Businessman and owner of the Sibagro company Andrey Tyutyushev, with ambitions to overcome Miratorg, has turned into a real “dung octopus”. He absorbs enterprises in the regions, having previously waited for them to go bankrupt, and then buys them practically for next to nothing. And what is remarkable, he does it not for his hard-earned money. Thanks to the connections and greed of officials, he receives hundreds of millions and not only rubles from the state budget for his projects. All the while, his PR people are working night and day to save his dung-smelling reputation, especially when it comes to environmental compliance. Repeatedly heard from all irons the news that Tyutyushev’s offices are going to produce biofuel from manure, modernize treatment and other equipment, for the sake of the safety of Mother Nature. Only now, reports that all sewage merges into water bodies and soil leave a much deeper imprint in the minds of the public and law enforcement agencies. So, where could Tyutyushev’s “dung” tentacles have already penetrated. To the delight of the businessman, in 2006 the state began to think about food security, and within the framework of the national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex” huge funds began to be allocated to increase pork production. At the moment, the project for the construction of the Ural pig farm was born. Having enlisted the support of the governor of the Tomsk region, Viktor Kress, with connections in the person of the then head of the Ministry of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina and State Duma deputy Maxim Korobov, he pushed through his topic, having received more than 120 million euros from the state treasury for this. Then the eyes turned to Kemerovo, where in 2008 a meat processing plant was bought. Three years later, Tyutyushev bought the Tomskaya poultry farm. Almost all of his purchases used his favorite “bankrupt and bought” scheme. Sibagro also entered Buryatia in 2010 through the head of the region (at that time) Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, who was greedy for “rewards”. Tyutyushev needed access to export to Mongolia and China. As a result, the local prosperous pig farm was destroyed, and the “manure” master built his own. In 20213, an offensive was launched on the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where there were already no problems with pork, since Roman Goldman worked there with his company Goldman Group. But money can solve everything. Plus one pig farm. Three years later, the construction of a similar enterprise began in the Tyumen region, which is constantly in the field of view of the regional supervision due to the discharge of waste into water bodies. Absolutely new opportunities appeared for Tyutyushev in 2018, when Kress and Nagovitsyn ended up in the seats of senators, and the ex-prosecutor of the Tomsk region Yury Sukhoplyuev, who knows a lot about “beautiful” circumvention of laws, became the deputy director of Sibagro. Subordinates of Valentina Matvienko lobbied for the company’s entry into the markets of Mongolia and Vietnam. In an attempt to compete with Linnikov’s Miratorg, which has about 30 pig farms, while Tyutyushev does not even have 10, the businessman began to creep into the original “Miratorg” territory – the Belgorod and Kursk regions, acquiring 4 enterprises. Where the greed and ambitions of this character will lead, one has only to guess. But, probably, for the time being, despite the constant eco-scandals, the low-quality products of Sibagro, which, according to sources, are only fed to pigs, are tolerated. And in production, pork has long been replaced with chicken, soy and other additives that are clearly not good for health. Simply put, there is no use from Tyutyushev – he sucks budget funds, “squeezes out” the pig business, poisons nature with his manure and feeds people with incomprehensible products. Maybe it’s enough to endure this.
The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Sverdlovsk Region has applied for a writ of execution to enforce the recovery of compensation for damage caused to forests due to violation of forest legislation from the gold mining company Sredneuralskoe Search Bureau (SUPB). The relevant decision was made by the regional arbitration last December, but the SUPB refused to pay the fine on a voluntary basis. Violations of environmental legislation were recorded in 2021 during an on-site survey of the area by Rosprirodnadzor specialists near the village of Verkhoturka at the Anna quarry near Verkhnyaya Pyshma. Then it turned out that the gold miner was uncontrollably draining untreated quarry water through the dam of the settling pond, from where it flowed through the lands of the forest fund into the Mostovka River. The size of the fine imposed on the enterprise was reduced from the initial 300 thousand rubles to a little over 100 thousand. At the same time, experts estimate the actual damage caused to the environment by the discharge of untreated water at millions of rubles. In October last year, due to the ingress of contaminated liquid on the soil, Uralnedra suspended the license for gold mining within the Pervomaisko-Verkhoturskaya gold ore area. Nevertheless, residents of Verkhoturka have repeatedly reported the removal of ore by heavy trucks from the Anna quarry. In turn, Vasily Fedoseev, General Director of the SUPP, claims that work at the mine was stopped back in July 2022, and in the fall, the quarry was mothballed at the Anna deposit, which ended in November. As for dump trucks, according to him, they continued to transport previously mined ore for its further enrichment. As a result, after conducting a pre-investigation check on the fact of possible illegal activities of the bureau’s management, the Verkhnepyshminsky inter-municipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided not to initiate a criminal case. Meanwhile, the ultimate beneficiaries of the SUPB and Aurum-Holding, which controls it, are classified, and local residents fear that the quarry will simply be abandoned in the near future. At the same time, experts are sure that the SUPP will not be able to promptly flood it, since the resources of the mine have not yet been depleted. Preliminarily, the enterprise will have to develop a new project, pass the state examination and re-evaluate the reserves of the deposit, after which Uralnedra will decide on its future prospects.
