is not the first object for Sergei Borisovich as a developer. So, the son of the former head of the Volga department of Rostekhnadzor is associated with the partially built residential complex “Eurasia” on Krasnokokshayskaya Street. In particular, in numerous permits for the construction of the third building of the residential complex with the letter B (house No. 84), the surname Saitova, already familiar to us, appears.
Boris Germanovich is 66 years old, 15 of them he worked as the head of the Volga department of Rostekhnadzor, and before that, for almost five more years, he was the Minister of Ecology of Tatarstan. Candidate of Geographical Sciences, in fact, his entire career, which he built in the republic, was connected with ecology. In the era of Petrov, a new round of industrial development of the Republic of Tatarstan fell in Rostekhnadzor: large-scale reconstruction, construction of new facilities, control over dangerous enterprises … With the participation of the department, the first stage of the Kazan metro, a new Kazan airport, the Ak Bars Arena stadium were erected.
In May 2020, Petrov resigned. In an interview with our publication, he admitted that he had been trying to retire for 1.5 years. “There are many other interesting things to focus only on this,” the official himself explained the reshuffle. In March 2021, he became a defendant in a criminal case on kickbacks during the construction of a Haier plant. However, the case went to court under an article not about a bribe: Petrov was tried for abuse of office and obstruction of the legitimate work of a business. The state prosecution requested that he be sent to a colony, but the court imposed a fine of 60,000 rubles on Petrov, who pleaded guilty and went to trial in a special manner. Thus, the former chief of Rostekhnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan avoided not only a real term, but also a criminal record.
The town-planning plan of the land plot (GPZU), on which in 2019 it was still only planned to build this house, was prepared “based on the application of citizen Saitov Ilnur Dusilevich.” In the document, he is listed as the owner of the plot (according to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the land plot is the owner of the plot or its tenant). From the same document it follows that he received the GPZU as an individual. The law says that an individual can indeed receive a town-planning plan, but then he must either be the owner of the site, or act as an authorized representative of the person who has the right to the site.

Saitov requested a GPZU for two land objects – an area of 11 thousand square meters. m and 9 thousand square meters. meters. Both of these sites, as follows from the extract from Rosreestr, have been owned by the city since December 2019. The applications of the copyright holder, i.e. Saitov, for the preparation of the urban development plan were requested in April and December 2019.
Sergei Petrov himself does not appear in the documents. The construction of the comfort-class residential complex is being carried out by Specialized Developer AMG LLC. According to Kontur.Fokus, the company was founded in 2014, registered on the street. Adelya Kutuya, 50, its director is Alexander Telegin. According to the unified resource of developers, the residential complex “Eurasia” is the only complex built by the company so far.
It is worth mentioning that the construction of the residential complex did not go smoothly: initially, the houses (since 2012) were erected with the support of Spurt Bank by the developer Impek LLC, which built and commissioned building A. Then the construction stalled, and AMG took on the burden. In one of the comments to BUSINESS Online, the director of Impek, Valery Kuvshinov spokethat the construction of housing is carried out on private investment. At the beginning of 2021, the company ceased operations.
How Sergey Petrov sold real estate to the city for the construction of the Voznesensky tract
On st. Adelya Kutuya, 160a, where Engineering Company LLC was located (we recall that Saitov was its director), one of the branches of the Volga Ecological Company, PEK-Kazan, was also based. In fact, this is the main base of PEK – an object with the code name “the building of the production base of the complex for sorting secondary raw materials” City complex for sorting secondary raw materials “”. The building has been owned by Sergei Petrov since 2013. The cadastral value of the building with an area of 827 sq. m exceeds 16 million rubles.
In February 2021, Sergey’s brother, Gleb Petrov, became the owner of the building. And three months later, in mid-May last year, Sergei Borisovich re-registered the site again. True, he was the owner for only two months – in early July, the building was transferred to the city for the construction of the Voznesensky tract. The corresponding announcement about the buyout of the object was even contained in the collection of documents dated July 2021 – it turns out that it took exactly a year to buy it out. “House No. 160a (administrative building of the production base of the complex for sorting secondary raw materials): withdraw land plots and real estate objects located on them by way of redemption for municipal needs,” the document read. The amount that Petrov received for the plot is not known. The building has not yet been demolished, although the construction of the Voznesensky tract is taking place in the immediate vicinity.
In the cadastral map there is also a land plot with the address: st. Adel Kutuya, 160 – the base of the PEK was located on it. According to an extract from Rosreestr, the owner of the site is Nina Vinokurova, the mother of Sergei Petrov and the first wife of Boris Germanovich. Until March 2022, Sergey Borisovich personally owned the site. Its area, according to data from open sources, is 13.8 thousand square meters. m, the cadastral value is more than 61 million rubles.
In March 2022, on the same day as the site described above, Sergey Petrov transferred another object to Vinokurova – a land plot of 30 thousand square meters. m on the Street of Journalists, directly opposite the Vietnamese market. As follows from the documents on the website of the Kazan City Hall, in April 2019, Petrov was given permission to build wholesale warehouses on this land. Judging by the cadastral map, at least five buildings are now located on this site – these are retail facilities. The cadastral value of the site, according to information from open sources, is 241 million rubles.
Sergey Petrov did not answer the questions of BUSINESS Online about the plots described above, involvement in the construction of the residential complex Eurasia and the transfer of land to his mother. What investment plans for other dozens of real estate objects Sergei Borisovich is hatching is still a mystery.