In Tatarstan, a verdict was passed in the case of embezzlement during the execution of a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense at the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant. According to investigators, the plant practiced postscripts in accounting for the volume of work during the construction of a floating dock for military ships. The former senior foreman of the enterprise, Roman Salakhutdinov, was found guilty, who took the blame for creating a fraudulent scheme involving a contractor. The amount of proven damage amounted to 860 thousand rubles. Representatives of the plant at the trial asked not to deprive the defendant of freedom. The court limited itself to a suspended sentence.
As it became known to Kommersant, the city court of Zelenodolsk found the former senior foreman of JSC “Zelenodolsk plant named after A. M. Gorky” Roman Salakhutdinov guilty under Part 3 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large-scale fraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement). According to the verdict, Salakhutdinov in 2014-2015, in collusion “with another person”, who is not named (the criminal case against him is separated into a separate proceeding), stole more than 860 thousand rubles from the enterprise.
JSC “Zelenodolsk plant named after AM Gorky” is part of the group of companies JSC “Holding company” Ak Bars “” and, as stated on its website, is one of the largest and strategically important shipbuilding enterprises in Russia. The plant builds both civilian passenger ships and ships for the needs of the Russian Navy and the Russian Federal Security Service. In 2017, revenue amounted to 32.1 billion rubles, net profit – 90.5 million rubles.
According to the materials of the case, in 2012 the plant signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the supply of a floating dock of project 22570 “Sviyaga” for the Navy (developed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, St. Petersburg). The dock is intended for the transportation of warships and vessels, as well as for their inspection and repairs.
Salakhutdinov, who had ten workers under his command, was installing pipes at the dock under construction. In court, Salakhutdinov explained that “he had the intent to earn more money” when he “drawn attention to the fact that in neighboring shops non-resident workers were paid much more than they were.” According to the case file, knowing that the plant, due to the large amount of work under various contracts, is actively attracting contractors, he created Fakt LLC, registering it with his friend. The enterprise received a contract for the manufacture and installation of pipelines at the dock.
As stated in the case, Salakhutdinov and his accomplice systematically overestimated the amount of work performed by the LLC: “they introduced deliberately false, untrue information into the decisions on the allocation of labor intensity from the reserve.” Such decisions were drawn up at the plant on a regular basis, they indicated what kind of work and for how many standard hours the contractor would perform based on certain drawings. According to the investigation, the attackers printed in these documents the numbers of additional drawings, according to which they allegedly intend to install pipes. Accordingly, the labor intensity increased, for example, from 16 to 116 standard hours. Further, in the reports submitted to the management of the plant on behalf of Fakt LLC, it was indicated that the work was completed in full, prescribed in the decision, after which the company was transferred payment. According to the materials of the case, Salakhutdinov transferred the money received to the account of the LLC to the account of another company, cashed it out and stole it.
As stated in the case, the attackers acted from December 2014 to May 2015, until the company paid attention to “a sharp increase in reserve consumption.” A commission was created at the plant, which revealed a total of 29 false decisions with an overestimation of labor intensity by 5 thousand standard hours. From the management of the enterprise, a statement was made to law enforcement agencies, where a criminal case was opened.
Having found Salakhutdinov guilty of fraud, he was given a two-year suspended sentence, released from custody right in the courtroom. Note that, in accordance with the sane article, he was threatened with up to six years in prison. The court, according to the verdict, took into account the confession of guilt and repentance of Salakhutdinov, the presence of a minor child, and the fact that he fully compensated the damage. It is curious that during the hearings, the representatives of the plant themselves asked not to deprive the defendant of his freedom. The court also ordered the removal of the arrest imposed during the investigation on the property of Salakhutdinov and his wife: Chery Kimo and Lada Priora cars, a laptop, a refrigerator and three TVs.