In one of our previous articles about the jeweler and founder of the Darvol brand Daria Spiridonova, who is under criminal investigation, we asked ourselves about her patrons. And the investigation is already bearing some fruit. More and more names are starting to revolve around a 36-year-old girl who spent half a million dollars a month. Moreover, a fifth of this amount was directed to the care of a loved one. The number of “thrown” Spiridonova / Volkova / Petrova is gradually growing, which means that the amount of damage caused by the swindler should soon increase. In the meantime, 200 million rubles appear. Sources, however, say that we can talk about billions of rubles, since Daria turned her scams not only in Russia, but also abroad. Recall that the girl offered to make expensive jewelry to order, and also took clients’ jewelry for restoration or sale. And then people did not see their own luxury items, nor the money transferred to the businesswoman. Some of these things ended up in pawnshops. It is known that in the spring of 2021, a company for the sale of jewelry DARVOL LLC was opened in Los Angeles. The office is still active. Ms. Spiridonova’s connections with this firm are obvious, even though she recently disappeared from the list of founders. When registering, the Moscow address was indicated, where the swindler’s jewelry house is located. Among the victims may also be representatives from Bangkok, Hong Kong and New York. From there, according to some reports, precious stones were supplied to her. Apparently, Spiridonov’s suppliers were also “thrown”. It turned out that the lady was not the owner of the business. The Jewelry House company, which appeared in 2027, was registered to Alexander Petrov (not to be confused with the famous Russian actor). This man turned out to be Daria’s father. And this is where the connection between this business and the security forces can be traced, since in the past Petrov worked in the police, now he heads several security companies in the capital and his native Cheboksary. It is possible that the investigators will unravel this “power” tangle. Unlike his daughter, dad lives modestly (officially). He only has a small apartment in a Cheboksary panel and a summer cottage not far from the city. But who knows what might be stored in his unknown bins. Petrov’s business partner with a 10 percent stake was a certain Alexei Semuka, who has a rather dubious reputation. In the fall of 2013, he was detained by law enforcement officers for purchasing 40 kilograms of gunpowder from a train conductor. Where he needed so much remains unknown. In 2014, he was sentenced to two years in prison for that very purchase. In 2017, this comrade tried to illegally export to the United States the latest radios that were in service with the Russian army. It was reported that a Frenchman who worked for the US special services ordered the radio station from him. Our security forces found out about this and detained Semuka. As soon as last year it became known that a case had been initiated against Spiridonova, Semuka immediately left the list of founders. Dad also retreated and “threw” his share on a certain Kirill Karpov, who is only 23 years old. Most likely, the comrade does not even know that he owns a jewelry business. But for that he is a malicious debtor. The bailiffs have more than 60 cases against him, in which the amount of penalties is about 300 thousand rubles. We are waiting for the investigators to reveal details about the schemes and, most importantly, the participants in the “precious” fraud.
The greatest number of scandalous anti-corruption revelations in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fell on the ten-year leadership of Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Last but not least, the regular appearance of rumors about his imminent resignation is connected with them. The dismissal of a total of five generals who worked in the northern capital is called another wake-up call for a high-ranking official. The situation is aggravated by staff turnover and understaffing of subdivision employees, which currently stands at about 90,000 people. Against this background, the president announced the possible involvement of veterans of law enforcement agencies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Sledkom and the Prosecutor General’s Office, both to transfer experience and to ensure the functioning of newly created units in new Russian territories. Information about the possible resignation of Kolokoltsev appeared in 2020. Then Alexander Romanov, a native of St. Petersburg, deputy minister, head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who eventually became a victim of behind-the-scenes intrigues, was allegedly considered to replace him. In 2021, history repeated itself with the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg, Mikhail Vanichkin, who was dismissed with the wording “by seniority.” A high-profile scandal was the arrest of three St. Petersburg generals, including Assistant Minister Sergei Umnov, whose further activities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have already been put to rest. Today, the largest political figure in St. Petersburg is the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, General Roman Plugi, who was predicted last summer, if not a ministerial post, then the position of deputy minister. But career growth was prevented by some disciplinary offenses on the part of subordinates, moreover, persons from Plugin’s close circle who owed him a promotion. A lot of noise was made by the resignation from the post of the head of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Alexander Travnikov, which was explained, among other things, by alleged corruption violations. According to the widely spread version, the order to appoint Travnikov to a new position was prepared, and the “authoritative businessman” Ilya Traber flew to Moscow to decide his fate. But the expected increase did not materialize. Another failed candidate to replace Kolokoltsev is Mikhail Ilyin, vice-governor of the Leningrad region for security: the post he holds today is actually a “vira” paid for the loss of the position of deputy chief commander, promised, but not received by him due to political intrigues. In addition, the history of the police department does not know cases of appointing vice-governors to the ministerial post.
