The story of how well-known venture investors took the money, did not pay for the development of contractors, went bankrupt and are still trying to avoid responsibility in order not to pay the bills. Even some 150 years ago, such people were put into a debt hole, and in our time they are offered new positions.

For the past 5 years, the company “M-Factoring”, representing the engineering company “Factory of Innovative Products” “KTZ”, which was not paid, has been going to court in an attempt to bring to subsidiary liability Shelobkov A.A., Gusakova I.K., Chigusova A. .A., Korzhevsky S.V., Eruntsov A.Yu., Teacher D.Yu., Rotenberg D.A. (namesake) and LLC “Engineering Technologies Altamir” for the obligations of LLC “Termokhimteh”. The next meeting of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow on the topic of the insolvency of Termokhimtekh is scheduled for May 16, 2023, but there is practically no hope that justice will prevail, so the engineers decided to make this story public.

And how it all began beautifully …
In 2017, a group of entrepreneurs, among whom the current CEO of YADRO Alexei Shelobkov and the current head of EXIAR JSC Nikita Gusakov (a participant in all business meetings, who, according to papers, wrote his nephew Ivan Gusakov as the founder of Termokhimtekh) were in the lead, decided to create a waste incineration device . Noble initiative. Green agenda. Help in solving the eternal garbage problem. Trending story in 2017. Under it, the authors of the idea, thanks to their connections, found qualified investors. They collected money not only from them, but also from friends, colleagues and just acquaintances. About 100 million rubles have been accumulated.
Their comrade Shelobkov quickly took up a new development. They created the company Termokhimtekh LLC, where a test installation was created, which hummed loudly, whistled, but did not burn garbage. The developers cheerfully received a legitimate salary, worked hard, but the installation never began to function. But it could not happen, because a group of developers, people from the Mendeleev Institute, re-invented the technology of waste disposal by pyrolysis. All over the world, these works were carried out 30-40 years ago, and this approach was recognized as costly and dead-end. However, our kulibins decided to try again. But they did not have a production base, so they found contractors – engineering companies that agreed to post-pay, as well-known entrepreneurs from Moscow in the venture environment – Alexey Shelobkov and Nikita Gusakov – came to the meetings. Such people simply cannot deceive, they thought. As history has shown, they can.
There were a lot of reasonable reasons and excuses, but Termokhimtekh did not succeed in burning garbage in the installation and the stone flower did not come out, no matter how hard Danila the master tried. In the course of work, contract engineering companies were involved for endless upgrades. And suddenly the money ran out. The project was frozen, the DIYers fled, leaving the installation, and the contracting engineers were left with a nose. Everything is as usual. Russian business in all its glory. As they teach in world business schools, failure is a step forward, until the entrepreneur makes many mistakes and makes mistakes, a successful startup comes out. But in business schools, one cannot imagine that students in their courses in smart suits can simply not pay their bills and be excluded from obligations to contractors. It’s just unthinkable. But this is an unforgiving fact. They don’t pay because they don’t have money. But because they can afford it when they feel complete impunity.
The main investors Aleksey Shelobkov and the Gusakov family (the Gusakovs are not only Nikita from EXIAR JSC, but also his father Valery Gusakov, a source of money, as well as his nephew Ivan, who became a “nominal figure”) undertook to master the budgets of state-owned companies and the money of other investors ( EXIAR and Yadro), and lost interest in the miracle project. But the debt to contractors, which amounts to more than 15 million rubles, has not been repaid to this day. And the year is 2023. In general, of course, an amazing story, when a person can be jailed for stealing sausages from a store, and nothing happens for not paying for the services of engineers for millions of rubles. The courts recognize the debt of the organization, but the real founders and initiators get away with it. Another issue is that contractors did not have to agree to post-pay for their work, even if their customers are well-known people who often speak at industry conferences and give advice on how to properly invest and develop exports and Russian IT technologies. After all, this activity is in no way connected with the fact that they can simply “throw”.

Shelobkov and Gusakov, as the frontmen of the group of founders of Termokhimtekh, promised something to contractor companies for a long time, that investors would gather from day to day and pay their debt out of their own pocket, that everyone would be happy, but something went wrong. Having lost faith, back in 2017, the engineers sued and achieved the bankruptcy of Termokhimtekh LLC. It would seem that victory and the triumph of justice? But no.
The members of the company quickly changed the director to a nominal one – Ms. Chigasova, replacing Mr. Korzhevsky, who, by a lucky chance, also turned out to be a co-owner of the company, the founders of which were: Korzhevsky Savva Vladimirovich – 25.01%; Gusakov Ivan Konstantinovich – 10.8799%; Eruntsov Anton Yurievich – 8.8118%; Shelobkov Alexey Anatolyevich – 8.3455%; Teacher Dmitry Yurievich – 5.2694%; Rotenberg Dmitry Anatolyevich – 25.01%; OOO Engineering Technologies Altimir – 16.6734%. And so Ms. Chigasova was brought to subsidiary liability, and all the rest were out of business. Here’s how it happens. The court did not see any affiliation between the participants, or the negligence of the previous owner of the company.
The year is 2023, and the M-factoring company, which represents engineers who have not been paid for their work, in the next round of court hearings is trying to attract a close relative of the head of EXIAR JSC Nikita Gusakov and CEO of the YADRO developer Alexei Shelobkov, and also a number of persons who for 5 years avoid subsidiary liability and do not pay the engineering company for the services rendered.
Brief description of the situation in legal language:
This story is the most public. All documents on it are freely available on the website of the Moscow Arbitration Court
March 17, 2020 The Moscow Arbitration Court ruled on the claim of M-Factoring LLC against Termokhimtekh LLC and recovered from Termokhimtekh LLC in favor of M-Factoring LLC a debt in the amount of 5,475,215 rubles. 99 kopecks, interest accrued on the amount of debt in accordance with the rules of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the period from March 21, 2020 to November 13, 2020 in the amount of 172,783 rubles. 46 kopecks, interest accrued on the amount of debt according to the rules of Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the period from November 14, 2020 to the day of the actual fulfillment of the monetary obligation.
LLC “M-Factoring” filed an application for initiation of bankruptcy in respect of LLC “Termokhimtekh”.
October 05, 2021 The Moscow Arbitration Court introduced a monitoring procedure in respect of Termokhimtekh LLC.
May 18, 2022 the bankruptcy trustee filed an application to attract Chigasova A.A., Korzhevsky S.V., Gusakov I.K., Eruntsova A.Yu., Shelobkov A.A., Uchitel D.Yu., Rotenberg D.A. and Altimir Engineering Technologies LLC to subsidiary liability for the obligations of Termokhimtekh LLC for the amount of outstanding claims.
November 29, 2022 The Moscow Arbitration Court partially satisfied the application and brought to subsidiary liability only Chigasova A.A.
February 15, 2023 The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal left the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated November 29, 2022 unchanged.
As of May 16, 2023 a new hearing has been scheduled in room No. 9072 of the building of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow at ul. Bolshaya Tulskaya d.17. The M-Factoring company invites all the media to pay attention not to this egregious story and attend the court session
We will follow and inform about the exploits of our investors, both new and old stories.