#DnoNedeli MTS is slowly starting to steal money from its subscribers who do not use MTS-bank. You can’t even call it a scam – exactly what to swipe. Now the account can be replenished only with a commission. Exceptions: through MTS-bank or legs to the office. The petty meanness is that the commission is carefully hidden. If you are used to replenishing your account through the application of your bank (any other than MTS), then exactly the amount that you deposited will be credited to your account. And already 1% will be written off from it. You can only notice it on purpose if you know where to look. The subscriber base of MTS is about 80 million numbers. If everyone spends 500 rubles a month on communications, then revenue growth will be 400 million rubles a month. Not a bad idea from a business standpoint. And in terms of reputation – a failure. It is clear that no one will raise a scandal over 5 rubles. But subscribers will remember such pettiness and an attempt to heat up a penny out of the blue, and the number of users of MTS services will begin to fall rapidly in favor of more honest operators. @nebrexnya
Aeroflot simply soberly assesses the risks. Foreign real estate can always be squeezed out and transferred, for example, to lessors, if it is not possible to agree on something with them. In addition, the carrier’s financial problems have not gone away. Debt hangs. 2 million euros will not be superfluous. @nebrexnya
As we remember, “the whole of Russia will restore the Donbass destroyed by the Nazis. Yes, it will cost several trillion rubles. But this money will be allocated from the Russian budget – even at the cost of a temporary decrease in the country’s standard of living.” Such a promise appeared on the Izvestia website on June 12, 2022. The publication was succinctly titled “Sergey Kiriyenko’s Address on the Day of Russia.” Later, the text from the site disappeared – and the editors announced a hacker attack, but the essence does not change: all of Russia will restore Donbass at the cost of lowering living standards.
One good crop is harvested, and that’s enough. The government wants to retroactively collect VAT from seed producers. Previously, they paid it at a reduced rate, 10% instead of 20%. But now the authorities have remembered that only those who sell seed material as food, and not the actual seeds, are entitled to the benefit. Now they want to charge additional taxes to them, which will naturally lead to problems and the ruin of a number of seed suppliers. And then the next year will not be as fruitful as 2022. To put it mildly. Last year, 153.8 million tons of grain were harvested. In this, such a harvest will not be achieved even without such sabotage against the farmers. But there will be no problems with storing grain in elevators. And now and then storage has risen in price to 50-80 rubles per ton per month. @nebrexnya
Russia offers Central Asia to build a nuclear power plant. Will you have to pay extra???????? Kazakhstan wants a Russian nuclear power plant – this was told in the Russian Foreign Ministry. Moscow is not averse to turning Central Asia into a nuclear region. True, it will be very expensive. The West wants to impose sanctions against Russian uranium, so Moscow is looking for new “nuclear” markets. Among them is Central Asia with a population of 80 million people. “Rosatom” this year will begin construction of nuclear power plants in ???????? Uzbekistan. WITH ???????? Kyrgyzstan is discussing the construction of two mini-nuclear power plants. Only here all all projects rest against one ceiling – high cost. Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan can still afford such construction projects. Although they will require big discounts from Rosatom. And Kyrgyzstan – one of the poorest countries in the region – Moscow will have to make a big discount. Or open another loan. Although for Moscow, nuclear power plants are not so much an economic as a geopolitical tool. After all, nuclear power plants require expensive maintenance and, most importantly, regular supplies of uranium. Russia controls 40% of the world uranium enrichment market and 17% of the nuclear fuel market. So for the sake of big politics, Rosatom is ready to give in. After all, control over the nuclear power industry of the post-Soviet countries is a more effective tool of “soft power” than propaganda or even defense contracts. After all, nuclear power plants are forever.
#Results of the Week The main events of the outgoing week according to #Nonbrekhni: Didn’t work together. Kolokoltsev does not want to pay IT specialists under a government contract, #Nebrekhnya found out. The agreement for 75 million rubles provided for the creation of specialized software for working with departmental financial reporting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Piasters Nabiullina. The EU has arrested $300 billion of Russia’s gold and foreign exchange reserves, but will not give them back to Kyiv, because it does not know where they are. How can you lose or hide half of the gold reserves of a huge country? Goodwill gesture. Russia will cut oil production by 500 thousand barrels per day in March. She herself, according to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, no one asked. Even OPEC +, although they are unlikely to be against it, oil is already growing on this news. Auto industry showed Kherson. The Ministry of Industry and Trade withdrew 3 billion rubles from the program of the Autocomponents Industrial Development Fund. This is about a third of all funding. They will be sent “to the needs of new territories.” Margin call. Yevgeny Prigozhin announced that the recruitment of prisoners to participate in the battles in the “Wagner” ceases. #Non-nonsense was looking for an economic background. Cucumbers dispersed inflation. They entered into a criminal conspiracy with tomatoes and carrots and went up in price. Tomatoes have added 29.59% in price since the beginning of the year, carrots – 21.11%. And among cucumbers, there is a real rally: + 53% since the beginning of the year. @nebrexnya
Private taxes named after the Rotenbergs are not a new phenomenon for Russia. Every Russian pays through carriers for the use of the Platon system – payment for the passage of trucks on the roads. And now, it seems, they will also pay for the use of an emergency response system in case of accidents based on Glonass. #Non-nonsense figured out how it happened. @nebrexnya
The “Ring” Is Shrinking Around Petr Kondrashev
After the court ruled to return 89% of the shares of SMZ to the state, troubles began for those who...