Source As a former deputy director of the NPC DP, Vladimir Tikhonov ended up in the dock. The Meshchansky Court continues hearings on the case of Vladimir Tikhonov, former deputy director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology, who is accused of deliberately false denunciation. According to investigators, resorting to deceit, he tried to accuse his boss Tatyana Batysheva of fraud. What prompted a high-ranking doctor to commit a crime, and what he wanted to achieve, was investigated by Versiya.
Neurologist Tatyana Batysheva has authority not only in medical circles, but also among patients. An expert from the European Academy of Child Disabilities at Karolinska University in Stockholm has been treating children for 38 years and has long reached leadership positions, but the competence of a world-famous doctor has been questioned for the second year. The fact is that her former colleague claims that Batysheva placed her relatives, who have no idea about medicine, in “warm” places.
So, in March 2021, Vladimir Tikhonov applied to the FSB to bring Tatyana Batysheva to criminal responsibility for, in his opinion, committing crimes aimed at obtaining money from the Moscow budget. According to him, the staff of the institution included 28 people who actually do not work, and its director receives a salary for them. Tikhonov supported his words with certificates of income of former colleagues, which he illegally received from an accountant, with whom, according to all the same colleagues, he was in an intimate relationship.
The income of the 28 mentioned doctors for two years amounted to more than 18 million rubles, or about 330 thousand rubles per person per year. By the way, a possible relative of Tatyana Batysheva, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Klimov, who defended his dissertation on the topic “Non-drug methods of medical rehabilitation of movement disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis”, is indeed among the employees of the “NPTs”. Klimov works as Batysheva's deputy for medical affairs, which is not recommended by the Ministry of Health, but, nevertheless, is not prohibited.
It is noteworthy that among the “dead souls” Tikhonov even indicated gave instructions for work.
“For what I fought …”
On this fact, a check was launched, during which the security forces went to the place, looked at the surveillance cameras, and also took an explanation from each “dead soul”. After that, questions from the investigation appeared to Tikhonov himself, and soon a criminal case was opened against him under the article “Knowingly false denunciation accusing a person of committing a serious crime.” If proven guilty, he faces up to three years in prison.
Already under investigation, Tikhonov, according to colleagues, allegedly decided to rattle the nerves of the boss and distributed a number of publications defaming her honor and dignity in anonymous Telegram channels. At the same time, offers began to come to the woman's mail with the removal of information from the channels, for a modest 10 million rubles. Whether Tikhonov has anything to do with these publications will be established by the investigation.
“Eternal fidelity”
One of Tikhonov’s former colleagues, who wished to remain anonymous with the correspondent of “Version” he said that Batysheva and Tikhonov had known each other for a long time. At one time, an eminent doctor helped a man to his feet after a severe spinal injury. After that, Tikhonov “sworn eternal fidelity to Batysheva.”
And the possible cause of the conflict, according to the employee, is banal – money. The interlocutor of the publication stated that Tikhonov, apparently, wanted to “unwind” the paid department to the fullest, believing that the parents of sick children would “give everything”.
At one of the last court hearings, the investigator interviewed three witnesses including the “dead soul”, which, according to the sources, Tikhonov could personally know.
Tikhonov, who is present at the trial, denies all charges.