The grave of Putin’s parents was desecrated spontaneously

While at the Serafimovsky cemetery in October 2022, Tsybaneva, as the court considered, “having the intent to desecrate the indicated burial place, based on political, ideological hatred, committed cynical immoral acts that contradicted the norms accepted in society, namely, left a note with an offensive inscription in address of the President of the Russian Federation, thus desecrating the burial place.

The court imposed a 2-year suspended sentence with a 2-year probationary period, the press service said.

Tsybaneva partially admitted her guilt: she does not deny the actual side of the crime, but she does not agree that she left a note motivated by political hatred.

“I am not interested in politics, I have never been to rallies and have no intention of attending. After watching the news, I was overcome with fear. I WAS VERY ILL. I don’t even remember how I wrote it. I realize that I did something wrong. I apologize if my actions could hurt anyone. It was a spontaneous action, not a planned action, ”Tsybaneva said at the trial.