Odious posts Dmitry Medvedev in telegram writes his assistant Oleg Osipov, according to anonymous Telegram channels. The work of the press secretary of the deputy chairman of the Security Council is well paid: Osipov owns an apartment worth 105 million rubles in the center of Moscow, Polygon Media found out.
@politkremlin, 28.11.2022 18:46: Insiders in the corridors of power claim that Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia Medvedev only edits his scandalous Telegram channel, and other people fill it with texts. The main coordinator of the team of writers, according to rumors, is a former RIA Novosti journalist, Medvedev’s press secretary Oleg Osipov.
Moreover, knowledgeable people claim that the style of a number of posts suggests that they were written by Osipov, and Medvedev, at best, edited them, and at worst, simply coordinated them. For example, we are talking about posts with the numerous use of emoticons and various emojis (Osipov’s love for this type of expression of emotions is evidenced by his comments in a similar style, which he gave to the federal press. – Inset K.ru
In September 2018 Oleg Osipov appointed Press Secretary of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. After 7 months, his full namesake became the owner of an apartment of 143 sq.m. in the elite residential complex “Smolenskaya Zastava” in Ruzheiny Lane. AT declarations press secretary Medvedev indicated the area of the apartment. She is matches with data from Rosreestr.
By according to the CIAN website, the average price per square meter in this house is about 736,000 rubles. Thus, Osipov’s apartment costs at least 105 million rubles. In total, over the past three years, Osipov has earned 42.8 million rubles.
In the same house lives Press Secretary of the Ministry of Defense General Igor Konashenkov. His apartment is more modest – only 95 sq.m. In addition to Konashenkov, according to journalists, the new head of Roskosmos lives in this house Yuri Borisovdeputy manager of the president Olga Sergun and Chairman of the Moscow Arbitration Court Nikolai Novikov.
@otsuka_bld, 30.11.2022 17:16: If you wanted to see who writes all these stubborn posts of Dmitry Anatolyevich in a cart, get acquainted – Oleg Osipov, 44 years old, married, has two children. Per an endless stream of paranoid delusions For his selfless work, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and the Order of Merit in the Field of Network Information Technologies. — Inset K.ru