When the details of the criminal case became clear, in which have taken Head of the Directorate for Construction and Operation of Highways of the Irkutsk Region Yulia Gordinfar from the daily flow of news, people, of course, were amazed.
40 million stolen!

The situation was sparingly described by the press service of the regional Sledkom: the directorate ordered a program for the integrated development of transport infrastructure and a comprehensive scheme for organizing transport services for the population of the Irkutsk region for the indicated amount.
As part of the implementation of the national project “Safe and high-quality roads”, yes, so that there is something to ask for federal money. Then Gordina signed the acceptance certificate for the work. At the same time, Yulia Vladimirovna knew for sure that the paid documents “are not operational and do not correspond to the terms of reference.”
Yes, we are not talking about some third-rate documentary, which could not be known to the competent authorities and the general public for another hundred years.

No, it was supposed to be a comprehensive Talmud, reflecting the entire transport of the Irkutsk region in its present and future right up to 2030. That is, the contractor should, if you read the tender documents, raise all your engineering and technical army, take copters and a bunch of various sources and look at our entire vast region the size of Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Italy, Portugal combined. With all its points, to which only by helicopter. To track in general all traffic flows and streams, both on its territory and beyond. Both existing ones and those that need to be identified. And not only roads, but also railways, both by air and by water. And passenger and freight traffic, too. Create a mathematical model of the transport system. Interview 25 thousand residents (and not in a row, but according to a certain sample). Fix flaws, overlays and historical transport “jambs”. Assess the social and economic impact of different options for the development of the regional transport system. Consider everything, including the environmental aspect.
In general, it is impossible to even briefly describe the task assigned to the contractor. She is global. This is the work of many months and people.

But we’ll get away with it. Developed a contract. According to which all this must be completed in 10 (ten) days. Yes, it is clarified that days are calendar days (well, thank God, weekends are not included!). To all this, some complex formulas are attached, with the help of which the amount of 40 million rubles was deduced.
And who was supposed to do all this, if you look at the contract concluded in the end?
That one is for sure, since such a state is registered with Magistralservis LLC, which won the tender, with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles (OGRN 1062352020697). Before embarking on a powerful design of the transport future of the Baikal region and a number of smaller territories in different parts of the country, Vasily Moskalenko worked at the Temryuk road repair construction department and lived with his family in his native city. About 15 years ago, I often applied to banks with a request to issue a loan from 20 to 200 thousand rubles, but was periodically refused. He started his own business, in 2018 (two years before the contract in the Irkutsk region) he took on government contracts …
It is clear that with the same success, Yulia Gordina could undertake to equip an expedition to Mars in a month or give birth to a hero there by the end of September. Or make a crystal bridge of engineering work at night. Or finally find the area of a normal Minister of Health. In short, this is pure anti-science fiction.

But after all, gentlemen, the media in the region wrote about the contract in 10 days and the staff of the contractor from 1 person back in 2020.
But none of the regulatory authorities and not scratched.
Moreover, potential contractors complained about the unrealistic term of the contract to the regional administration of the Antimonopoly Service (FAS).
That is, then it was already clear that in the end, for 40 million and in 10 days, a program would be obtained that “is not operational and does not meet the terms of reference.” Clearly even a hedgehog.
They say that in setting the deadlines for the implementation of work, they were guided “by the recommendations of the Ministry of Transport,” as well as the need “as soon as possible” to obtain transport planning documents to develop a strategy for the development of the region. The results of the competition for the execution of the contract were summed up at the end of August 2020, already on December 18 of the same year, the federal Ministry of Transport had to approve the transport planning documents of the regions, and the coordination of documents with neighboring regions before that threatened to take 1-2 months.
Three months swayed, in July, information about the competition was posted on the public procurement website. Further you know. If done wisely, they would not have met. `
At best – eyewash, and most likely – coupled with theft. Because the treasury was not spent on 10 thousand rubles. Igor Ivanovich has a lot of such stunning projects in his piggy bank. Some of them, by the way, are included in this very Strategy for the Development of the Region…
And at least the transport future of the Irkutsk region, determined with the help of the Temryuk peasant, can be imagined. In many territories, in terms of transport accessibility, it is still like on the second day of creation.
But for the high road of the Irkutsk region, the stage shines only for Yulia Vladimirovna. The composition is there. Although this lady should have known what she was getting into. And for what money.