In early June, news appeared in the information space of the region that a criminal case had been opened in the Slyudyansky district again. This time about the theft of budget funds in the amount of about 5 million rubles. Our old acquaintance again became his figurant, which is not surprising.
When it comes to fraud in the housing and communal services sector of the Slyudyansky district, then the image of local communal baron Mr. Ilyenko, who is a recognized master in the construction of various cunning schemes for pumping out millions.
He does not deny himself the pleasure of “breeding” for tidy sums and the budget of the Irkutsk region. After reading the news about new frauds, deja vu involuntarily arises.
Back in January 2022, the prosecutor’s office of the Irkutsk region and the regional investigative committee reported that in 2019, Ilyenko’s firm provided false data on the amount of expenses, including taxes and other payments for its employees. As a result of this, a subsidy in the amount of more than 32 million rubles was illegally received from the regional budget to compensate for lost income. But in the course of the prosecutor’s check, it was revealed that in fact, the organization did not make tax and other deductions for the specified amount, since work on the repair and maintenance of communal infrastructure facilities was performed not by employees, but by other business entities.
Then, as a result of the illegal receipt of a subsidy, the budget of the Irkutsk region suffered damage in the amount of more than 32 million rubles. The materials were sent to the bodies of the investigative committee to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution, the progress and results of the investigation were put under control.
It’s been almost a year and a half. And what? But nothing. How Mr. Ilyenko’s firm worked, and works. As she received money from the regional budget as a result of deception, she still does.
How did the Slyudyansky schemer differ this time? Now, the Slyudyansky District Prosecutor’s Office has established that in 2021, based on the documentation submitted by the resource supplying organization, the authorized body set tariffs for hot water supply and heat supply for the population. In order to compensate for the costs of the services provided, which were not covered by the fees received from the population, the activities of the organization in 2022 were subsidized from the regional budget. However, during the prosecutor’s check, it was revealed that the documentation contained information about inflated expenses that were not actually made by the resource supply organization. As a result the budget of the Irkutsk region suffered damage in the amount of about 5 million rubles.
If we translate what has been said from the official language of press releases into a more understandable one, we get the following. Ilyenko’s firm calculated the tariffs for heat supply for the population, and the region approved them. After working for a year, Ilyenko filed a claim to the region: the tariffs are too low and do not cover all his expenses. Everything was included in the expenses, including taxes, which, according to the old tradition, are not paid. Regional officials sighed and paid the required millions from the regional budget. Maybe not just like that, not for beautiful eyes, who knows. Then they checked the expenses, it turned out that again everything is not thank God. And millions have already been received.
The prosecutor’s office sent the materials of the check to the bodies of the Investigative Committee to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution, based on the results of their consideration, a criminal case was initiated. Is it necessary to say that the course and results of the investigation of this case are under control, just like last time?
So the faith of people in justice and legality will be much stronger.
However, the trail of scandals and far from impeccable reputation do not prevent Mr. Ilyenko from remaining in honor and respect of local authorities, receiving awards on the occasion of the holidays. And not only.
So making predictions in this case is not the most rewarding occupation. The editors continue to monitor developments.