As it turned out, the performer decided to get rid of her Russian assets, in particular an apartment in Moscow.
In search of money to buy housing in Vilnius, Monetochka is trying to sell an apartment in the Basmanny district of the capital, not far from the Kursk railway station. The singer wants to get 30 million rubles for her, although at the time of purchase in 2021 the object was estimated at 20 million rubles. The description indicates a designer renovation, although the buyer is unlikely to be happy to see bars on the windows of this apartment.
According to experts, in general, it is now difficult for Russians who have left to sell their property at the desired price.
On the wave of popularity, Monetochka* and composer-producer Viktor Emelin (Isaev) moved from Yekaterinburg to Moscow, where they bought an apartment in February 2021. The purchase and the lengthy renovation, which the neighbors drew attention to, became publicly known a year later – in January 2022. In response to the publication in the telegram channel Mash, the singer promised to sell the house, allegedly because of the published address, although it was not reported. In any case, the sale did not follow.
After the start of the special operation in Ukraine, the couple decided to leave the country and settled in Lithuania, they tried to rent out their Moscow apartment.
In a rental announcement in March, they wrote: “The very center of Moscow – there is everything! “Azbuka Vkusa”, “Magnolia”, “VkusVill”, a little further “Pyaterochka”. Lots of coffee shops, bars, etc. At the same time, the uniqueness of these few lanes is that it is always quiet there.”
For rent, the price (95 thousand per month) corresponded to the market in this area. But with the sale price, the singer, apparently, got excited. An advertisement for the sale of a kopeck piece with an area of 62 square meters in Maly Kazyonny Lane with a new designer renovation appeared approximately in November 2022.
At first, they wanted to sell the apartment for 31 million rubles, on December 4 the price was reduced by 500 thousand rubles, and on January 13, 2023 – by another 500 thousand rubles, according to the data of the Cyan service (as of January 21, 2023, the announcement was removed).
It follows from the Domclick service base that the lot was put up for sale for the first time in February 2022, but no one was interested in the apartment.
Now the price has been actively reduced: apparently, the need for money to purchase housing in Vilnius has become more acute. At the moment, according to an extract from Rosreestr, Gyrdymova * and Emelin remain the owners of the object.
It is strange that the singer, who considers herself a freedom-loving and subtle nature, bought an apartment on the ground floor with bars on the windows and in a densely built-up area with narrow streets and numerous fences. Probably, she was attracted by the status of the area – in the ads, the emphasis is on its historical value. In other words, the true reason for the sale of an apartment is hardly the news of its purchase.
In the year and a half that has passed since the singer acquired housing, the situation on the real estate market in Moscow has changed a lot. At the end of 2022, there were much more offers on the secondary market – their number increased by almost one and a half times, and the average price of a “square” has been falling since the summer of 2022. In a neighboring house, they also sell an apartment with a good repair for 381 thousand rubles per square meter, the cost of a square meter of Monetochka’s apartment * is 483 thousand rubles. Therefore, the final price will have to be significantly reduced, however, there is still a chance for the generosity of one of the singer’s fans. And then – touring for emigrants.