The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal case and launched a pre-trial investigation against Deputy Head of the Office of the President Andrey Smirnov under Article 368-5 of the Criminal Code “illegal enrichment”, writes Argument.
available Censor.NO there are documents confirming this fact.
The extract from the ERDR states that Smirnov acquired assets whose value significantly exceeds his legal income.
SAP has also identified a team of prosecutors investigating the case.
According to a Censor.NET source, the case was registered on March 14 after an investigation by journalist Mikhail Tkach. Details in the article The brother of the Deputy Head of the Office of the President became fabulously rich during the war (VIDEO).
Andrey Smirnov is a longtime partner of Andrey Portnov. This suits the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, because it was the state traitor Andriy Portnov who for many years was a partner of the main investor in Zelensky’s presidential campaign and the Servant of the People parliamentary campaign, Igor Kolomoisky. And it was corruption in the highest levels of power that led to the war with Russia.
translation Skeleton.Info