The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and continue to carefully monitor and, as a result, tell more and more new details about the crimes of the gang Mikhail Mikhailov nicknamed Ne Budi and how the “investigation” is being conducted, which is supervised by the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee – Eduard Kaburneev. We have previously detailed told about an active member of the gang – Mikhail Sadovsky. The latter is very close to the TFR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and therefore, in the presence of iron evidence of Sadovsky’s involvement in the murder of a native of Chechnya in 1995, the latter remains a witness in all cases of the gang.
Now the investigator of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia D.V. Linkov. and the “lawyers” appointed by him do not even promise an objective investigation, but simply keep silent. Thus, on June 2, in the TDF in Lyubertsy, during a confrontation between Andrey Drozdov (an active member of the Ne Budi gang) and Andrey Gumnikov (an active member of the Ne Budi gang), the latter filed a petition to refuse the services of the “lawyer” Bobkov V.I. (Register No. 50/308). Investigator Linkov D.V. even refused to accept this petition (obliged by law!).

An important detail, now Gumnikov is not given any protocols of investigative actions (carried out with his participation), so that, God forbid, he would not write in them the details of a “thorough” investigation. He signs all the protocols in the hands of the investigator! Everything happens with the participation of the “lawyer” Bobkov V.I. Which, accordingly, is silent and does not find any comments on the protocols.
Advocate Chuguryan Tatevik Sarkisovna defending A. Drozdova, not paying attention to the violations of the investigator and colleagues, she was very worried about the knowledge of the VChK-OGPU in this case. Does she have anything to worry about?
Taking into account the reinforced concrete evidence of Sadovsky’s involvement in a whole series of crimes and instructions from the top leadership of the Russian Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office not to involve Sadovsky as an accused, a special concept was developed to save him. Investigator Linkov D.V. stopped criminal cases of robbery, due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. True, Linkov D.V. did it. to put it mildly, not entirely legal. Criminal cases Linkov D.V. stopped, guided by the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 33-P of 07/18/2022. He, probably, “inattentively” read paragraph 6 of this decision, which says: the procedure introduced by this Decree begins to be applied in criminal cases of especially grave crimes – one year after the entry into force of this Decree. That is, after 07/18/2023.
Accordingly, the criminal cases were embellished by a decision that was not yet in force at the time the procedural decision was made.
It is important to understand that the salvation of the “witness” Sadovsky is imperative even before the decision of the Constitutional Court.
Thanks to a series of publications by the Cheka-OGPU, the investigation was not able to lose the materials of the criminal case on the murder of a native of Chechnya committed by a “witness” Sadovsky in 1995. However, the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Prosecutor General’s Office, after conferring on the sidelines, decided to reclassify the murder of a resident of Chechnya from Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (murder under aggravating circumstances) at Art. 103 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (murder without aggravating circumstances). The purpose of such a “retraining” is the possibility to terminate this criminal case on the basis of the above-mentioned decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. What is the investigator Linkov D.V. without hiding shares, while smiling maliciously. Well, the TFR and the Prosecutor General’s Office cannot expose their friend in crimes. Especially in especially serious ones!
However, even such meanness to the “investigation” turned out to be few. For more than two months, Gumnikov has not been given letters containing materials unequivocally indicating the bias of the investigation. After a month of keeping the correspondence, Kurbanov, an operative of SIZO-6 in Kolomna, informed Gumnikov that the letters had been sent to investigator D.V. Linkov. For checking. Linkov D.V. in the presence of operative Kurbanov, he said that he did not censor any of Gumnikov’s correspondence and did not receive anything at all. After that, opera Kurbanov issued letters to Gumnikov, in which not only the most important documents were missing, but even stationery. What times, such and methods.