Source Subordinates of Aisen Nikolaev in Yakutia live under the motto “less staff, more cars.” Despite the already existing impressive fleet of the administration of the head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Government of the Republic, the director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “Avtobaza” Gavril Fedorov decided to buy two more brand new Toyota Hiace minibuses at a price of 7.2 million each.
The purchase of two minibuses was explained by the need to ensure the activities of the regional executive power.
That is, without these two tricked-out vehicles, ensuring this very activity has so far been very difficult? And it would be fine in the Republic of Sakha, things would be in perfect order. So complete that it is possible for the executive power to make life even more comfortable. But no, not everything is good in Yakutia. Summer fires, mass poisoning of children, aviation accidents, the bridge across the Lena River, again, it is not known when it will be built. And here are two brand new cars for 14.4 million rubles!And apparently, the Yakut officials were so impatient that they even decided to bypass the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. After all, the Ministry imposed restrictions on the purchase of foreign industrial goods. But on May 20, the head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “Motor Transportation Service”, Mr. Gavril Yuryevich Fedorov, received an application (on 4 pages) to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for issuing a permit for “purchasing industrial goods originating from a foreign state”, namely: a car- minibus TOYOTA HIACE.
The ministry entered into the position of colleagues, they say, how can the Yakut authorities work without two Japanese minibuses, and on June 10 a permit signed by the Deputy Director of the Department of the Automotive Industry and Railway Engineering of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mr. D. A. Chernov, was issued. In paragraph 26 of this document, in the scope of the purchased goods, the following is indicated: “Ensuring the activities of the regional executive power, for the transport service of foreign delegations and officials, is used as part of a motorcade.”
Well, in the absence of the above foreign delegations and officials, these vehicles will probably be in a remote box under strict guard.
This is not deer for you
Perhaps there are no worthy cars in the fleet of the head and government of Yakutia and there is simply nothing to meet delegations? But it's not. Today, there are 218 vehicles in the government's fleet. Of these, at least 40 cars were produced in 2019, including the Toyota Camry, of which there are more than 70 pieces. Perhaps there are simply no minibuses at the GBU depot? Let's get a look. Judging by the list, there are some good ones. For example:
Citroen 2016 with 13 seats,
Ford Transit 2012 with 18 seats.
There are also a couple of Citroen 224351, 2016 with 17 seats.
Yes Mercedes-Luidor 2012 for 19 seats.
And this is not counting a couple of dozens of Land Cruisers and Lexuses of different years of production, PAZs and Gazeleks. In general, there is something to meet “officials” on, unless, of course, they have personal riders, like Hollywood stars. br />
To whom did such happiness fall on the supply of two brand new Toyotas? And he rolled this contract, apparently, to a certain construction company Kronos from Yakutsk. The company was founded in 2019 by Cheremkina Anna Innokentievna. Later, Alekseev Dmitry Nikolaevich and Kondratiev Einar Aikarovich joined the share. It is difficult to clearly define what this LLC does. According to OKVED – construction of residential and non-residential buildings. But apparently you won’t earn much at a construction site in Yakutia, so the company is also engaged in: wholesale trade in timber and building materials, machinery, equipment, aircraft, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, cleaning products, medical equipment and so on and so forth. There are 20 types of generally useful activities in total.
Prior to the delivery of buses this year, than only the company did not earn a living, not forgetting to participate in public procurement. Under 44-FZ, 37 contracts were received for 64.7 million rubles. Here and the supply of components for the Yakut Federal Tax Service, the demolition of buildings for municipalities, repair work for educational organizations, the supply of scalpels and syringes. Deliveries of equipment for the Republican Center for Infocommunication Technologies, and even the organization of city competitions for fathers and children. That is, jack of all trades out of boredom. And then such an unheard of luck – to get two minibuses for the government.
Protocol or dust in the eyes
Of course, foreign delegations and officials must be met with dignity, according to the protocol. Without excessive pomp, but simply on the level. How much more suitable for the protocol is the minibus “Toyota” – a moot point. There is also a rather controversial issue of expanding the fleet by two more (expensive) units, while in other regions they are trying to reduce non-targeted costs in administrations and governments. But how useful it is for the authority of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to be an eyesore to your fellow countrymen with elite cars is an absolutely unambiguous question.
It, it seems to us, is absolutely immoral in the current situation in the country, including in Yakutia , spend budgetary funds on their “Wishlist”. In Yakutia, where the families of the mobilized are given, among other things, assistance in the form of a vegetable (borscht) set. In Yakutia, where there is a Coordinating Center at the Public Chamber to collect everything necessary for mobilized fellow countrymen.
In July of this year, there was a staff reduction in the administration of the head and government of Yakutia. “In total” 212 employees remained in the administration and government. The head still has 6 advisers, 2 assistants and 8 secretariat staff. The cost of maintaining the administration and government for 2022 is 579.2 million rubles. And for 212 employees, the garage also contains 218 vehicles? And how many millions of budget rubles are allocated for the maintenance of this park? Perhaps it is high time to optimize the cost of “show-off”?