Judge of the Lyublinsky District Court of Moscow Artem Kenenov ruled in the case of the businessman’s inheritance Oleg Burlakov, Kommersant reports with reference to the plaintiffs’ lawyers. They were the sister of the millionaire who died from the coronavirus, Vera Kazakova, and her husband Nikolai Kazakov, a friend and business partner. The trial lasted about eight months, he satisfied the claim.

Burlakov was a co-owner of Stroylesbank, the Terpentin paint and varnish factory, and the investment and construction company Impulse. AT rating “200 richest businessmen of Russia – 2021” he entered with an estimated net worth of $650 million. He also owned sailing yacht Black Pearl 106.7 m long. The businessman died at the age of 71 in the Lapino clinic from the effects of COVID-19 in June 2021.
IA “RBC”, 12/15/2021, “The widow and children of a Russian from the Forbes list began to fight for a yacht and a mansion”: Burlakov’s legacy, according to the Daily Mail, is estimated at £3 billion (about $3.9 billion). By Forbes estimatesit is at least $ 2.7 billion. These are funds on the accounts of Burlakov and his wife ($ 700 million and $ 1.5 billion, respectively), the Black Pearl yacht ($ 250 million), apartments in Monaco ($ 150 million), the Ironwall fund managed by the son-in-law Burlakov Greg Gliner, the Global 5000 aircraft, as well as the businessman’s assets in Russia: shares in Tyumen’s Stroylesbank (74.88%) and the Kalinka shopping center (74.9%).
In Burlakov’s original will, his wife was listed as the sole heir to the Monaco mansion, reports the Daily Mail. However, after the death of the businessman, a new will was discovered, in which the widow and daughters were no longer mentioned, Maxim Glotov, chairman of the board of the Mogilnitsky and Partners Bar Association, said in August. — Inset K.ru
The struggle between his heirs unfolded even for the right to bury the deceased. His wife Ludmila Burlakova, nee Marchenko, and two adult daughters Veronica and Elena, considering themselves the legitimate heirs, insisted on burial in Canada. The younger sister Vera wanted to receive the body in her brother’s hometown of St. Petersburg, for burial at the Serafimovsky cemetery, next to the graves of her parents, as the entrepreneur himself asked in front of witnesses.
At the time of his death, Burlakov was conducting a divorce process with his wife in Monaco, and was in a difficult relationship with his daughters. The funeral took place in Toronto, they were organized by Burlakov’s wife and daughters, Kommersant writes. The lawyers of the deceased told about the criminal case about the removal of the body on the basis of forged documents, it is allegedly under preliminary investigation.
The inheritance case was opened at the St. Petersburg notary by Oleg Burlakov’s daughter Veronica. Spouses Kazakov presented in the case testament of Oleg Burlakov and declarations of acceptance of inheritance. The will was found in the personal documents of the businessman. According to the laws of the Principality of Monaco, which was Oleg Burlakov’s last place of residence, even his certification is not required to recognize a will as legal. The Lublin Court was chosen as the site of the dispute over the place of last registration of Lyudmila Burlakova and her daughters.
In court, the defendants tried to prove that such an application of the law of the Principality of Monaco threatens the “public order of the Russian Federation”. The handwriting examination appointed by the court at the request of the lawyers recognized the will as authentic – the document was written by the hand of Oleg Burlakov and sealed with his signature. The court considered that the property, including the yacht, should be transferred to the Kazakov couple in accordance with the laws of Monaco. References to them were contained in 15 sheets of explanations by the plaintiffs’ lawyers and 175 sheets of excerpts from laws. These norms of the law were provided to them at their request by Monegasque lawyers – a professor-theorist and a lawyer-practitioner.
“Kommersant”, 11/24/2022, “Lublin court decided princely”: As it became known to Kommersant, a decisive turn took place in the high-profile case of the struggle for the inheritance of the multimillionaire Oleg Burlakov, who died a year and a half ago in a clinic near Moscow from the coronavirus. […] And not only for his fortune, which, according to various estimates, ranged from $650 million to $1.5 billion, including the Black Pearl yacht built according to his project, which accumulates solar energy in huge black sails, a childhood dream of Oleg Burlakov, who was also known as a talented inventor and designer, but even for the right to bury the deceased. […]
The opposing side tried to prove that Mr. Burlakov allegedly still lived for the most part in St. Petersburg, and wrote his will, being not in an adequate condition. In addition, the defendants said that the will mentioned the transfer of all assets to the “Fund of Vera and Nikolai Kazakov”, although this did not exist then. However, the court considered that the property, including the Black Pearl, is still subject to transfer to the Kazakov couple in accordance with the laws of Monaco. […]
“We are satisfied with the decision, the judge evaluated all the arguments presented and reflected them with mathematical accuracy and brevity!” – One of the lawyers of the Kazakov spouses told Kommersant. However, it is too early to put a final point in this case, since the losing side has time to appeal the decision. — Inset K.ru

The third person in the lawsuit was the young daughter of Sofia Shevtsova, a flight attendant, who claimed that she had given birth to a child from Burlakov. The court rejected these arguments. According to one of Kazakov’s lawyers, the judge assessed all the arguments presented and “reflected them.” The losing party has time to appeal the decision. Burlakov’s wife and daughter are trying through St. Petersburg courts to challenge the notary’s refusal to recognize their share in the inheritance, and also to recover 800 million rubles from the Kazakovs from the sale of one of the businessman’s companies. Sofia Shevtsova is trying to confirm the paternity of the daughter of the deceased through the court.
The ICR is still investigating assassination attempt on Oleg Burlakov in Moscow in November 2018. Then his jeep Cadillac Escalade was fired upon from firearms. Investigators are also checking the circumstances of Oleg Burlakov’s death, including the quality and timeliness of medical care provided to him. In Monaco, there is an investigation into the withdrawal of funds from Oleg Burlakov and Nikolai Kazakov, entrusted to Lyudmila Burlakova, her lawyers did not respond to the newspaper’s request.