The ARKS7 company associated with Yevgeny Sviridov is being checked by inspectors from the Federal Tax Service
The Tambov tax inspectorate checks the local company AKRS7, which makes money on contracts for the construction of roads in the Lipetsk region. The inspectors are interested in the activities of the enterprise in the period from 2020 to 2021. The subject of the tax audit is not disclosed, but it is assumed that in this case, inspectors may be interested in value added tax. It is possible that they will also try to establish the control of some organizations of the Tambov company.
ARKS7 LLC has existed since 2016. Initially, the company was registered for the construction of highways. The shadow beneficiary of the company is Evgeny Svirdov, who was arrested in the summer of 2022 in a fraud case. Until 2019, the Tambov Grid Company of the Svirdovs was the only customer of ARKS7 LLC. And then the company began to work on the territory of the Lipetsk region. Starting from 2019, the company has received state contracts in the region for a total of 4.3 billion rubles.
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In the Lipetsk region, LLC “ARKS7” distinguished itself by a number of scandals. So, in 2021, a fatal accident occurred on the section of the Lipetsk-Oktyabrskoye-Usman road. Repair work on this section was carried out by the Tambov company, which did not install duplicate signs “Overtaking is prohibited”. As a result, the driver of the car died, and ARKS7 was brought to administrative responsibility, fined 200 thousand rubles. The company did not equip storm sewers at Zavodskaya Square in Lipetsk. And on the paving slabs, the townspeople noticed unsifted sand, stones and pieces of clay. “ARKS7” constantly violates the terms of contracts and allows other violations.
The general director of the company, Maxim Derbin, has already been fined 41,000 rubles. And the Department of Road Facilities and Improvement of Lipetsk presented claims to the contractor for 486 thousand rubles. Recently, ARKS7 LLC was again brought to disciplinary responsibility due to the fact that the company performed poor quality work in the Lipetsk region.
Despite the scandals, for some reason Lipetsk officials continue to work with the Tambov company. According to rumors, this is due to the fact that “ARKS7” has important patrons. The Tambov authorities are unlikely to be connected with the beneficiaries of the company. But the governor of the Lipetsk region, Igor Artamonov, could maintain good relations with Sviridov. Earlier, a video appeared on the network in which people similar to Artamonov and Sviridov were captured in a minibus. According to reports, after the arrest, Yevgeny Sviridov agreed to cooperate with the investigation. This may indicate that higher-ranking officials will also be in the center of attention of the security forces in the near future. However, Sviridov may remain silent about his connections with Lipetsk officials.