“The prosecutor’s office of the Sumy region is behind the search at Kerameya,” the general director of the plant, Ivan Telyushchenko (video)
In an exclusive interview SumyToday the general director of the Sumy brick factory “Kerameya” said that, in his opinion, was the real reason for the search at the enterprise.
On December 27, 2022, law enforcement officers arrived at the Kerameya brick factory in Sumy with a search warrant. The investigation continued for about 10 hours.
“Kerameya”. Search. “They came here like a drug cartel…”
– Tell me what happened?
– All this was unexpected for everyone and for me personally, because this is the first time in my entire working biography that they came with a search, as if to look for an unauthorized tie-in to the gas pipeline.
A large bus drove in, armed people got out, in military uniforms, in police uniforms. In body armor. They came here like some kind of drug cartel … Only hands behind their heads, and that’s all – facing the wall. All this was in order to put the enterprise on the counter. But, in my opinion, such times have come that it is a crime to be silent at all.
By 4:00 p.m. nothing could be found. But, probably, there was some team further. And at 16:00 they brought an excavator, and they decided to dig out the underground part of our gas pipeline. Because they explored all the gas pipelines above. Looked. There was no reason to make any claims.
In the middle of winter, no one does this kind of work. This is the first. Especially. What did they unearth when the plant is standing still and no one takes a drop of gas.
Anatoly Savchenko, chief engineer of the plant adds:
– Well, when they were doing this work, they exposed our cable telephone line, tore the ground, damaged the insulation.
Ivan Telyushchenko:
– They have the equipment necessary to understand without opening the gas pipeline whether there is a tie-in or not. But why was it done this way. I think that one of the reasons is to please the prosecutor’s office. Because all the directing, in my opinion, was from the regional prosecutor’s office. All this was in order to put the enterprise on the counter.
— Why do you think so?
– After analyzing a certain period from the appearance of this new chief prosecutor of the region, since this comrade appeared, there were repeated hints of a conversation. Well, I did not show initiative for many reasons. One of the reasons seems to be out of self-respect. I have a work book, perhaps older than this Mr. Prosecutor. And therefore I have the right to respect from people who even wear large epaulettes. Especially if I am a law-abiding citizen. I have no complaints from fiscal structures, especially from the tax authorities – a conscientious taxpayer, one of the largest in his industry. We paid about UAH 90 million for 2021. For whom it is a joy, for those who think about production, about success in production. And for some, this is such an irritant, whose hands are sweating and different places itch in order to impose a tribute. Since then, there have been such repeated attempts to pinch me somehow, so that I jumped out there like a devil out of a snuffbox and asked for something. Mercy can whether something offered. Such a chain of events…
“Kerameya”. License history. “Sharpness is brought to you”
– My friends, who may have tea there with the same chief prosecutor, they told me: harshness is brought on you, you do not have a license. I say: I have until April 12, 2021, and then we will get a continuation. It wasn’t easy to get a sequel. I even suspected that there were some efforts on the part of the opposing side, that something was slowing it down. But we received the license on April 20. And it appeared on the website of the State Geological Service, and on the 22nd we cheerfully left for clay. But it was not there. These people do not look at the Internet, they have not seen this order, they know that on the 12th I will already be a thief if I go to the quarry. Well, a large group of police arrived there with witnesses, about 30 people. They stopped this company. Which, under my contract, was supposed to transport this raw material. A representative of the plant went, showed the order, we figured it out there. And they left with nothing.
Subscription fee for prosecutors. “75 thousand monthly”
– Then they found a form of information transfer: that there is a rule that the Sumy region is such a pasture for prosecutors, and on this pasture all business sheep will be sheared only by the prosecutor’s office and no one else. And the proven figure was due to all sorts of sources: 75 thousand UAH every month. Parasites or I don’t know what to call them.
– 75 thousand in the form of what?
– If I wanted to give, I would ask in the form of what.
— How did you take it?
– Roughly speaking, we sent them to hell. This is the whole masquerade with soldiers, with machine guns, these are all links of one chain. For me, this is quite obvious – this is the regional prosecutor’s office. They used “Sumygaz” as a tool. Given that there is a sin that the dog has fleas, they did everything that they were asked. The apotheosis was that the investigators wrote the phrase “No cutting was found” in their search protocol.
– What will be the reaction of you and the enterprise to these actions of law enforcement officers?
— Me and my friends, colleagues, shareholders have been working with Western investment funds for many years. Those rules and norms that exist in Western business, when reputational components are at the forefront, we have learned them quite clearly and continue to use them. We have a completely transparent company. And it’s so indiscriminate to blame us for being some kind of swindlers, thefts and stealing gas in public, and we won’t leave it like that.
Interviewed by Elena Adamenko, translation Skeleton.Info