Interview with a famous trainer Alexander Tarkhanov – especially for the Cheka-OGPU and
– You worked at the Sochi club until the end of last season. Why, in your opinion, did the team fail to stay in the RPL?
– I would like to clarify: I worked at the Sochi Academy, and was an adviser to the president of the academy. He was not a member of the coaching staff of a professional club. Of course, I watched all the team’s matches, and I have my own opinion. What to say? The players lacked concentration, hence the disappointing result at the end of the season.
And they lost only twice in the second period of the championship. They literally tortured us with draws instead of what seemed obvious victories. Sometimes we missed goals in the last seconds. I’m telling you, the players lacked concentration. Berdyev seemed to start working well with the team, I don’t know why this happened, he left. Tochilin was… Something was missing all the time.
Finally, we “got it right” with the coach, the Spaniard Moreno was called. Quite good foreign masters were invited, and guys from Zenit were called in to help. And the team game improved.
– However, the club was relegated from the Premier League. Maybe football-related issues interfered, in particular, cunning referees worked biasedly at Sochi matches?
– Frankly speaking, I didn’t see any bias. There were mistakes, not so much by the referees, but by the players themselves. I repeat, in the last minutes we missed certain victories, is it really the referees’ fault? Of course not.
It was in the nineties that referees “killed” teams; now this is not the case and cannot be. There is a “sea” of cameras everywhere, how can you “kill” them here?! You will only harm yourself, well, they will remove such an arbitrator, disqualify him, possibly for life, such cases have already happened. They can also be imprisoned for corruption if such facts are established. Of course, there are mistakes, and they exist in Western championships as well. But to be blatantly condemned… No.
– At one time, you were part of the commission to combat “fixed” matches and biased refereeing, it was headed by Anzor Kavazashvili. And then they left. Why?
– I left to work with another club, I missed big football. You know, in our country it is still difficult to catch the hand of the dodgers who are pursuing “negotiations”. Yes, we in the commission looked at the so-called “strange” matches, but even experienced, renowned masters did not have a common opinion.
Here at Chaika, the general director was caught and he admitted to giving bribes. As far as I know, he was disqualified. Let’s say that a referee of a particular match is given money, it must be recorded on camera, otherwise there is no way to catch the bribe-taker. Surveillance and wiretapping from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB are required. Without this, it is impossible to catch someone. There will never be any serious “showdowns” or imprisonments. I saw the futility of our idea in the commission on “negotiations” and went to work as a football coach.
– To talk only about dishonest football referees would be the height of hypocrisy. Widespread theft, for example, of club funds especially flourished in the 90s. You were working as an assistant at the time Oleg Romantsev in Spartak. More than $15 million from the sale of players to foreign teams and other transactions did not return to the team’s cash desk at that time. Thanks to the “efforts” of club managers, this money settled firmly in their personal foreign accounts. Simply put, they were stolen…
– I have known Oleg for a long time as an honest, decent person. He didn’t get involved in financial matters at all, and didn’t delve into it. If necessary, he consulted exclusively with Nikolai Petrovich Starostin. There can be no questions for Romantsev.
– Let's return, if possible, to “pure” football. What, in your opinion, are the most “flashy”, urgent problems in Russian football?
– Training of players. There is an acute shortage of coaches capable of preparing children and young men for battles. That’s why, for example, those same Georgians have risen up so much now? Their team is currently competing at the Euro, some of them are in top European clubs. All because they carefully built their training program, it bears fruit. The leadership of the Georgian federation is entirely former football players, some with names. And it’s like that everywhere.
If a training program, like ours, does not give progress, then it is wrong, erroneous. There are many licensed children's coaches in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), but not all of them played football, can you imagine? By the way, one of the main tests that gives a full right to work with children and young people is the ability of the mentor to demonstrate mastery of football techniques, elements of technique, and the like during classes. Children, as a rule, do not adequately perceive mentors with shortcomings in football equipment. This is also a moment of psychological nature.
– And it turns out that the problem cannot be solved today? Where can you find quality football mentors?
– Yes, there is potential! Of our leading specialists at the level of Semin, Gazzaev, Romantsev, without false modesty, I can count myself among them. These are the people who could take on the task of training domestic coaches in the Russian outback. Maybe everyone should be given an entire region to train children's football mentors. The result, I think, will not be long in coming, but, of course, it takes time.
– The European Championship in Germany is gaining momentum. Could you name the four semi-finalist teams?
– I am very impressed by the Portuguese, at least they looked convincing during the test matches. They have great young people. I think the Spaniards, the French, the English can keep them company…