Large assets in Tyumen associated with the late Forbes businessman Oleg Burlakov will be the subject of an inheritance fight. Thus, the firms that control, according to market participants, a significant part of the Kalinka office and shopping center, have already faced claims from the Grifon company from St. Petersburg. The latter, having received hereditary property in trust management, requested documents and information from the business. Initially, industry officials associated Griffin with the businessman’s sister Vera Kazakova and her husband, but subsequently information appeared indicating that Lyudmila Burlakova, with whom the businessman was in divorce proceedings at the time of his death, could stand behind the company. Burlakova has already come to light with large lawsuits related to business in Tyumen, and now, according to observers, the degree of conflict will continue to grow. The fact is that the court previously recognized the Kazakovs as heirs, relying on the laws of the Principality of Monaco, where Burlakov “mainly lived in recent years.” However, one more participant, Sofia Shevtsova, who is called the stewardess of the businessman’s private plane, who has already achieved the first results in courts, can probably intervene in the processes. Probably the continuation of disputes over Stroylesbank, whose representatives have already opposed the Griffin.
The St. Petersburg City Court will consider an appeal related to inheritance disputes over the fortune of the late Forbes businessman Oleg Burlakov.
Let us clarify that earlier the Vyborgsky District Court of St. Petersburg satisfied the requirements in the case, in which Sofia Vladimirovna Shevtsova acted as the plaintiff as the legal representative of the child. Sophia Shevtsova is called by sources “the stewardess of a businessman’s private plane”, indicating that she went to court with a “statement to establish the paternity of her minor child, allegedly born of Burlakov.”
Within the framework of the appeal, as follows from the documents of the court, expert examinations have already been appointed. Shevtsova herself, according to media reports, claimed that she had lived with Burlakov in Latvia for the past few years.
This trial will complement a series of other conflicts, which, in particular, were reported by Pravda UrFO. So, in the struggle for inheritance, the leading positions, apparently, are still occupied by the businessman’s sister Vera Kazakova and her husband Nikolai Kazakov, who is called Burlakov’s longtime partner by some industry workers.
Earlier, Vera Kazakova and her husband filed a lawsuit against the defendants: Lyudmila Burlakova, with whom the businessman was in divorce proceedings at the time of his death, and her daughters with a claim for the recognition of a valid will, drawn up on October 21, 2019, and recognition as heirs. As a result, their demands were satisfied first by the Lublinsky District Court, and then supported by the appeal.
The dispute focused on the laws of the Principality of Monaco, where Burlakov “mainly lived in recent years.” “<…> also had a residence permit in the principality, rented an apartment there, was a member of several clubs <…> (Motor Club of Monaco, Yacht Club of Monaco), created his own family office <…>, also the defendants themselves previously admitted that the place (predominant) residence of the full name in the last years of his life was Monaco, since Burlakova L.S. initiated the divorce proceedings in the principality – the state of joint residence of the spouses, “- follows from the case file.
The court also took into account that the businessman was in the process of divorce proceedings with Lyudmila Burlakova and “at that time he was in a“ strained ”relationship with the daughters of Burlakova V.O. and Burlakova E.O., which is confirmed by the written evidence presented in the case.”
Remarkable details also surfaced in the appeals. So, based on the documents, in 2019 Burlakov had to testify at the National Gendarmerie of Nice in connection with “confirmation of the presence of explosives (in the bag).”
“To the question of the senior sergeant about who could put this bag on the plane, the full name said that “… these could be my two daughters who are my heirs, full name (…), living in London, and full name, living in Toronto ( Canada), as well as my sons-in-law … ”- follows from the documents.
We add that in 2018, an attempt was also reported on the assassination of Oleg Burlakov: an allegedly unknown person fired several shots at the Cadillac Escalade, in which the businessman was, but the bullets hit only the body of the car.
It should be noted that these proceedings are extremely remarkable in the light of Burlakov’s assets in Tyumen. So, Grifon LLC from St. Petersburg filed lawsuits against Office-2009, Office-2012 and Tyumen-Hilton, which, as reported by the Agenda telegram channel, control about 75% of the office and shopping center “Kalinka” in Tyumen. In court, the plaintiff’s representatives insist on providing documents and information.
It should be noted that earlier market participants, with reference to the fact that Griffin received hereditary property in trust management, connected the company with the Kazakov couple. However, now they are of the opinion that Lyudmila Burlakova and her daughters “may be behind the company.”
“The St. Petersburg structure is associated with Burlakov’s wife, with whom he did not have time to complete the divorce proceedings. <...> The structure requires the provision of accounting and other documentation, which indicates that the Burlakov family does not control their activities. Apparently, they are in the orbit of influence of Kazakova and Nikolai Kazakov, with whom the deceased businessman did business, ”the Agenda channel indicates.
Indirectly, this version is confirmed by other disputes in which “Gryphon” acted as an opponent of Nikolai Kazakov.
It should be noted that the appearance of Griffin also turned out to be courts in the part of LLC CB Stroylesbank (Tyumen), the beneficiary of which was Burlakov. As Pravda UrFO reported, Igor Saykov, who was listed as a shareholder of the bank and chairman of the board of directors of the financial structure, filed a lawsuit against the notary and Grifon to challenge the transaction.
Saikov insisted that the agreement was concluded in violation of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the law “On Limited Liability Companies” and the bank’s charter, “since none of the heirs applied to him to obtain permission to conclude the said agreement.” In this regard, the banker demanded to invalidate the trust management agreement.
However, the Petrogradsky District Court of St. Petersburg pointed out that the trust management agreement and the transfer of property for management do not mean the transfer of a share in the authorized capital to ownership, and the consent of the bank’s participants is not required, ultimately refusing Saykov. This decision was subsequently upheld on appeal.
It should be noted, according to industry experts, a bank and a shopping and office center in Tyumen could cost more than 2.5 billion rubles. In general, Burlakov’s fortune, according to various estimates, ranged from 650 million to 1.5 billion dollars, including the Black Pearl yacht built according to his project, which accumulates solar energy in huge black sails. The Daily Mail even estimated Burlakov’s fortune at $3 billion.