Colleagues from the editorial office of Lisa reported on the appointment to the position of head of the St. Petersburg Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure (KRTI) Dmitry Galkaev. His predecessor Alexander Fedotova member of the road mafia group of the authority of Barmaley and the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Andrey Kostyuk, suddenly resigned and, as it now becomes clear, the resignation is due to the close attention of the security forces. Most likely, in the near future we will learn about Fedotov’s arrest, but for now let’s talk about his successor.

According to competent interlocutors of and the VChK-OGPU telegram channel in the road industry of the Northern capital, she was lucky, because Galkaev is not a protégé of the above-mentioned criminal group. He, rather, has an attraction to the Leningrad region, where in 2014 he headed the State Public Institution Lenavtodor, and then worked at Gosstoroynadzor. At the same time, he was not involved in corruption scandals, and Lenavtodor during Galkaev’s time did not cooperate with the companies of the Barmaley-Kostyuk gang. So there is hope that with the change of leadership, the usual “Barmaleev” contractors of St. Petersburg road construction, like the notorious “Orion Plus,” will begin to experience difficulties in multimillion-dollar theft of budget money to the detriment of the quality of St. Petersburg roads.
One can appreciate the contrast – since 2016, under the new leadership of Lenavtodor, firms from the Barmaleya empire began to join the regional road contractors one by one. For example, Stroykom LLC, a previously inconspicuous company, today managed to receive contracts worth more than a billion rubles from the State Property Committee. Of course, in Barmaleev’s standards this is not money, but this is what is called “vassal of a vassal.”
The company belongs to Evgeniy Vorobyov, and he, in turn, is a close friend of Yuri Knyazev. This is one of the “promising personnel” of the gang. Knyazev began his career in the Rosavtodor division of the Northwestern Federal District, then worked in other districts, and then even became the head of the administration of the governor of the Kursk region, completely controlled by Barmaley’s people – the now former governor Starovoit is the most prominent “top manager” of this criminal group. In April 2022, Knyazev was appointed head of the Federal State Institution “Moscow-St. Petersburg Highway Administration” of the Federal Road Agency, or, in other words, “Uprdor “Russia (*aggressor country)”.
Of course, Knyazev’s St. Petersburg acquaintances immediately flocked there, such as Dor Technologies, Phoenix and the aforementioned Orion Plus LLC, which in April took on a relatively small contract worth half a billion rubles. Well, in the regional fiefdom, meanwhile, the modest “Stroykom” quietly continues to develop budgets.

As the Cheka-OGPU previously reported, the road mafia of the famous authority received an unexpected blow in St. Petersburg Vladimir Golubev nicknamed Barmaley. The Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure (CTDI) suddenly resigned Alexander Fedotov. The official reasons for the departure of the forty-eight-year-old multimillionaire official, who loves to drive around the city in a Porsche Panamera 4, which, of course, is not in his income statement, have not yet been reported, but we can talk about some of the consequences now.
At one time, Alexander Fedotov, a native of the village of Stepnoye Annenkovo in the Ulyanovsk region, was very lucky to study at the Institute of Railway Troops at the same time as Andrei Kostyuk, who now holds the position of Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and is a key figure of Golubev-Barmaley in the distribution of trillions of rubles for the country’s road infrastructure.
Fedotov made a good professional career – at one time he worked in the St. Petersburg Road Construction Directorate, and then headed the Federal Public Institution Uprdor Priuralye.
They say that Fedotov’s return to a leadership position in St. Petersburg was facilitated by his old acquaintance, Kostyuk’s classmate Anton Sukhanovwho once worked at KRTI, and still continues to rob the road sector with the help of Len Auto Trans LLC, which is controlled by him.
One way or another, Fedotov headed the KRTI in 2022 and immediately began placing his people in subordinate organizations.
For example, as we have already said, in the State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest. Companies friendly to him immediately began to receive hundreds of millions of budget rubles on contracts, but the main prize remained ahead. The fact is that in the near future competitions will be held for the repair of roads in St. Petersburg, part of the contracts for which should go to the Orion + company.
This enterprise, which once belonged to the businessman Usov who fled the country, came under the control of Barmaley, and although it actually changes owners, it de facto remains in his “system.” Knocking out a key player – Chairman of KRTI Fedotov at such a crucial moment jeopardizes the “correct” transfer of contracts worth 7-8 billion rubles to Orion.
Interlocutors of the Cheka-OGPU in the government of St. Petersburg report that the sudden resignation of the head of the KRTI is not accidental – in the near future we will hear about the investigation of another criminal case in which he will become one of the defendants.