BEGINNING: Alexander Starukh: second term of the Zaporozhye governor-swindler. PART 1
Alexander Starukh
Alexander Starukh: The Lost Land
The law allows every Ukrainian, including city dwellers, to receive 2 hectares of land from the state fund for personal agriculture. But everyone knows that it is almost impossible for a mere mortal to obtain these hectares, because this is not allowed by the mega-corrupt machine of the local government, which prefers to divide this land among its own. For example, between the relatives of the governor – which happened in the spring of 2009 in Zaporozhye, when the head of the Zaporozhye district administration, Alexander Oleinik (a fellow party member of Starukha), signed an order to allocate land (2 hectares each) to a group of citizens, among whom were Stanislav Bugaichenko (cadastral number 2322155300:02: 005:0332), Svetlana Bessonova (2322155300:02:005:0330) and Natalya Stinskaya (2322155300:02:005:0331). All three plots, as you can see from the documents, are located side by side – and this is no coincidence!
Who are these people? How did you find out Skelet.InfoSvetlana Nikolaevna Bessonova is the younger sister of Marina Bessonova, the wife of Alexander Starukha. Stanislav Bugaichenko has been married to Alena Vasilyevna Starukh, the elder sister of Alexander Starukh, since 1994 (see photocopy of passport).
Well, Natalya Stinskaya is related to Ruslan Shikhanov, another classmate and close friend of Alexander Starukh, who even went through graduate school with him. So close that in 2008 Starukh took him on as his deputy (directly from the department of world history at the university), and in 2009 appointed him head of the Department for Supporting the Management of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration. Moreover, having become governor for the second time in 2020, Starukh again took Shikhanov as his deputy (the appointment was made on February 22, 2021). The land raiding team is back together!

Ruslan Shikhanov
Why Skelet.Info claims that it is the robbers? There are two reasons for this. The point is not that the relatives and friends of Governor Starukha received coveted plots of land nearby – after all, the law does not seem to prohibit this, although the corruption here simply stinks. But the law states that this land should be used for agriculture, but the sister-in-law and son-in-law of the Old Woman, as well as the lady of his institute friend, did not sow or plant anything on these plots. On the contrary, these plots on the edge of the village of Balabino were acquired for the purpose of development – and this is already a violation of the law! By the way, land in this prestigious area for development cost up to 3 thousand dollars per hundred square meters (300,000 hectares), that is, the cost of these three plots reaches 1.8 million dollars.
But the most shocking thing was that then from the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine mysteriously disappeared two of these plots are those obtained by Svetlana Bessonova and Natalya Stinskaya. This in itself is already a crime, but what are its goals, why do these people erase their plots from the cadastral map, what are they hiding, what scams have they come up with?! However, you will be even more amazed if you find out that very strange things were happening with the cadastral map of the Zaporozhye region at that time. While some pieces of land disappeared from it, others appeared right… in the middle of the Dnieper! No, islands did not pop up in the middle of the river, it was just that regional state administration officials then registered ghost areas right on the water surface.
As the media wrote, land fraud in the Zaporozhye region during the governorship of Alexander Starukh was organized by groups of corrupt officials associated with him. One of them was nicknamed “club for land interests”and it was created by Sergey Sobolev. After all, the Old Woman needed to thank Sobolev for bringing the poor historian into the big people, such is the burden of all puppets and dish-lickers. This group included the head of the Zaporozhye region, Alexander Oleinik, and his successor, Igor Lysogor, an odious semi-criminal businessman and social activist. Vasily Dushny, local leaders of the PRP Alexander Kotelyuk, Nikolai Luts, Vladislav Kutsenko and Vyacheslav Kolesnikov, the then head of the land resources department Nikolai Skichko. They ripped up the areas along the Zaporozhye-Dnepropetrovsk highway especially well. At the same time, they created ingenious schemes, thanks to which all final responsibility was placed on the heads of the village councils. They took into account only one thing: that those who did not want to be scapegoats would then go to the prosecutor’s office to repent.

Gennady Fuks
The second group was formed by the tandem of Governor Starukha and the scandalous Zaporozhye businessman Gennady Fuks. For Fuchs, the land issue has always been acute; he sought by any means to acquire plots both in Zaporozhye itself (for restaurants, shops) and outside the city. The media reported that Fuchs registered a considerable number of plots with dummies or fake companies, and that it was he who was behind the strange ghost plots on the cadastral map.
Zaporozhye coups
On March 18, 2010, Alexander Starukh was dismissed from the post of head of the Regional State Administration, after which he did not have any officially paid work until his reappointment in 2020, that is, more than ten years. Was he really sitting on the neck of his teacher wife all this time, or did he have some shadow sources of income that allowed their family to buy another apartment in Zaporozhye (2016) and a car (2011)?
Of course he tried. From May 2010 to May 2013, he again completed his doctorate, now at the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies. Kurasa – and again did not receive his doctorate. In 2012, Starukh, under the banner of Batkivshchyna, tried to fight for a deputy mandate in single-mandate constituency No. 75, but was received more coldly by the Cossacks. All over the city there were posters calling the Old Woman and a number of other candidates corrupt officials and bandits, and the city residents agreed with this. He received only 15% and miserably lost the election to regionalist Sergei Kaltsev.
And then there was the scandalous year for Starukha in 2013, also remembered by many Cossacks for the fact that then a resonant political conflict occurred in the region, then called raider takeover regional organization “Fatherland”. This seizure was organized by local “PRPists” Alexander Starukh, Vladislav Kutsenko and Vyacheslav Kolesnikov, directly behind them were Sergei Sobolev and Sergei Pashinsky. This was a struggle not just for the party leadership in the region, but also for the party’s cash register – which the unemployed Old Woman really wanted to take possession of. And he got his way and became acting. Chairman of the regional “Fatherland”.

