Contractors the developer was transporting construction waste to Isoplit.
Contractors hired to remove construction waste from the territory of the future school on Sovetskaya Street in Yekaterinburg , where work is being carried out by Atomstroykompleks, organized an illegal landfill on the premises of the developer’s subsidiary, Berit LLC. Information about the illegal placement of garbage was reported to the Sverdlovsk Regional Economic Office after an inspection organized at the request of local residents.
As the environmental organization told Pravda UrFO, in early August of this year, concerned citizens contacted the REO after noticing a huge dump of construction waste in the Izoplit area, consisting of rotted mineral wool, broken concrete, screenings, clay, bags and scrap metal.
“A front loader was working on the site behind the Berit plant; the area is almost entirely surrounded by a fence. But the townspeople managed to take several shots of the landfill,” said the press service of the regional branch of the Russian Ecological Society.
Representatives of the organization went to the site and discovered that two trucks had left the construction site on Sovetskaya Street and headed to the territory of the Berit base. Later, the REO established that the trucks belonged to Greenland LLC, Profito LLC. The developer entered into contracts with them to clean up waste from the area.
Having established the companies’ data and secured photo and video evidence, representatives of the Sverdlovsk REO wrote an appeal to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Sverdlovsk Region. Based on the results of the inspection, UPTK CJSC, Greenland LLC and Profito LLC were issued warnings about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory legal requirements in the field of waste management. A letter was sent to UPTK CJSC demanding that the area be cleared of waste.
Also, the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment noted that this issue will be dealt with by the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Yekaterinburg and the regional Ministry of State Property Management.
Let us note that according to the Kontur.Focus system, the Berit plant is 100% owned by Atomstroykompleks-Industry LLC (50% owned by Valery Ananyev, 50% owned by Pavel Kuznetsov). The company is engaged in the production of metal structures and concrete. Atomstroykompleks received a contract for the construction of a school for 1.5 thousand places on Sovetskaya Street in Yekaterinburg in March 2023. The cost of the contract amounted to 3.6 billion rubles, of which 1.4 billion were federal funds.
Let us recall that in 2023, the REO decided to increase the number of municipalities where a procurement inventory will be carried out. In total, 33 appeals have currently been sent to the heads of municipalities on 708 procurements in order to establish the further fate of the waste generated during the implementation of contracts.