On Friday afternoon and morning, Russia fired about a hundred rockets and dozens of Iranian drones into Ukraine, targeting energy infrastructure. In the evening, the attack continued using only drones. And at night, the first surface drone used by Russia to blow up a bridge in the Odessa region was spotted. Except for the last episode, all attacks repeat the so-called. “Surovikin’s strategy” is to force the Ukrainians into negotiations by depriving them of heat and light. At the same time, spring is on the way and it already looks obvious that it was not possible to freeze the enemy of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu, this method of war did not achieve its officially announced goals. On the contrary, it led to the accelerated arming of Ukraine with new Western weapons. It would seem that if the strategy does not work, then it needs to be changed. But military commanders think that only the weak are giving back, so they continue to spend their scarce missiles on civilian infrastructure. Thus, increasing the size of the bill that will be presented to Russia after the end of the war. PS The Armed Forces of Ukraine also use drones for attacks on civilian infrastructure. Today, the governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, announced a drone attack on an infrastructure facility in the Yakovlevsky district. In the Bryansk region on Thursday reported the downing of more than a dozen drones aimed at the airport. But here at least some logic can be traced, because. these facilities are used by the military. And we note separately that no one calculates the damage from such attacks – neither Russia itself, nor even the West. That is, it is entirely at the expense of Russia and its citizens.
By the beginning of February 2023, the liquid part of the NWF (in gold and money in the accounts of the Central Bank) amounted to 6 trillion rubles. During the year of the war, the volume of the government money-box (its accessible part) decreased from peak indicators of 9.7 trillion rubles, when export earnings flowed like water, and the NWO seemed like a cakewalk, to 6.3 trillion rubles, when tough sanctions on oil came into effect, and military spending began to devour the budget. Along the way, the structure of the fund has changed: if earlier it contained dollars, euros, British pounds, yuan, yen and gold, now the Ministry of Finance wants to keep only euros and gold, which reduces the investment flexibility of the fund. According to the forecasts of the Accounts Chamber, by the end of 2024, the NWF will shrink at best to 3.7% of GDP from the current 7.2% (10.8 trillion). This will be the lowest mark in the last 20 years (the Stabilization Fund was founded in 2004). The exhaustion of the fund will mean that the authorities no longer have reserves to support the economy at the same level. And then, given that the system will not want to and will not be able to reduce the cost of the war and the security forces, the government will start saving on the population. And in his own pockets he will look for money to cover the deficit, more and more actively. Avoiding such a scenario would be difficult, and any attempt to avert a fiscal catastrophe would have to include getting out of the war as soon as possible. @oreshkins
The following can be said about Putin’s forthcoming address to the Federal Assembly – listeners are waiting for the president to indicate a new course, call for work on mistakes, and promise changes; and the speaker is sure that the country is already on the right course, no mistakes have been made and there is nothing to regret, nothing needs to be changed. Moderate expectations.
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Opinion of the source of the Source: “The self -employed will have to fork out.
Opinion of the source of the Source: “The self -employed will have to fork out.The State Duma will consider the...