The ex-head of the Moscow Region court administration escaped punishment for wasting 500 million rubles. on translations

Valery Kuzmich’s sentence has expired

This is due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Proceedings have already been terminated regarding two defendants, and six more are on the way.

Persons involved in the case of theft of more than 500 million rubles. budget funds under the guise of paying for the services of translators in courts are beginning to exempt from criminal liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. As Kommersant learned, the Kalininsky District Court of the Tver Region, where the Supreme Court transferred the investigation materials for consideration for greater objectivity, has already terminated proceedings against the former head of the judicial department of the Moscow Region Valery Kuzmich and his ex-deputy Evgenia Titova.

Valery Kuzmich

For the remaining defendants, the statute of limitations expires at the end of 2024. The proceedings against these employees of the judicial system have been ongoing for four years. We are talking about the former head of the Judicial Department for Moscow Vyacheslav Lipezinhis deputies Lyubov Lopatina And Igor Kudryavtsevmanagers of the company “Rabikon K” Tatiana Poroskun, Svetlana Echina And Elena Kondratyuk.

Former employees of the judicial system of Moscow and the Moscow region are charged with fraud on an especially large scale, committed by an organized group, and abuse of power, causing grave consequences (Part 4 of Article 159 and Part 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code).

Businessmen are considered involved only in fraud. The defendants have long been under recognizance not to leave.

Investigators believe that the organizer of the crime was Iraida Landarenko, who has been put on the international wanted list and is now hiding in the United States. In 2004, Landarenko created the company “Rabikon K”, which provides translation services. Since 2006, the main clients of this company have been the capital courts, and then the Moscow region courts. This became possible thanks to Landarenko’s connections in the Moscow judicial department, the investigation believes. At that time, she entered into an agreement with the heads of the judicial departments of these regions, Lipezin and Kuzmich.

The participants in the conspiracy used the fact that the basis for payments for translation is considered to be a resolution or determination that the translators participating in the meetings received in their hands. Then they changed the court orders, increasing the number of hours for payment several times, and sent them back to court. In turn, officials involved in the criminal scheme paid for services without checking the amounts indicated in court decisions. Thus, in 2014 alone, attackers managed to steal more than 300 million rubles. from the Moscow judicial system, as well as over 200 million rubles. from Moscow region courts in 2012–2013.

The fraud was revealed by the Moscow Council of Judges. They noticed that since 2012, the cost of translators has increased tenfold.

The frauds were revealed by the Council of Judges of Moscow, which drew attention to the fact that the costs of translators, which usually amounted to 5–7 million rubles annually, have increased tens of times since 2012. Let us note that at first the Investigative Committee completed criminal cases against several translators who were accomplices in the thefts and admitted guilt. In a special order they were sentenced to suspended sentences. Then the general director of Rabikon K, Umar Zarobekov, and the company manager, Lyudmila Shashkova, were brought to justice. Both also admitted guilt and received special treatment four and three years imprisonment respectively. […]
Due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the court has already dismissed the case against Valery Kuzmich and Evgenia Titova. Taking into account the still large number of witnesses who have not yet been questioned and the volume of unexamined materials, as well as the frequent postponement of hearings, most often due to the illness of one of the participants, it can be assumed with a high probability that the process will not be completed until the end of the coming year. As follows from the court file, last year, out of 22 scheduled hearings, only three took place.
