The list of those to whom the economic police came to includes two directors of Vodokanal at once. There are questions about their past, when it depended on them which houses to give water to. There is also a government company.
It became clear why the morning of Tuesday, July 12, did not work out for Sergey Volkov, General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal” of St. Petersburg. We said that he was searched by the Economic Police, and later he was taken to the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at Ligovsky Prospekt, 145. At first it might seem that all these are formalities and are related not to him, but to the former director Evgeny Tselikovarrested at the end of June.
Kommersant.Ru, 07/12/2022, “Abuse surfaced in the St. Petersburg Vodokanal”: The police opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of power, entailing grave consequences) on the fact of violations in the work of the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal” of St. Petersburg. Several people have been arrested as part of the investigation. Among those who were searched was General Director Sergei Volkov. After that, he was detained. — Inset, 07/12/2022, “Searchs at the General Director of St. Petersburg Vodokanal Volkov. The case smells like Konstantin Goloshchapov”: As you know, in 2016, he left the post of head of Vodokanal Felix Karmazinov, he was replaced by the now arrested Yevgeny Tselikov, in 2019 Tselikov was replaced by Alexander Danilov, who was replaced by the current director Sergey Volkov in February 2022. — Inset
According to 47news, Volkov’s attention was attracted not by his current position, but by his previous one. The biography says that from 2009 to 2013 he worked, among other things, as a technical director, head of the infrastructure department of the Vodokanal branch – St. Petersburg Water Supply. It is known that the predecessor as CEO, Alexander Danilov, who headed Vodokanal from 2019 to 2022, also headed the same branch.
As we wrote, the criminal case consists in entering false information into the initial permit documents. Thanks to this, developers have registered the connection of their apartment buildings to the centralized water supply and sanitation system at a greatly reduced cost.
Moreover, there is accurate information that not one criminal case has been initiated, but six. We are talking about part 3 of article 285 – “Abuse of official powers.” Moreover, chronologically, the episodes rest at the end of 2014. This fact is most likely due to the fact that up to this point, Vodokanal had the authority to issue technical conditions for connecting to its networks, and developers could independently carry out this work. However, after that, the company introduced a fee for technical conditions. It is not excluded that the developers on paper connected their facilities in one period of time, but in fact it happened later. At the moment, the damage caused to Vodokanal is estimated at 172 million rubles.
The list of those visited by law enforcement agencies is impressive. These are leading connection specialists Anton Weber and Vyacheslav Goldin; head of connection department Elena Barmina; Deputy Head and Head of Production and Technical Service Pavel Alexandrov and Maxim Karabenin; connection specialists Irina Korableva, Artyom Galin, Irina Pavlova, Olga Gordey.
In addition to Vodokanal employees, Yulia Golovnina, an employee of the Otkritie bank, and Roman Filatov, chief engineer of Baltinveststroy LLC, are being checked for involvement in crimes. It is well known that the company is engaged in construction and is part of the Rosstroyinvest group of companies. Owned by Igor Kreslavsky, Chairman of the Committee for the Construction of St. Petersburg, shares in trust management of his mother.
Fontanka.Ru, 12/21/2020, “The company, 30% owned by the head of the construction committee, won the tender for the construction of a children’s hospital for 5.5 billion rubles”: The company is 40% owned by the chairman of the board of directors of the RTI holding Fedor Turkin, 30% by his deputy Nina Kreslavskaya, and another 30% by Igor Kreslavsky, the current chairman of the committee for the construction of St. Petersburg. Since January 13 of this year, Igor Kreslavsky’s shares in Baltinveststroy have been in trust management with Nina Kreslavskaya. All stakes are simultaneously pledged to Sberbank. — Inset

It is curious that one of the listed, Vyacheslav Goldin, on his page on VKontakte, gives a link to the site of the Goldinsky Baths. This institution was also visited by the police today, later they will find out if part of the money was legalized in this place.
We also recall that searches at Vodokanal have become commonplace this summer. At the end of June, the ex-director of the St. Petersburg “Vodokanal” Yevgeny Tselikov was arrested. He is accused of major fraud. According to Fontanka, the investigation in this case was interested in the enterprise’s relationship with the Nostrum company. In turn, she is associated with one of the most influential entrepreneurs in St. Petersburg – Konstantin Goloshchapov, co-founder of the Russian Athos Society and former co-owner of SMP-Bank. Moreover, it was the St. Petersburg economic police and the local investigation that attacked Goloshchapov., 07/13/2022, “The most dangerous chair. Who exhaled after searches in the Vodokanal of St. Petersburg”: As for the current general director of Vodokanal, Sergei Volkov, today, July 13, he must return to his office.
Based on the current power situation, it is logical to emphasize that the position of the head of Vodokanal has become dangerous. It is easy to calculate: a couple of months after the death of the “eternal” general director of Vodokanal Felix Karmazinov, his apartment searched. And more recently, they reported the arrest of Yevgeny Tselikov, who replaced Karmazinov at his post. Now they have detained Alexander Danilov, who came for Yevgeny Tselikov. The current head of Vodokanal, Sergei Volkov, stepped in in February of this year, and he has already been searched. But they let go. — Inset