CONTINUATION. BEGINNING: Mikhail Terentyev: bridges of Kyiv corruption. PART 1
Almost 300 million (over 4 contracts) from the Engineering Center were received by Pluton-S LLC (EDRPOU 38150175). Since 2014, this enterprise has been registered in the name of Alexander Kirilov, but previously it was owned by Alexander Kancelyaruk and Vitaly Kostyuk. Kantselyaruk’s personality is quite well-known: he appeared as the main executor of the schemes in the gas scandal of Alexander Onishchenko, and then in the scandalous story of fake donors “Batkivshchyna”. As you can see, there is also a direct connection with Batkivshchyna!
By the way, Pluton-S has an extremely negative reputation as a company that simply steals money without completing construction and repair work. So, in 2016, the company, having received 2.4 million hryvnia for major repairs in Kyiv school No. 302, abandoned it in the middle of the work. In 2017 the same story happened in the capital’s school No. 29where Pluto-S carried out an ugly pseudo-renovation of the gym for 1.2 million hryvnia. In 2018, the company, with the help of the Engineering Center, did not disdain to invest tens of millions of dollars in two children’s hospitals in Kyiv (see below).
Another major subcontractor of the Engineering Center is Northern Ukrainian Construction Alliance LLC, which spent 150 million hryvnia in two tenders. Its director Andrei Yakusevich, together with his brother Sergei, according to Skelet.Info, is directly connected with the scandalous construction family of Mikitas: in particular, they were assistants to People’s Deputy Maxim Mikitas, who is a close friend of Vitali Klitschko – in 2017 they spent their vacation together in Naples.
Three cases of the “Engineering Center”
And now about the specific violations and scams committed by the Engineering Center enterprise under the leadership of Mikhail Terentyev. One of the first projects that the new director took on was the overhaul of Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 2. First, in November 2016, Engineering Center signed an agreement with Armastroy LTD LLC. This is a very “murky company”, closely associated with the owners of “Pluton-S” (they act as backups for each other), known for what it did for several years, but never completed the renovation in kindergarten No. 663 (Obolon, Heroiv Dnepra, 69), taking more than 7 million hryvnia for it. And so Terentyev concluded an agreement with this company to perform work in the amount of 15.378 million hryvnia. Then, on June 27, 2017, he entered into an agreement with Armastra LDT (without holding a competition) another agreement for the overhaul of a children’s hospital, in the amount of 7.240 million hryvnia – to “eliminate deficiencies” (in particular, the installation of plumbing). Finally, in February 2018, the Engineering Center concluded a third agreement for the renovation of a children’s hospital, now with Pluton-S LLC, in the amount of 61.7 million hryvnia.
The “triple repair” did not go unnoticed by the relevant authorities, and at the same time the Shevchenko district prosecutor’s office opened case No. 42018101100000062 under Article 191-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (embezzlement and embezzlement), but it was quickly hidden under the carpet. And the scammers continued to forge iron: at the very end of 2018, Terentyev signed a new contract with Pluton-S for the renovation of children’s hospital No. 2, worth another 56.3 million hryvnia! The terms of the contract were still the same: repair of the roof, laying of new communications, installation of plumbing. That is, Terentyev has already paid the scammers for the fourth time for toilets and washbasins, which they never installed. Moreover, in three previous cases, the “Engineering Center” signed acceptance certificates – that is, it deliberately committed criminal acts.
In addition, despite all this, in October 2018, the Engineering Center entered into an agreement with Pluton-S for the overhaul of Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1. For 29.9 million hryvnia, the company had to insulate the walls and roof of the hospital and install new windows. So far, there is only an imitation of activity there.
The second criminal proceedings against the Engineering Center, No. 42018101100000093, were opened in March 2018. Its essence is as follows: in the fall of 2017, the Kyiv City State Administration ordered the “Engineering Center” to install new signs at the entrances to Kyiv. In particular, they talked about “decommunization” – it was necessary to dismantle the old signs with the inscriptions “Kyiv Hero City” and the Soviet Golden Star, installing something “pro-Ukrainian” in their place. Here, by the way, it becomes very clear why the City Council and the Kyiv City State Administration so zealously support the idea of “decommunization” and actively rename the streets – after all, one can only guess how much budget money their companies “raise” by replacing signs! But in the case of the signs at the entrance to the city, there was also a complete scam: the old ones were dismantled, but the new ones, for which 4 million hryvnia were allocated, were not installed. They probably “forgot”…
And the third criminal proceeding against the Engineering Center, No. 62019000000000619, was opened in May 2019 by the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI). This is the most high-profile case against Terentyev, which will no longer be able to be silenced, like the previous two. Because we are talking about the ill-fated transfer bridge from Vladimirskaya Gorka to Khreshchaty Park, inaugurated on May 26, 2019 by the Klitschko brothers – who happily jumped on its glass covering. As you know, they jumped, in every sense: the glass cracked, then the bridge itself began to crack, in which the entire metropolitan public was keenly interested, and now the rising resonance could not be extinguished.
At the same time, the main question, why the “Klitschko Bridge” costs several times more than similar Chinese ones (durable and not cracking), arose even before its opening. The fact is that May 19, 2019 by decision of the Kyiv City State Administration No. 859 a redistribution of funds was carried out, during which 232 million hryvnia were taken away from the Kyiv Zoo (which doomed many animals to a deplorable existence), and the “saved funds” were sent, according to Skelet.Info, for additional funding for the overhaul of the Clinical Hospital (100 million) and the construction of a pedestrian bridge (132 million).
The search for answers to questions revealed the details of a large-scale corruption conspiracy between the Engineering Center and the Spetsavtobud company (the same one associated with Vlada Molchanova). According to the State Bureau of Investigation, already at the stage of designing the bridge, the 11 million allocated for this were stolen, and the bridge was built almost by eye – which is why it was then necessary to urgently strengthen the slopes and supports, and also a blunder (then there is a risk that the bridge will collapse altogether). The investigation is already establishing how inflated the cost of the bridge structures and the work on their installation was.
However, in the midst of the scandal, without fear of either the investigative authorities or the public, the Kyiv City State Administration and Mikhail Terentyev agreed on the allocation of another 73.8 million hryvnia from the Kyiv budget for the “finishing” of the bridge. The same contractor, Spetsavtobud, received the money.
It is obvious that the construction mafia in the Kyiv City State Administration and the City Council does not just spit on the law – it simply urinates on it with cheerful laughter. Moreover, she has already launched a political counter-offensive, and, in response to threats from the head of the presidential administration Bogdan to dismiss Klitschko from the post of chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration, she raised a wave of “we will defend the choice of the people of Kiev!” Klitschko himself has already made a statement that he will “protect local self-government.” But many Kiev residents already understand that a huge gang of embezzlers of the capital’s budget is trying to hide behind these slogans and keep their place at the trough.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
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