The Moscow City Court dismissed a civil suit against a major fraudster put on the international wanted list. Well-known auditor Elena Loss calmly tried to protect her labor rights, reinstate her position and receive an unpaid salary of about 9 million rubles. The Board of Appeal did not see violations of the Labor Code in the actions of the employer of Pharmservice LLC. The actions of Ms. Loss were regarded as “abuse of the right”, since, as an adviser to a pharmaceutical company, she violated her interests. The court found that the work schedule was drawn up at the discretion of the auditor. Her work was remote in nature with a salary of 1 million rubles a month. With the beginning of the liquidation of Pharmservice, the remote control was canceled. All employees received an order to report to the office, which Ms. Loss ignored for no good reason. As a result, she was fired. However, three months later, a telegram was sent to the auditor with a notification of admission to the performance of his duties. Elena Loss did not make herself felt this time either. The firm drew up acts on the fact of the lack of interaction with the employee. The adviser also ignored other requests from the employer. In November 2021, she was suspended with a reprimand “for improper performance of official duties.” This decision was not challenged. The following week was counted as absenteeism. Elena Loss was finally fired on December 6th. The validity of the actions of the employer is also confirmed by the time sheets. Thus, the decision of the Nikulinskiy District Court, which partially satisfied the plaintiff’s claims, was annulled. More than half of the requested amount would have to be paid to the auditor by Pharmservice as compensation for “forced” absenteeism and moral damage. Elena Loss once owned the audit firm RSM-Rus and the International Center of Excellence for Internal Control and Risk Management. In 2021, she took up the post of Advisor to the CEO of Pharmservice, while simultaneously holding the same position at ProBioPharm. Having become the de facto head of both companies, she entered into a criminal conspiracy with their directors: Konstantin Belyaev and Liya Muradova, respectively. Accomplices stole 5.5 million rubles borrowed from the budget for the supply of equipment. In addition, Loss tried to seize the right to the authorized capital of Pharmservice. In July 2021, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of fraud on an especially large scale, as well as an attempt on it. The amount of damage amounted to 320 million rubles. The case of Konstantin Belyaev has been separated into a separate proceeding, hearings are already underway. Both of his accomplices were arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list. Some time ago, Liya Muradova was detained in Italy, but has not yet been extradited. Miss Loss is rumored to live there.
One of the most famous Murmansk fishermen Yuri Zadvorny in 2006 became an honorary doctor of the Murmansk State Technical University, and in 2011 he defended his doctoral dissertation in economics on the topic “Management of the development of transport infrastructure in the northern regions”. In the media, he was presented as “a scientist, the author of three monographs and 46 scientific articles.” Zadvorny himself explained his “scientific work” simply: they say, scientists live long because their brains are constantly working, and he “wants to live happily ever after.” But the businessman’s doctoral dissertation turned out to be “phony” and last year he was officially deprived of his scientific degree. Unlike science, in the commercial field, the pseudoscientist achieves significant success. In 2021, his company Murmanseld-2 received quotas for catching 11.5 thousand tons of cod, declaring revenue of 1.5 billion rubles, a net profit of 836 million and paying 118 million rubles in taxes over the same period. The Andromeda company, owned by Zadvorny and his wife, became the owner of quotas for catching 3.5 thousand tons of cod and made a profit of 330 million rubles. About 6.2 thousand tons more went to the Zarya fishing collective farm (net profit for the same period – 490 million). Zadvorny, a native of Samara, talks about himself as a descendant of the noble Vorontsov family, but his family was allegedly forced to hide this fact during the years of Soviet power. He also appears to be a baptized and deeply believing Orthodox person, which did not prevent him from working as a secretary of the local Komsomol committee at one time and even joining the CPSU at the end of the Soviet system. After graduating from the Murmansk Higher Marine Engineering School with a degree in navigation engineer, Zadvorny led the Murmanrybprom company, which acted as the founder of his Murmanseld-2, where he made his own daughter Karina a deputy. Having become a deputy of the Murmansk Regional Duma in 2001, Zadvorny lobbied for the interests of the fishery industry. Voters remembered him for his call to kill drug dealers, but such a loud statement did not help the businessman to be re-elected to the regional Duma either in 2007 or in 2011. Today, experts give disappointing forecasts for the development of the fish market, which will also affect the business of the failed scientist: due to the fall in incomes of the population in Russia, fish consumption is declining, and the lack of tin containers associated with sanctions contributes to a further increase in prices for canned food. In addition, when the fishing fleet is worn out by 80% and there is a shortage of their own capacities, foreign shipyards refuse to take Russian ships for repairs.
