State Duma Deputy Oleg Matveychev called for the recognition of feminism as an extremist ideology. In his opinion, the activists are destroying traditional values, because they “advocate divorce, childlessness, abortion.” The head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, Nina Ostanina, in a conversation with the Daily Storm, called the parliamentarian’s initiative stupid.
“I don’t know who he calls feminists. But if he (Matveychev) is a deputy of the State Duma, then I would like to ask him a question through your publication. In December 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed the National Strategy for Women. Is he then a radical feminist or not? Is he for feminism or against? How is this to be understood?” – she said.
Ostanina noted that criminals do not have nationalities and gender, the Criminal Code exists for everyone.
“You can’t blame people on a national basis, on a religious basis, on an age basis. What is it that can be reached? An overly stupid suggestion. I don’t know, probably Oleg Matveychev was unlucky with women, ”the deputy suggested.
Earlier, Matveychev said that he had already prepared a relevant bill. Ostanina has not yet seen the document: “This bill has not yet been registered. Give me his number, we’ll look at it, give some assessment.
On April 4, Matveychev, in an interview with Paragraph, called feminists in Russia “agents of the West.” According to the parliamentarian, the activities of women’s rights activists “contradict the presidential decree on the support of traditional values” and “act against the demographic policy” of Russia.
The bill, which was prepared by the deputy, does not yet provide for punishment for this activity. However, in his words, it is possible to “make accompanying bills.” He recalled that the explosion in a cafe in St. Petersburg on April 2 was arranged by feminist Daria Trepova. Matveychev concluded that “in this feminist environment, terrorists recruit supporters.”