Vladimir Kasyan
The other day, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky staged a real “dispersal” in relation to officials who, during the war, allow themselves a luxurious vacation abroad. Recall only the scandals that arose in society because of the press officer of the State Border Service Ivanna Plantovskaya, who flaunted photos from her vacation in Paris on social networks and the Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Oleksiy Symonenko, whose wife could not resist and published a photo of a top official in an expensive resort, writes ORD with reference to TG Keep the service.
The latter, by the way, had the courage to write a letter of resignation of his own free will and resign.
And with his love for luxurious rest, they were outdone by Volodymyr Kasyan, who holds one of the central positions in the State Customs Service of Ukraine – the director of the Human Resources Department.
It is known that on New Year’s Eve, December 30, the “personnel officer” left the territory of Ukraine because of the Krakovets-Korcheva checkpoint in the Lviv region in a Lexus car. The customs officer returned to his homeland on January 9 in the same car, through the same checkpoint.
It can be assumed that Vladimir Kasyan spent time with his family in the near abroad, say, in Poland. However, a modest vacation in neighboring states is not at all within the power of a high-ranking official, and in the best traditions of wealthy officials, he went to celebrate the New Year and Christmas according to the Orthodox calendar on the shores of the Indian Ocean, in the Maldives. True, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich turned out to be more far-sighted than his colleagues, and his wife Irina did not put on display a single photo of her vacation at an expensive resort.
By the way, the car in which the couple left Ukraine is a brand new white Lexus RX 450H 2021, D.N.Z. AA6300EM, which was registered for the wife of unfortunate customs Irina Kasyan in June of this year. How much such a purchase cost the family is not exactly known, because during martial law, information from the declarations is closed to journalists. However, we can assume that Kasyan did not spend his last savings on the purchase of a status car, because a week-long trip to the Maldives is also not cheap. On sites selling cars, prices for similar Lexus start from 70 thousand US dollars and reach 82 thousand evergreens.
Love for luxury cars is a separate genetic code of our powers that be, because it is known that the same Volodymyr Kasyan at the beginning of a full-scale invasion transported two of his elite cars to Transcarpathia at once, including a sports Chevrolet Corvette.
Now it would be interesting to hear from the head of the State Customs Service of Ukraine Vyacheslav Demchenko, on what basis do his male subordinates go abroad? And one more thing: how long will it take for Demchenko to fire Vladimir Kasyan, a lover of warm sand on the islands of the Indian Ocean, or will the traditions of patronage of immoral acts prevail over common sense? Basically, as always!
ps By the way, Kasyan has access to the F-1 state secret, it is interesting whether he indicated in his application for a foreign vacation that the ultimate goal of his vacation was not Poland, but the Maldives, probably did not indicate. response from law enforcement.
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