The culmination of the scandal was the publication of the so-called. “Old Woman Films”
As for Kutsenko and Kolesnikov, Starukha’s accomplices in the 2009 land scams, they sought to avoid criminal liability and they really needed the guise of local opposition leaders to shout from under them about “political repression.” However, this coup was not supported in Kyiv; moreover, it caused extremely negativenegative assessment from the leaders of the United Oppositionin which he, in a conversation with Kutsenko and Kolesnikov, speaks insultingly about Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Vitaliy Klitschko, calling the latter a “moron.”
Entry #1
Old women: I’ll tell you honestly that I’m already doing harm, when I called, I needed to get rid of these freaks.
Interlocutor: What about propositions?
Old women: They deprived me of the region.
Interlocutor: Seriously?
Old women: Of course. So (…) then everything is clear, the price is for the reduction, but for Senya – well, I don’t know.
Interlocutor: Senya?
Old women: Rabbit.Entry #2
Interlocutor: And Klitschko?
Old women: Klitschko is even worse. Moron.
Interlocutor: well, yes, moron.
Old women: Do you think a decision will be made? You can imagine, the people make a decision, and just like that, the same faces that have already been seen in Yushch appear, so Yushch, without saying anything, is not a timid ten. The Cabinet of Ministers has come to terms with the control of the great spheres of life. It is clear that then he was already resting on his laurels, what a waste, what a crap, missionism. And some of them will have other numbers, and even those numbers will be a total mess. I want the chaos to be as good as possible, but there is less order, like…
Although Klitschko did not punch the narrow-minded historian in the face after that, and there seemed to be a “ripple” about this tape, for the Old Woman these “Rabbit” and “moron” echoed so much that he himself would be glad if it all ended only with a broken jaw. Because after that they simply forgot about the Old Woman. The second Maidan broke out – but in Kyiv they did not want to see the Old Woman. The old women and Sobolev organized a city maidan in Zaporozhye, but their efforts were not noticed. And therefore, in the spring of 2014, Starukh did not receive any position at all, he was not offered anything! Then Poroshenko and Klitschko celebrated the victory, and Starukh was content with only the mandate of a deputy of the Zaporozhye regional council. And again, he sat for years without a position or official income. The 2019 elections also did not encourage Alexander Starukha, and the new government did not notice him either. Perhaps he would have lived unemployed until his retirement, if not for the fierce struggle of corrupt clans for power in the city and region.
According to journalists, Gennady Fuks played a decisive role in this. In 2016-2019 He got close with Governor Bryl, and even hoped, with the help of intrigues and agreements, to become the next head of the region after him. But it didn’t work out, all of Fuchs’ plans fell apart, and Vitaly Turinok, Igor Palitsa’s man, became the new governor. Fuchs immediately began to develop a rapprochement with Palitsa and even became a member of his “For the Future”. But then Kolomoisky and Palitsa began to lose weight on Bankova, and their protege Turinok was moved to Zaporozhye by new favorites who put Bogovin in the governorship. Fuchs immediately began pump up protest sentiments and prepare the overthrow of Godovin.
According to information Skelet.Info An agreement was reached with him: Bogovin leaves for the post of head of the regional council, and a person “who suits everyone” sits in the governor’s chair – that is, Alexander Starukh. True, in the end Bogovin was deceived, simply thrown out: at a meeting of the regional council on December 11, his candidacy did not get the required number of votes, and then on the 15th Bogovin made that same attempt at “self-election” at a closed meeting, barricaded under the protection of the police and his brother’s “veterans” from deputies of the OPZZH and “For Maybutne” factions. They, in turn, convened an extraordinary meeting on December 17 and elected Vitaly Tolochek as the new chairman of the regional council. At the same time, he received the votes of the “For Maybatne” group in exchange for electing Fuchs as his deputy. But on December 21, Bogovin again gathered his “titushki” and blocked the session. Finally, at a meeting on December 24, the regional council dismissed Bogovin, electing Elena Zhuk (Bogovin’s man) as chairman. The crisis in the regional council ended, and the clan leaders went to the Regional State Administration to negotiate with the new governor, Alexander Starukh. Which turned out to be not at all difficult, because Starukh “worked fruitfully” with some of them back in 2008-2009.
It is difficult to say how long Starukh will remain in the governor’s chair this time. But numerous sources Skelet.Info they claim that his purpose, as well as the removal of the Bogovin, was very closely tied to the theme of the earth. On July 1, the agricultural land market starts, and in the Rada there is a bill on the transfer to local authorities of more than 2 million hectares of state-owned arable land for subsequent “sale.” Thus, a grandiose land grab will take place locally, which is eagerly awaited by both agricultural raiders like the Bogovin brothers and land swindlers like Fuchs. Well, it’s not hard to guess in whose favor Alexander Starukh will play. Surely he will not forget his family and friends again, because now they will be able to purchase at a fictitious low price much more than 2 hectares of government land – and then resell it at many times more expensive. And one can only guess what the Old Woman’s team will do with the cadastral map now!
Mikhail Shpolyansky, for Skelet.Info
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