The new Minister of Education, Oksen Lisovoy, copied his Ph.D. thesis from at least two sources.
Evidence of this is provided on Facebook by Associate Professor of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy Vadym Konchin.
According to the data he cited, Lisova borrowed part of the text from the brother of the ex-president Viktor Yushchenko – Petr Yushchenko, who defended his thesis in 2009 at the National Pedagogical University named after M. Dragomanov on the topic “The National Idea as a Matrix of Personality Formation.”
And the conclusions of the dissertation of the new minister are taken in paragraphs from the abstract of Andrei Kurguzov, who defended himself at Zaporozhye State University in 2003. His scientific work is called “Language as a way of socio-cultural self-identification of a person”.
Oksen Lisovoy defended his dissertation with a similar title “Sociocultural Self-Identification of a Personality” in 2012.
Recall that after the appointment of Oksen Lisovoy as a minister, plagiarism was discovered in this work. In addition, it was reported that 50% of the publications mentioned in the paper on the topic of the dissertation turned out to be false., 03/23/2022, “New Minister of Education Oksen Lisovoy submitted his dissertation for review after allegations of plagiarism”: Director of the Minor Academy of Sciences Oksen Lisovoy was appointed Minister of Education and Science on March 21. Shortly before his appointment, he was accused of plagiarism. Yes, about plagiarism. reported on the page of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement. The head of the organization is journalist Ruslan Kotsaba, accused of treason.
The organization pointed out that the abstract of Lisovoy’s dissertation, published in 2012, contains “borrowings without references with signs of mechanical copying and autocorrection of individual phrases.” We are talking about borrowing from the author’s abstract of the thesis of Ya. I. Arabchuk.
Subsequently, information that Lisovoy’s scientific work is not unique appeared on the resource “Errors and falsifications in scientific research”. The site also contains publications about the academic dishonesty of former Minister of Education Sergei Shkarlet and former MP Ilya Kiva. The author Vasily Sadovoy noted that the minister’s dissertation has similarities with two other works by Arabchuk and A. Zuev. In the lists of used literature, Lisovoy did not indicate the work of Arabchuk, and left a reference to Zuev only in three places. — Inset, 03/21/2022, “The new head of the Ministry of Education is suspected of plagiarism in his dissertation”: Information about this appeared on the portal “Mistakes and falsifications in scientific research.” There exampleswhere whole pieces of text coincide with someone else’s work, inserted into Lisovoy’s dissertation without quotes and citation indications.
In particular, the portal writes that the section with the conclusions was also significantly copied, and in the text of the dissertation one can notice the replacement of the Ukrainian “i” with the English “i” – which is a way to deceive the plagiarism search program. It is also reported that 50% of the mentioned “publications on the topic of the dissertation” turned out to be false. — Inset
Lisovoy himself, after the scandal that broke out, said that sent your dissertation for review. And he agreed, in case of confirmation of plagiarism, to give up the title of candidate of sciences (but not from the post of minister).