An unsociable boy from the outskirts of the city, at school he stood out among his peers and was unloved, when he grew up, he fled from Novosibirsk to the capital. His youthful years were a complete nightmare, but after all the wanderings and trials, he finally achieved fame and success. The scandalous and controversial person who made the whole world recognize him is Viktor Golunov, who is known to everyone under the name Vlad Kadoni.
A multifaceted personality is multifaceted in everything
Hereditary psychic, occultist, psychologist, participant in several rating projects of the TNT channel. All these areas and names are probably known to you, but one thing may not be completely clear.
Occultism (hidden, secret) – the general name of the occult sciences and arts (occult philosophy, alchemy, astrology, magic, necromancy, and others) relating to hidden and unknown forces and phenomena in man, space and nature.
Life, biography and the whole personality of Vlad Kadoni is surrounded by myth and mystery. Provocative behavior and outrageous antics helped the young man become not only famous, but also truly famous.
Childhood and youth
On August 28, 1986, the strongest Siberian witch Elena Golunova had a son. She named her beloved firstborn Victor, who would later change his name to Vlad. The boy did not know his own father, since his parents did not live together for long – the man died shortly after his birth. A couple of years later, the mother of the future sorcerer was expected to replenish and two more Golunovs were born.
As a child, Vlad dreamed of becoming a priest, serving God, but the Christian religion disappointed him so much that he went into black magic. It was the mother, the winner of the 13th season of the Battle of Psychics, who introduced her child to the occult sciences.
In addition to being a fairly popular member of “House-2”, well, and later leading, the warlock has three formations. In addition to secondary and esoteric education, the showman also has a higher education – a certified psychologist.
hello tv
2008, season 6 of the Battle of Psychics, and who do we see? That’s right, it’s Vlad Kadoni! Hereditary sorcerer, black magician – this is how the warlock presented himself from the first minutes. Although no one took him seriously, he was able to enter the top five and leave the project with his head held high.
But on this the magician did not end his campaign on television projects. February 2009, and we can already observe Kadoni as a participant in the scandalous restructuring of Dom-2. But the black magician was not going to look for love there, he was interested in PR. That is why he came to quarrel with his “beloved by magic” Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky. But their relationship based on white and black magic somehow did not work out, and Kadoni switched to girls.
Vlad decided to take the girl away from his opponent in the occult sciences. Deciding that if I didn’t manage to wipe my nose in magic, then I’ll show him how bad he is in love. Kadoni met with the girl for quite a long time, of course, in secret from Wentz. Apparently, magic did not help the young wizard to understand that his girlfriend and his competitor were taunting him.
Thanks to various scandalous situations, Vlad Kadoni was still able to achieve his goal – to promote himself. After all, in 2011 he won the title of “Person of the Year”.
The prodigal son is back
Having achieved all his goals at the scandalous perestroika, the magician decided to return to the “Battle of Psychics”, and why not. Sergei Safronov was not very happy to see the last participant in the project, but no one seemed to give the host a choice.
Despite the general hostility of the participants and the presenter, Kadoni became the people’s favorite and finalist. The warlock took an honorable third place in the 11th battle, and then returned to Dom-2 as a host.
Let’s try something new
The new job was very well paid and allowed Vlad to purchase a townhouse located ten kilometers from the outskirts of the capital on a mortgage and start a business outside the project.
In the fall of 2016, the newly-born entrepreneur opened an elite perfumery boutique, and at the beginning of 2017, a beauty salon. The establishments are famous for their good reputation and now they bring a stable income to the ex-participant of the reality show.
At the end of 2020, the son of the Siberian sorceress was forced to leave the well-known scandalous perestroika, as the project simply closed down. They talked about the closure of Doma-2 for a long time, but it happened only in the 20th year. Vlad did not despair, as there are many projects in the country, and he has already achieved what he wanted.
The boy who fled from Novosibirsk became a star.