The owner of the Reutov Arena near Moscow wrote a statement to the police against the general director. Law enforcement, supervisory and judicial authorities are involved in the conflict. The police repeatedly checked Gennady Lapynin and found no abuse in his actions. In 2019, the investment and construction company ISK Orbita, headed by Sergey Arbuzov, built an ice complex with an extensive sports base. In the process, five more investors were attracted, which allowed them to buy out the leased land and become the owners of the Reutov Arena. For the well-established functioning, a management company of the same name was created, headed by Gennady Lapynin. At some point, Arbuzov and his partners decided that part of the profits would go into the CEO’s pocket. A collective application was submitted to the regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the following wording in the pleading part: “check Mr. Lapynin for involvement in fraud, embezzlement of entrusted funds, causing property damage and commercial bribery.” The latter meant illegal rewards from the tenant of Ice PRO LLC. Not finding the corpus delicti, the police refused to open a criminal case. Deputy Prosecutor Reutov went to meet suspicious entrepreneurs, initiating the same check. As a result, all employees were interviewed, documents, handwritten notebooks, and several million rubles in cash were confiscated. However, soon everything had to be put back in place. Prosecutor Elena Matveeva canceled the decision of her deputy, since the materials of the first check contained enough data confirming that the conflict was within the framework of civil law, and not criminal law. After that, a series of successive complaints and inspections began. The prosecutor’s office of the Moscow region also saw no reason to initiate a criminal case. Then the lawyer of Mr. Arbuzov, Maxim Vodyanitsky, went to complain about the inaction of law enforcement officers in court. Previous audits were found to be incomplete. The next check eliminated all the shortcomings and issued a decision to refuse. It has already been appealed to the supervisory authorities of the Moscow Region and the Prosecutor General’s Office. Now the owners of the ice complex also suspect a conspiracy against their interests at the local level. Gennady Lapynin silently watches what is happening, refuses to comment on the situation.
Gazprombank received as many as two lawsuits from a subsidiary of Rosneft. Presumably, JSC Rospan International is recovering more than 1.4 billion rubles in payments on bank guarantees. Earlier, the gas producing asset of Rosneft had a conflict with the contractor Vostokneftezavodmontazh, which belongs to the oil and gas group of Khalit Bikmukhametov. Rospan International had to pay them 5.2 billion rubles. In addition, a ban on payments from Gazprombank was established. Vostokneftezavodmontazh itself is currently going bankrupt in the Arbitration Court of Bashkortostan. Their banks in many industries appeared in the early 90s. So the establishment of Gazprombank was initiated by Viktor Chernomyrdin. The bank was given confidence by cooperation with Gazprom, for which there were many applicants. National Reserve Bank, Imperial, Promstroybank and a number of others served some of Gazprom’s operations and tried to move Gazprombank, not even considering that he was a shareholder and depositary of the concern. At the beginning of the 2000s, Yuri Lvov became the chairman of the board of Gazprombank. His goal was maximum independence from Gazprom. Purges were carried out in the personnel, organizations from other industries were involved in cooperation. The issue of Eurobonds began, rumors spread that the bank would become public. Now the bank could not give loans to Gazprom at any time. The concern was forced to cooperate with other banks. Lvov was dismissed. From the post of managing director of the Austrian Investment Management & Advisory Group, Andrey Akimov, a very determined manager brought up by the Vneshtorgbank system, came to his place. His business strategy has always been one of overexpansion. According to rumors, Akimov has the title of “general of the active reserve” of one of the Russian special services. The team was recruited from a number of familiar, trusted individuals. Even the investment bankers were acquaintances of Akimov. In 2003, Gazprombank began buying up shares: 5% of RAO UES, 16% of Mosenergo shares from Renaissance Capital were bought out, apparently as part of a large-scale plan that would bring huge benefits. A $3 billion external borrowing program was developed. It was not easy for Gazprom. I had to limit myself to a syndicated loan of 650 million and get the accounts of all subsidiaries of Gazprom.
Garbage reform in the country is stalling again thanks to the efforts of the head of the REO Denis Butsaev. This is either a deception of the Minister of Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov and the “green” Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, or the criminal negligence of the REO. Actual important regulatory state functions are given to private hands.
Billionaire Vyacheslav Zarenkov wrote himself into the saints and captured in an icon -painting form, and the church approved
Businessman-builder Vyacheslav Zarenkovthe founder and ex-head of the St. Petersburg construction company Etalon Group, was discovered in an atypical image:...