The Pechersky District Court of Kiev established for lawyers a 49-year-old native of the Samborsky district Andrey Nedzelsky (known in the status of the so-called “thief in law” nicknamed “Andrey Lvovsky” / “Nedelya”), who is charged with the murder of crime boss Alexander Semenov, nicknamed “Katsa p p.6, 12, part 2, article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), illegal circulation of weapons (part 1, article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and the use of forged documents (part 4, article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) for familiarization with the materials of the case against the worthy. On February 10, the minister of Themis, Oleg Belotserkovets, made the corresponding decision.
It follows from its text that on December 5, 2022 (shortly after receiving permission to conduct a special pre-trial investigation into criminal proceedings (in absentia) on suspicion of a member of the upper caste of the criminal world, as previously reported on the pages Detective-Info) the investigator, on behalf of the prosecutor, reported on the completion of the investigation. After that, the Andrey Lvovsky party was informed that the requirements of Article 290 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine had been fulfilled, providing access to the case materials.
More than two months have passed since then, but Nedzelsky’s defense did not have enough time to familiarize themselves with 30 volumes of production. It is known that out of the four thief-in-law lawyers, only one came to the investigator during the specified period, and he, in the end, “mastered” only 17 volumes of the case.
Investigation in the case of “Nedelya” completed
Earlier on the pages of Detective-Info it was reported: intentions The organization of the trial in absentia over Nedelya publicly became aware at the beginning of October 2022. It is believed that this coincided with the release from custody of the criminal general in Italy (where he was detained on March 28, 2022) and the lack of progress in resolving the issue of extraditing Andrei Stepanovich to his homeland.
Recall that the official suspicion of the execution of Semyonov’s authority in October 2009 and a number of other crimes (details of this case can be found in the Detective-Info material “I won’t go for Katsap!”) Nedzelsky was discharged in the spring of 2020. Since then, the criminal general has been on the international wanted list. According to one version, the current location of the Week is the region of Lombardy on the Apennine Peninsula.