Since 2013 Alexander Burlakov heads the Zaigraevsky district of Buryatia. Before the elections, the election campaign for his candidacy was led by a political strategist Vladimir Ivanov, whose activities will become the main object of the narrative of this material. After all, the arrival of Burlakov contributed to the increase in the popularity of Mr. Ivanov in the region and a whole series of his corruption cases as head of Onokhoya.

Let’s start in order. In 2015, Vladimir Ivanov became the founder of the management company Komcentr LLC (OGRN: 1150327002760), in which he appointed himself director. The organization under his leadership becomes the only management company for servicing apartment buildings in the village of Onokhoy, Zaigraevsky district.
Then, in 2017, Alexander Burlakov asked the then head of Onokhoy Evgeniy Sorokin to appoint Vladimir Ivanov as director Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services “Onokhoy” as a thank you for services rendered during the election race. It was in this position that the entire greedy essence of the political strategist was revealed.
Despite the fact that the Onokhoy housing and communal services company previously had all the necessary property, with the arrival of a new manager, the company began to rent office equipment, vehicles and even furniture from Komtsentr. All these machinations took place precisely at the moment when Ivanov was both the boss and founder of these two organizations. An enviable position.
Then Vladimir Ivanov probably realized that if he became the head of the settlement, a corridor of opportunities for personal enrichment at the expense of budget funds would open up for him. You just had to start moving towards your goal.
During his election campaign, Ivanov began telling the residents of Onokhoi about grandiose plans for the improvement of the village. He promised to demolish old two-story houses in the center and build new multi-story ones, build a public bathhouse, organize a lighting system, allow residents to privatize the Onokhoy-2 and Onokhoy-3 apartments, and much more.

A promising future allowed Vladimir Ivanov to become the head of Onokhoy, a position he was elected to in the fall of 2020. And, quite expectedly, one of the first decisions of the newly appointed official was to increase the salary of the village head. After which Ivanov transferred all the functions of Comcenter to employees of the administration and housing and communal services and began to act exclusively in the interests of the management company and himself personally. For example, in 2023 “Comcenter” illegally increased tariffs for servicing apartment buildings in Onokhoy (order of the head of the municipal enterprise “Onokhoy Village” No. 58-r dated November 24, 2022).
Residents of Onokhoya, shocked by the ongoing lawlessness, have repeatedly contacted law enforcement agencies, in particular the district prosecutor’s office, with requests to take action. However, all attempts failed.
Vladimir Ivanov never hid and, on the contrary, even advertised that he is a relative of the prosecutor of the Sovetsky district of Ulan-Ude – Andrey Bagaev. The latter, in turn, is a close friend of the prosecutor of the Zaigraevsky district – Timur Bashkuev. Both were appointed by the same order of Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, studied at the same institution in Irkutsk, and then were colleagues in the prosecutor’s office in the Barguzinsky district.
According to local residents, the head of the village is not particularly famous for his sober lifestyle and in moments of weakness he likes to boast that his wife is the sister of the wife of prosecutor Bagaev.

Only the collective appeals of the Onokhoyans to the Prosecutor General’s Office helped. In February 2023, a team of prosecutors led by Deputy Prosecutor of Buryatia Svetlana Kozlova arrived in the village. Thanks to the personal intervention of the deputy prosecutor of the republic, Ivanov’s illegal decision to increase tariffs for servicing apartment buildings was canceled. However, they remained unnoticed numerous violations current legislation, set out in the materials of the audit of housing and communal services.
Thus, the audit materials also contain information about numerous frauds of Vladimir Ivanov. He, being the director of the housing and communal services, “ungodly” spent the enterprise’s fuel and lubricants for personal needs, purchased building materials at the expense of housing and communal services funds for the construction of his own house, made repairs and purchased spare parts for the company’s money, in particular an engine for the personal car of his friend Viktor Panteleev, who Currently he is the general director of Comcentre.
And now, finally, “the ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury”! November 29, 2023 FSB officers raided the administration of the village of Onokhoy, who conducted a search and seized accounting documents. Now there are all the prerequisites for Ivanov to answer according to the law, and the family ties that he so loved to refer to will not interfere.